HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0787 ..... , - - . .... ~~._.-..a................__ v____ .-...__.-........ ..... ....... __. .--...t.......--_....""-____... ___...__._ ~ ..__._-_.._--~--_...- if' I, I I f . I , ! ~~" r-- I r i ~ lS7 .... .~--.. ~ ~ ...-. ~-~ ..__ .. _...... -~.~_~ .A'......_........~~..~ .__ _~...4.._. _..:.. ..............~ .......,. J' ",.._ ,..... I ... .. ~ _ ..... ~. "',_._ ... ~. 'n .. _._-- ~ ---- ..--- - ~------"""--- .-- --..._.~ I i- ~ #4002. SARAH KOL!SBKRO TO QUIT-Cr.&IJl DUD. mDn lfn'l'Olf. !'l' AL. ,.f....,.. Dl , . ,i l, , ! !hie Inden'url. "d, thie 48, ot lfon.-ber. A. D. 1933. between Sarah Holhbers. . widow ot thl aonnt7 ot St. Lnoie and State ot Plorl4a. part1 ot the tir.t part. .nd M1nnle lIew\oD. W1llIftrrled. o,'f St. Lnole COun',. Stab o'f Plorl4a and Kenr1 R. Brown ot Br8Uleboro. WIJdhaa aoutl. 3"t. o'f Tenaont. parU.. o'f the .eooM part. 'Witne..eth. 'lha~ the .a14 part1 o'f tbe 'flr.t part. tor and in oonelderllUon ot the SUII ot 'len dollar. and other valuable oonelderatlone. in hand paid b1 the s.ld partie. ot the .eoond part. the reoeipt wh'reot i. bereb, aoknowledged. h8e remieed. releaeed and quit-olaimed, and b, tbeae prc:onta doe8 remieo. roloc=s cud quit~Gla1~ ~tG the s8id partie. ot the aeaoud part, and their heirs and aD8igne 'forever, all the right, t1tle. intereet, olaim and demsnd whioh the said party o'f the tirat part bas in and to the tollowing desoribed lot, piaoe or paroel ot land, 8ituate. lying and being in the Oount, ot st. Luoie. state o'f Plorida. lo-wlt: 'lhe Xaat 26 !went,-tin teat o'f Lot 7. Blook H. ot Aaron La..'s Plat ot Port Pleroe, .a per plat aooording to the re-subdlvlsion ot 8aid blook ae reoorded in need Book Z. page 701, reoo~e ot st. Luoie Oount" .t Port Pieroe, Florida. SubJeot to Stata, Oounty and alt, of Port Pieroe taxee. r.,. u B1 this Instrument there Ie herdb, oonve,ed a three-'fiftha undiTided interes~ in and to the above described propert1 in and to the said B8nr" R. Brown and a two- .... 'flttha ~iYidea intere.t in and \0 the abOTe deecribed propert, to the said Jf1nn1e Ifew\on. UIll.'lBrried. , p 'lo Have and to Hold the same t08eU,er wUh all and a1ngular the appurtenanoes thereunto be- longing or in anywise appertaining. and all tbe estate. right, tl\le. interest and o18~ whatso- ever ot the .aid part1 of the first part, either in law or eQuit1. to the onlJ proper use. bene- fit and behoot ot the said parties of the eeoond part. their heire snd assigns foreTer. In Witnes8 Whereot. 'lhe sdd party ot the firet pert has hereunto set her hand and seal the da, and year tiret above written. S18ned, sealed and de Uvered in presence ot: :rred Holt.berg X.adore Rubin Sarah Holt.berg (S881) 'U'" l" ~,! ~. State of FLORIDA ) ) Count1 ot ST. wen ) I, an otfloer authorized to take aOknowledgment. ot deea. aooording '0 the l..s ot the gtate ot Plori48. dul1 qualitied and aoUng, Hereb, aerUf7, th8t SARAH HOL!SBERO. . widow, to me ~r- ltonall1 known, thlt cla1 .he aCknowlelged betore lie th8t .he exeouted tbe toregolng need. and I Fu1"ther CerUt" tha' I know 'he 881d person .nlng .ald aoicnowledgment to be the individual de- soribed In and who exeouied tbe saId Qui' ala1m Beed. In ~1'D8se Wberent, I ~.unto .et ~ hand and ottioial .eal. at Port Pleroe. .8id Gount1 and 3rd da, ot lanua17, A. D. 19~. II;l!I \' (Sft'}-_~.:~ , ./ '~J'. P. S , ' '1l.~\ ' -,r8oo~e~ 'hie Dth da, \, ' fC'f. --F~~- Rose Anne MCManus 1I0t.rJ Publio, St.te ot Plorida .t Large. ~ Oomm1seion BXpires Feb. 17, 1~36. _r-"- ot lanuarJ, A. D. 193f. a' 3:30 P. M. W. bl Reo " Ora t'; . er1li6(J