HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0790 - - - ~r" ~#..t+~~ 190 ......--...........~- -_.~_. -- - ...----........ ... ....... ...- . . --, ."....,.-.. w.... '-'. -;--....... . _ T~ __. -...-- .......-. -. t l ~::._~~: '- .-=-:~...;..~.:..~:....._. :.::':':" -- .. :.:: .:. '~ '- ~--.:..::_:'~ --~: "~_-:.:._--~-= ~--'---'_-':':'':'''':.''':: :-_'.~.~ ~~.:.:~~: ~.'~:~-:.:_:.~ ,he u.ee and purpolle. 'herein _DUonid; and 'hd ,hey affixed 'bere'o ,he ottiola 1 eeal ot IIlIid oorporA'ionr and the 88id In.\rument is ~be ao' ana deed ot said oorpora'ion. .Une.. my signature and tffloial .ul at 1few York. 1few York Oounty. Sbh of New York the day and yea~ 1a8t ~torellaId. ", John W. Andrew. JOHN N. ANDImWS, Notary Publio Bronx Co. Clerk's N.. 24 RegIster's No. 21134 R. Y. Co. Clerk's Ko. 284 Reg. No. 41161 Oommi8sion Expires Maroh 30, 1934. a I, I' ~ :.s, Fl1ed6~~~ed I" '''. (' \\ 'i , (CT. CT. SEl\L) \" /'1 ,," ./ ' .. '..... - .- . .- thi8 5th d8Y of January. A. D. 1934, at 3:3a P. Y. W. R. LOt?, Clerk Oi~oult Court, BY alAI rX/~.u/t..c D_C.... I '0 - ~ec O~q Ve ~A,.. --v . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #'505. RUBIlI BROS. INC. 1'0 , Q,UIT-~Lln( DlmD. )(lNNI~ m;,TrON. This Indenture, Made thill 16 day ot November, A. D~ 1933, between Rubin Bros, Ino., 8 cor- porqtion existing under the lawlI ot the S'lIte ot Florida, party.ot the tiret part, and Minnie ,'\ f 1fewton, UIl.IIlarr1ed, ot the Oounty ot 9'. woie and Shte ot Florida, party ot the 8eoond per', WITH!SSETH, That the s8id party ot the tirst part. tor and In oonsideration ot the sum ot Ten dol18rll and other valuable oonsiderations in hand paid b1 the Bald party ot the S800nd part, the reoeipt whereof 18 hereb1 aclmowled8ed, hath remised, relea8ed and qu1t-claiQ8d, and by theBe' presen'. doth remills, release and quit-olaim unto the sald par'y ot the seoond part, and ~r heIre and aBsigns torevor, . two-tifths undivided interes' in and to the right. tltle. inter- est, olaUD and demand whioh the s8id party ot the firllt part hath in and to the tollowing de- soribed lot, pieoe or paroel ot land, ai'usts, lying and being in the County ot st. Luoie S'ate ot Florida, to-wit: Lot 14, and the Wast 25 teet ot Lot 6, in Block "H", aooordicg to plat ot tbe re- subdiviBion ot s8id Blook "H", aB reoorded in Book Z, at page 701, ot the ourren' publio reoords ot st. Luoie County. Florida. being a part ot Governmen' Lot 3. in Seotion 10, ~ownBhip35 South, Range 40 ~st. .. . r .. SubJeot to State, Oounty and C1t1 ot Fort Pie roe taxes. 1\ I, 't j , TO HJ.Vr; Al'lD TO HO:tD the 8fJlIl8, 'ogether with all end sir-8ular the sppurt~nce8 thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, righ'. 'itle, interest snd olaim whatsoever ut the 8sid p8r~y ot the tir8t part, either ib law or equit1. to the only proper uBe, baneti' and behoo~ ot the Baid p8rty ot the seoond part, her heirs snd a8signs torever. IB lfI'l'lf!:SS wm:R":OF', the sdd party ot the tir.t par' has o.used 'heae presenta to be signed in 1tl name by its Presiden'. and 1'. oorporate seal to be sttixed. attested by its [1 ", Rubin..... Ino. By Isadore Rubin President. r . .t.M-~. and year above m-1Uon. , ... ., ~. Ii I ' (Corporah . S..l) ':(CORP. s~) '(' " J.Ueah Ralph RUbin.,Seot, ./' ..... . ___ ... .__1 S1&D1d, ...led snd deUvered in our pres.noe: J. Jl. Hunter l: :~:.!:-;.'t ~ ~~'.-4 . 'i: i~; S1bll aook ~~'.:~ ~ -;~ ~:'.~~~~~~:/;- " ~ --~w =::..::. ~- ::..~-=: ~