HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0620 .. 20 .-:'""",-~; T_.~"...______, _...~.~-- - - ,......... ____ _____"T" _1:1 __..1-__ .-& __~~'C'~ ........ ....._'--'" ...._.... -......_~...~ .'l.._ _~'_" ......_ ~_... .,.....~ . ..__ ..~_ ~._~.~. . ~_._._'_..._......... . TO ha.. .n4 to ho14 th. .boye gran,.d Jr..ll.. unto the .a14 part-- of the l.ooa4 part her heltl ao4 a.I180' tore.er. II WI!IISS WBJRIO., ~h. lai4 part i.. ot the ti~11 part haye hereunto .e' thelr ban4a lh. da, ani y..r aboy. .rl't'D. Slgn.4,.a4 Dell..r.d in pr...no. ot: (~ t.wie .tt. L..1I ( B. D. Bd ( I E, B. 1I1nlball (S.al) Marie C. Klnshall (8eal) i STATE 0' 01LlBOJU. COUllTY or TULSl. I RBBEBY CBRTIlY, that OD thi. 27th 4ay ot Sep'ember, 1928, betore m. personally appear- .d B. R. KiDlball and Ka~1e C. HiDlhall, '0 .. known '0 be the pUBon. 4.lorlbed ln Iud who .xeoQted the foregolDS oonveyanoe to Ruth S. Kirby and 8everally eoknowl.dged the exeoution thereot to be th.it free aot and d,.d for the u.e. and PQrpOBea thereln mentloned; 81~ the ..14 ~tl. C. Mln,hall, the wife ot the 8ai4 B. H. K1Dlh.l~ on a separate and private exa.- ination takena nd made by au4 betore .e. ao4 aeparate and apar' from ber IBid husband, elld ac~o.ledge that Ihe mad. hor.elt 8 pert1 to the s81d Deed of ~onYeyanoe,fo~ the purpose ot renounolng, relinquilblng and oonyeying all ber rigbt. titl. and lntereat, w~ether of dower or of eepar.te prQpe~ty, atatQto~7 or eq~ltable,_ln and to the lande thereln desoribed, sn4 tha' she ex.outed la14 d..d freely and volu~tari17 aod withoat any oon.traint. fear, appre- benaion or oo.pulalon of or from her ssid bUlband. i I I , i I I I I I I j f WITlIBS3--1II1 signatare and offioial 8181 at TULSA, in the CO:1!rl'Y OF TllLSA and ~'I OP / " OKLAH~. 'h. 407 "\d 7'" 1..' .~.....ld. ~V L. P. Hell Hotary .publlo for ~ulsa ~ounty, Okla. My Coamisalon Expires ~ept. 30, 1929. ~ rUed -~ and-~eoorded thia 10 day of Oo~. ~. >>. 1928, at 10:274. K. / . ~ (".ct .Se.l >, ',,- , I / .r C'l.\ ,,1 eX\.\- 1't' " (') _'cO "_."'" 0- .. .... ................. P. C. Eldred. ~lerk Clrouit Court By ~~ D.C. ROSB P. nlTnr TO CIn or PORr PIERCI QUIT CLAIM Dlllm !HIS lBD!DTURJ. Jl8de thie 10th d.y ot Ootober. A. D. 1928, between HOB. P. Whitney, 810g1e, of the County of Jlartlo and state of Plorl4a. part, of the tir8t part. and City of Port Pieroe. a .unloipal oorporatloD under the lawu of the ~ate ot I1orld8, party of the aeoont part. V1TBI8SITH, That the 181d party of the firat part. for aod ln oonulderation of the J I aUlD ot TD (.10.00) DOLLlBS 10 hat Jl81d the the laid par~y ot the sloonti part. the reoelpt wher.ot 18 hereby .oknowledged. ha. ~<<mlBed, relea.e4 and qui~-ola~ed, and by theae preaent. doea reaise, ~eleaa. and qQlt-olc~ unto the .ald part1 ot tbe .eooDd part and 1tB suaoeSBora end a881gna foreY.~, all the righ', title, lnterest, olalm and demend whioh the .oid part1 ot ihl!t tirat part baa 1n act to the fo11owl08 d'loribe4 lota. pieoes or paroela of land, .ltuat., lying and belng io the County Ot St. Luoie, S~Hte of florlda, to-wltl Iba w.., thlrty t.., ot Lot. 11.nd 12 of Blook I of ~!~tma~'8 addition to B4g.rtown. aooort1ug to pla~ ot 7rankl1n Ih.ln ti~.d in the offiol of the Cl.rk ot the C1rouit Court ot Brevard ao4 8t. ~ole Coun,~.., I1orlda; I J. u ..ld pl.' now belng . portion ot - -.J ~dll~hl~ the town of rort Pieroe, Belog that part oooupl., by aa14 C1t7 0# P; , Piaro. for ~ ~ '. . . ".. ~ .; ~~~2-~:;~;a~~y:~'