HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0834 . ..c~.. '~ __, ......' ~ _. ~~. '" ~ _ .'U< ..0->'''- " , -_w.:~' . . . _.:O-...'-'....--,..,,~~~\IEr.II'II7___~_~_--!I!'I-.__. ___~...... _. .2i..~~._ ~_....'"'_.......____""'~..__~&-.. .-----,..._........-,'-.......~...~."~JP..~ .... _~..._'t_._~.:~~~ 16589. M:ILDRKD CONIBlUR ft AI. TO QUI'f-<7LUlI ~" lid IUKP'I'ON. Thi. Indenture, Made 'he l.t day or JUne in the year of our Lord one thouaand nine hundred and thirty five, between Mildred Conibear. with Joinder bl her huaband, Henry Conlbear, and lilllaa F. H-.pton Jr., daughter and son re.peoti~ely of V. P. BSapton, deoeased: partie. of the fir.t part, and Mae Hampton, widow of said W. F. Hampton, deoea.ed, party of the ..oond part. the said parties of the fir.t and seoond part oompriaing all of the heir. at law of said w. r. Haapton, deoeased. the address of said party of the seoond part being Ft. Pieroe. St. Luoie County, :rlorida, e1tnesaeth, That the said parti.. of the first part. for and in consIderation of the sum of ~n and nO/loo Dollars, and other valuable consideration lawful money of the United state. or Amerioa. to them in hand paid by the said party of the seoond part, at or before the ens.aling and delivery of the.e pre.ente, the reoeipt whereof 1. hereby acknowled~d, ha~e remieed. re- leased. and quit-claimed, and by the.. present. do remi... release and quit~Ola~ unto the said party of the aecond part, and to her heire end assIgna fore.er, all of the following real eetate in the County of St. Luoie, State of Florida, to wit: J.oh OB and no (1 & 2) in Blook 'NO (2) of' OCBAH VID. 8 subdivision in Seotion ONE (1). Township 'llIIRTY-FIVE (~5) south. Range tORTY' (40) Ba.t: Lot. 'NO and THREE (8 &. 3) in Blook E!.EVEN (11), CARLTON'S ADDITION to Pt. Pieroe, Florida; south Half of Lot YOUR (4) in Blook ftELVB (12), CARLTON'S ADDITION to Ft. pieroe, Plorida; SOuth TIXNTY (20) feet of Lot TIENTY-3rx (26) and all of Lota 'l"'IKNTY-SEVKR end T'IEN'l'Y-EIGHT (27 &. 28). K. B. Raulerson's Addition to 7t. pieroe, l'lorlda, and 1.ot no (a) or Canning Company SUbdivision. Ft. Piero~, :florida Toge\her with all and singular the tenementa, hered1tamente and appur\enanoea thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. and the reveraion and reversiona, remainder and remainders, rents. issuea ana protita thereof. and alao all the estate. right, title, interest, separate estate. . dower and right of dower, property, posseaalon. olaim and d8~ whatsoever, aa well in law as tn equity. or the said partiea of the first par\, ot, in and to the sbove desoribed premisea and every part and paroel thereof', with the appurtenanoes. To Ba~e ~ to Bold, All and singular, the above mention.d and desoribed premises, together with the appurtenanoea. unto the .aid party of the .econ~ part, her heira and assign. forever. In .itnaaa Iher~of, The 8ald perties of the f'irat part have hereunto aet their hend. and seals the day and year firet abo~e wrItten. ~ 'I Signed. .ealed and delivered in preaenoe ot: M)Ttle Barkedale Bradford Will1811l8 Mildred Conlbear (Seal) WillilUll F. BaJapton ~r (seal) Henry Conibear (Seal) State or Florida county of' POlk JQlow Jall M8Il by '1'I1e.. Present.. That I, Mildred Conlbear .ite of the above 118Jlll1Sci HenrI con1bear do, by the.e presenta. _de and euouted by me, ..parate and apart fr9il ay .ald hua- band, and 1n the pre..noe of Jl,Jrtle Barksdale a Notary Public of the State of :rlorlda, acknow- ledge and dealars that.t 1 did _ke a,y..U a party to and exeaut.ed the for8g01118 Desd tOr tba PUl'PO" ot quJ.\-o1.a1ll1D8 and oonfty1q laY ..parats e.tsw"ailL dower interest in and to the lands thereln deaorlbed and aran'-d. and tbat I did tbe .... freely and ~oluntarily, and without any I . ~L~!~ - , " ~ -: .~~.":. ;;::;~~: