HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0643 L --- '--4:r" . - ~ .. ~~. ._~~ "-- ~-:~...~~~ ..;r.;. 't .__.""'r.......__ .~~._ ~_ ,~......__ _.........'5-'~.t:.. _1>._... _ {. I. . , I , ( , ~a~ ~1 .. ~6__._ ~_ - ........~......-~_....-----<' ~~~~.--_...,....~-=-~. --~~....-.....~~,........-_~..,.. WI~-_'\18n&tur. and off101al seal at J'ort lauder4ale In the Oounty state 01 J'lorlcla t, dQ and Jear la.t ator..aid. ~ Alma R. Witt (Seal) Seal) . Notary Publio. State o~ 'lorida J(r Oolllld..lon .xplre. 8"14-1932 "_.~ // " Fl1.d,andr.oorde~ thlB 12 day of June, A. D. 1929. at 9:37.A. H. i (ot.Ot.Sellll; \ I ~ ;" "-~_/ of Broward and P. O. Eldred. Olerk Oirouit Oouri. B7 ~ 1~. ~) ~ ~'. '0 '"- ".' D. O. t . , . , ~ '/ '. . ., ..................... F'l'. PI:<:RCS BANK & :mrn T CO. ft. TO J. ','1. KO('N Q.UIT-cuur DE:ID KUO'7 ALL J.IEH BY THESE PR~Jm1'S, That the Port Pieroe Bank and Truat Company, II banking oorp- oration duly organized and exlsting under the laws of the State of ~lorlda, with its principal offioe and plaoe ot business in the Oity of Fort Pieroe, Plori4a, aa Trustee, acting in pur- . ~+ suanoe and by virtue of the powers in lt Tested by a oonveyanoe to it from C. O. Braowell and.. ' Ruby Braswell elated the 28th day of Septecbe~. 1926, and reoollled ln the Offioe of the Olerk of the Oirouit Oourt of. Saint Luole Oounts, Plorlda, in Deed BOOk 73 page 409, and a Trust Agraement as to the promisee thereby oenveyed hearing even 4ate with said deed, and by eTery other power and authority it hereunto enabling, and in conslderation of tile sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) oaah in hand paid at and before the ...ling af these presents, the reoeipt whereof Is hereby aoknowledged, and tor other valuable oonslderations hereunto moving, the said Fort Pieroe BftDk and Trust Company aoting as tru~t)e as aforesaid, does hereby remise, release and forever quit-olaim unto J. \T. Koon Jaoksonville of the Oounty of st. .rohns and State ot Florida all that pieoe or paroel of land situate in the City of Fort Pierce. County of Saint J~oie and State of Florida more partioularly desoribed as Lot . lfumberE 20 in Bloolc 2 and 10 in Block Number 7 of Tuoker Terrace according to the plat of s81d Tuoker Terraoe Subdivlalon of record in the office of the Clerk of the Cirouit Court of Saint Luoie County, Flori~the same being part of the premises oonveyed to sald Port Pieroe Bank and Trust Company. Trustee as afore- sald by the above recited deed trom O. C. Braswell and his wife Ruby Braswell. PROVIDED, HEVV~VSS, These presents are made subJeot to all of the following expressed oonditions, restriotions and limitations. applying to the said property. and which condition8. restriotions and limitations are intended to be. and shall be aooeptbd as covenants running with sal~ land, and whioh shall be binding alike upon the heirs, representatives and assigns of the said party or partiea of th~ seoond part and on the party of the f1rBt part, who,by acoeptanoe of~h18 instrW:1ent agrees to abide by, pe:!'form and adhe:l"e to the said C ondi ti ons, restriotions and limitations, aB one of the e~r.BB conditions of these presents, but only for the period ending January 1st, 1935. 1. That no building shall be erected on the said land exoept for private dwelling purposes, exoept uaual and neoessary outbuildings, and that the said dwelling houae exclusive of the bUildings.shall OOEt not. less than $3.000.00 whioh prioe shall not include arohitectural ex- a """1 penses or fees, and shall not inolude~other other olaBs of improvecents save and exoept the aotual material and oonstruotlon OO&t of the Baid dwelling house. 2. 'fh6t not more than one residenoe, together with usaal and necessary out-buildingn, shall . be ereoted on eaoh of said lots. 3. That no unlawrul or izoral use shall be made of the prea1ses hereby agreed to be oon- veyed. nor shall the same be used far any oommeroial purp08e; nor shall the sarm or any part thereof. or any interest therein be sold, released or otherwise oonveyed to any persons other ~--;:~-~h~.-~if.~~?~~ ~~ 0" . ~;, , ,:: _.~~~-."~:~-.~':