HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0788 -- I I i >". ! f 188 ~ ' _ ___,.H _ ~':~ - - '-- ..- -~-----~-~ -' -.~.. ... ~....... . -.....- .... 1.' _..-. .. , --~~. ~-- - -- -.. ......... .... -~ - .- . ...... ...~ '''';l\.ll}l~ ---~.." ~.- ~.~~....- --, .... - .~..... ~ '-, - ".......~ .... ~ ~.- .......- ~.~. ....,.., ..... c-.~ .....:;.. ~---~~ __~."'S.....~ . "lS03. IIlX HOItl'SRRG to QUIf-CtADI an. mHln BlTOlf ft AL. I !hh Indenhre, M1tdethie 16th de7 o'f lfonllb.r, A.. D. 1933, between JDu HI)Ulhr8, 1711- .. .arr1.d, o'f the Oountl o'f Bronx .nd state o'f 11.. York, pill'" o'f the. 'first pert, and II1nnb lIowtOD, UIllIl8rried, ot St. Luole COWltl, st...te ot Plorid., and HenrI R. Brown, ot !raUleboro, W1ndham Oownt" State ot Vermont, parties ot the .eooD4 part, Witnesseth, fb.d the said part, ot the 'first part, 'for and in oOl18ideraUon ot the sum ot fen dollare and other Y81u~ble oon.ideration., In hand p.id b, the said part, ot tbe seoond part, the reoeipt whereo'f is herebl aokncwledBed, hee relli.ed, rele.sed and qult-olaimed, and b1 thees pr~eentl d~= re=1=~, reles:; and qu1t-olalw unto ~..- "u'= .a1d partiee ot tbe aeoond part, end their heire and assi8ns 'fcreyer, all the right, title, interest, alaI. .nd demand whioh the s81d part, ot the tiret part has in .nd to the tullowiDg de.oribed lot, pieae or ,.roe1 of land, situat., lyiDg and being in the Oount1 of st. Luole, state ot Plorl4a, to-wit: The X.et 26 !wnt,-'fi n 'fee t of Lot 7, Blook H, of Aaron Lae' a pla t o'f }Port Pieroe. ae per plat aooor41ng to the re-.ubdlyi.ion ot s8id blook .. ~eoorded in need Book Z. page '101, reoord. ot st. Inoie Oo'mt" at Port Pieroe, 71orl4a. B1 this inetrument there is herob1 OQDYeled a three-fifth. undivided intere.t in .nd to the .bole described prOpel'tl in and to the s8id HenrI R. B~own end 8 two- fifths ondiyided intereet in .nd to the aboye described propertl to the s8id JI1nnie lIewtoD, u.u.arrled. I SubJeot to St8te, Count, and Oit, of Port Pieroe t8~S. I I' ! . To Han and to Hold tIM .a. together with aU 8ud singular the appurteD8nOe8 thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and 811 the eatate, right, title, tnterest and olaim whatsoeyer of the s8id part1 of the tiret part, either in law or equit,. to the onl1 proper use. benetit ~nd behoof tt the aeld partie. of the 8eoond part, their heirs 6nd .a.igDS forever. In .UDee. Whereof, The 88id party of the tirst pert bBe here unto .et hie hand ltnd 8eal the d81 and ,ear first aboye written. St~ned, 8ealed and de Uyered in presenoe of: KIIx HoD aberg (Seal) Sally QWlrUn Leonard Greene i : state of lie. York ) ) ) Oountl of Bronx ., I, an offio.r authorized to tate aoknowledgments ot deed. .ooor41ng to the l..e Dt the State of Plori4ll, d~11 qual1'fie4 and aoting, Hereb, Cert1t1. that MAX HOmsm:RG, to me per80n- 8117 known, this 481 he .oltnowlel18ed betore IN that he exeouted the 'foregoill8 Deed, and I 1'lU'ther CerUt,. that I know the s.id person making laid eoknowle4gID8Dt to be tbe Indf.v14ual de- soribed in and who exeouted the s8id Quit Claim Deed. In -Una.. Whereof, I hereunto ..t lD1 blind 8nd offio!.l .:Jf~;;.._~~~. o~'i and siate, lhie 15 48, of lIon.ber, A.. D. 1933. I' ~ t!\ It ); /l L) aeal, at 881d I John 11'. j.J-"'e~ JOH! W.~~Wotar, Publio BronxUo, Olerk's 110.24. Regl.ter'l ~o. K. 11'. CO. Olar.'. Ko. 204 Reg. 110. fAlal Commia.ion ~xplree UBroh 30, 1934. 2lA34 t L.. } ~ ~- '- ~~~ .. , --..... ,. - - - . -". ~ Y. - - ,~.. .... ;.