HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0650 I 50 .... .'. .'. ....~ - .... ~ ~..........,. ~-.~.. .'. ~.............-...... .~'--"-'"'_ .........~_. . ........u. ____.~ __ . ~"'.A". ~<.A.o< ., ~~_ '. ...~-.~.._6 -.....~,. '_'6' . -'.... ..,~ - -- -- -.. - - -~ --'" -~ _____ _~'_._""T'-..';".........__,. _ .... -,",","","~~.'!". <<_.~....__'... Oarl H. h7 and D. O. Mo])ouga14, relpeotfu.l17 Preslden~ anel Ouhier ot ~ort Piero, BaDk & !'rud Oollp~, a oorporaUon Wlder the la.. ot the State ot norida, ~o III mcnm to be the per. on. de"oribe" in and who .xeouted the toregoing oonw-Janoe to JIlldred B. PoUer and ..yeral17 aoknowleclged the exeou~ion ~hereot to be their tree aot and deed a8 8uoh ottioers. tor the uee. and pUl"poe.. thereill ..nUoned; and ~ha~ they attlxed thereto the ottloial eeal ot eaid oorporaUon, and the said inetrl1lll&nt i8 thtl aot and deed ot said corp.oration. S ~ 8ignature and ottioial eeal at Wort Pieroe, in ~he CoUnty ot St. tuoie 8Rd St e ot :rlori ~he 4a.J and year last at'ore8a1d. o \ . (N.P. set) ./ ;" - =", ~ile4 and redo~d thit 15 { (ot.Ot.Se.\) J / -"../ J. 8. Jaok80n (Seal) . Kotar7 Publlo, S'ate ot Florida at Large ~ Oomai8eion expiree Sept. 9. 1932 ~ ot .July, A. D. 1929, at 10:28 A. 1I. P. O. Bldred, Olerk Oirouit Oourt ."-.. .,1 VPI:~i,~l f' !.('~l ,\ . B7 ~ 1~v D. O. ........e.............. A:iD. M.. POllIO TO QUlt' CLlIM DUD mxs IIfDBB'ftJlm, 1IIadt thi8 16th day of .Tul7, I.. D. 1929 B!'hJ5J51l .&mrA M. POno, tormerly VIII'OD'l G. POllIO thtl wite ~ VIlfCDT G. pOllIe. and now d~ d1 yorold trorr him by deoree in the Superior Court ot Oook Oounty Ill1noiB, CaBe 1188679, and not Binoe remarriM, ot Ohioago, ot the County ot Oook in the State ot Illinois Pftrty ot the first part, and VIIrCEN'l' G. POIl'IC, t01'lD!trIy her husband, and duq diyoroed by deoree ot oourt 88 atoresaid. of ahioago ot th& Oounty ot Cook . in the State o:t Illinois pariy ot the eeoCl1d part, WITlIESSftll. '.rhat the Baid party ot the tiret part. tor and in oons1deraticm of the SUII ot '.ren Dollars and other good and 'Yal\lable oOl'!.sideratione and by order ot oourt oon~..1ned in the abon deoree, to btr in hand paid b)' the saJ4 party ot the seoond nart, the reoeipt where- ot 1s hereby aoknowletged, has granted bargained and sold to the sai'- part- ot the seoond part. ----- heirs and ase1gns foreyer, the tollowing desoribed land, situate, lying and being in the County ot S~. wale, state ot Florida, to-wit: 2he ncrthwes~ quarter ot the Southwest quarter of Seotion 36, TOWl18hip M-South, BaD8e 39, .8~ ot the t.1rd prinoipal meridian, St. ~oie Oounty, Florida, be1ug '0 aore s more or 1e88, and the Bou"\h halt ot the north halt ot the northwest quarter ot the northRst quarter ot Seot 10n 19. t'ownel\1p M 80uth, RaI!8e 40, Eas~. in St. Iuoie Oounty, Florida, being t.,n aores more or lese, and by these presents forayer dlTest8 herselt ot, oonve)'B and quitolaims unto the 8aid VIKCENT O. P()lJIC, all her ri8ht, title and Interes~ in and to the above desoribed real estate, granting the aallll!l unto him in fee 81JDple absolutel)' n J- and torenr. Ii n III WITlUSS 1fHSREOF, 'Ihe laid part)' of the tir8t part hat) hereuntc 8et her hand and seal the ~ and year tirat ~boYe wrl~t8B. Signed, .eal e" and dell yere4 In pr...noe ot U8:) 1l1l4a Kohler 910 Oa.pbel1 Aye. Chioago Herl B. Inks Engle.lde.rIl1inoll, (Seal; .IJma M. PODia ",-~:~"i~~~~~~~~~~ . ~ -;-:-... ~~~:,.~~;:--~=(-..