HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0671 ~ I 71 ~- . ~600&~ ~........- -... ..... .._~~ ..--..o~ ..I.I'""-_....___..-~,...........__ "_. ..__~._ ......._a._ __a-... ~~...~_.....-_ __ ~ ~~ -- - ---.~ ----~._.~~ ~-~~~ -4.~ .,.........~.~.... ~~~ c an4 re,ulatlon. ot .a14 ~toaa Ce.e~.r.r A,.oolation. 'lhe proper', aboYe de.orlbed OaD oDlJ be ~ran.terrecl b~ ~he wrl~ten oonlen' endor.ed ~hore- on ot ~he Seoretar" ot the abo~o A..Gelatlon, who wl11 ..to 'he traalter on the boot. ot the .l81001a'lon, aD4 wl thout 'hi. endone..n' the transter I!lhall be Inya11d. Ther. ehall be no tee tor mating 'hl. tnclor.eBont. 'fOOE'l'HD, wUh all aD4 eingular 'he hn..enh. bere4U...nh and appur'enanoe. ~her,unto b.longi~ or 1n aD7WI.e appert"lIling, an4 the royer.ion ant Nyeraionl, remainder and remaln- der., rent.. iSlue. and protit. thereot. ADd al.o all 'he e'~a'e, ri<<ht, title, Intere.t, pro- p.rty, pOs....ion, olaim and deman4 wha'looyer, as ..11 1n la. a. tn eq.tt7, ct the .aid party ot tho tir.' part, ot, in, or '0 the aboye de..rib.d preal.e., aD4 eyer" part and paroel thereot, with the appurtenanoe.. to IlArJ!: ABD TO HOLD THE S!KK. lU1\o the sald par~y of the 1000114 part, hI. hein and auignB toreyer. IB "ITBESS i1H:mmF, 'rho 88i4 party ot the tir.' paM ba. exeoute<l 'hi. deed by Us Pree1dent, and oaused the ...e '0 be at'e.ted by lte Seorotar" wi~h oorporate ~-al attaohed, the day an4 year t1rat aboy. written. Slgned, sealed and 4eliyered in pre'enoe of: " Brian K. lIoCarty (SUL) A' President ot 88id Corporation. " AU8S~: K. L. Soot, J. li. Saylor Oeo. S. Sa710r (SUL) A. Seoretar,y ot 88id Corporation. (i S'rA'll: OF FLORID.&. COtTlfTY OF Saint Luoie ) J ) On thi. day per.onal~ appoared betore .e Brian K. YoCar~y to me well known a. President at ~tona Cometer" .l"oolation, and who exeouted the toregoing De~, and aokoowledged that he executed the 8ame tor the purpole therein expresled, and in his oapGoit7 as ?re.ident ot ~tona Cometer7 .ls.oolatien. IB 6ITBKSS lHEaEOF, I aaye hereunto attlxed ~ hand and ottioial seal th18 lOth day ot K. L. Soot, (SEAL) Botar,y Publlo State ot Fl~rlda at Large. 117 Commielion expire. Sept. 21, 19~1. '11e4 11th clay ot Deo.lIlbor. a. ~. 19~, a' 9:24 A. K. ~ ~r\ C'r. CT. Stili) J P. C. 3LDB.XD, Clert Cirouit Court. t(/tt / r'c, ;,. , ,. ~ BT L ~ - - ,I ~ .. ...... . . . . . . ............ ::;. UlRIAB W. CASSDS Al'fD BUSBA1ID ~O QUIT-CLlIJr DUD. THIS 11lDERflJRE, _de ~h1s January 3, 1930, beheen Jlarlan 71. Cassens, also sometimes known !'OR'!' PIERCE OIL COllPANY. I rl I LJ as JJarlon W. Ca88ens and Rudolph F. Ca8sens, hozo husband, (who is also 8011l8".mee known as R. F. Cassene), ot Port Pieroe, in St. Inoie County, Florida, tirst par'ies, and fort Pieroe Oil Com- pa~, a oorporation, ot p08~0t1'i08 addres8: Pori Pieroo. Florida. 1800040 party, WIT B E S S B '1' H: Tha' ~he said tirs\ parUes, tor and in oonsideration ot the Su:ll ot One DOllar, lawful money, and other &~ood and Taluable oonsideration, in band pia by the 8eoond party paid to the ~,j.Jlb.~.r. axe.oll... ho1"ee~. 'be :.Oe1P' ~r..~ 1. ho':'b7 .ok,..le~.'. ban re- .' . ..r~ ~~~~~:~~..- _