HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0836 I, 236 .. .. -, . ....._~... ~.....~.~ ~A"" ."... ~~- 2.~ r'" _~~. A .... _-.......-.. .....~... -. -~. ....,. _........., .' . ............. _ . _~ _.' ~..~~._ _ . -,.. ~r __ _..... ~.~______ .. CI ~_~-~.___ _ _."'-_"'~___"','_ ....""'....... .C>..--:-:......l.~~~.~ ----- -.-. --- -. .- ~~- Beglnnina at \be SOu'heaet Corner of Lot 88 ot K. B. Rauler.on's AddlUon to Fort pleroe. thenoe run We.' ~&.O teet to polnt at beginnl~, 'henoe run Nortb e~. 7 teet, \henoe run weat .6.7 teet. thenoe run South G5.7 teet to tbe South line ot Lot 87 ot sald K. B. Raulltrson'a Addition \0 Fort Pieroe, then.,. laat along tbe South line at Lot. 87 and 88 to the pOlnt ot beglnn1ng. AND Lot 8. at Canning Cola. Addltion to lort P1eroe, a. per plat thereat on tile in plat Book 1, at page 190, at the pUblio reoord. at St. Luole Qount1, Florida. KXCBPTING 'tbn-etrom the Ea.t 10 teet thereot deeded to CUy at Fort Pieroe. TO HAVE All> TO HOLD the lame, together w1 th all and singular \he appur\enanoes thereunto belonging or in anywlse appertaining, and all the estate, r1ght, title, intereat and olaim what- soever or the sa1d party or the tirst part. either in law ~r equity. to the only proper use. benetlt and behoot ot the said party ot the seoond ~~r', 1ts suocessors and assigns torever. IN WITNKSS wm.mEO:r, 'l'he said party at ,~~ tlrat part baa hereW1to eat her hand end aeal the day and year t1rs t above wri twn. " Mae H8IIp~:>n (Seal) Slgned. oealed and dellvered ln pr~..nce ot: hank H. Fee Edith W. Huoke S ta 1ie ot JPLORIDA. Coun ty ot S'l'. LUCIE I HEREBY CBRTIFY, That on thie day peraonally appeared betore me, an ottioar duly author- ized to adminiater oa tbs and take aoknowledgalenta, JUB HAIiPl'ON. a widow to me well kn01l11 to be the person desoribed in and who exeouted the toregoing instrument and she acknowledged betore 118 tbat she exeouted the a.. freely and voluntarily tor the purpose. therein expressed. WITNESS rrq haad and ott1oial aeal at Fort Pieroe Coun\y ot st. Luoie and state ot Florida, this .1&-'6..day ot July, A. D. 19~. /"'''\ i (N. P. SEAL) (Seal) 'I,: . ::' '/ -:.-" Bd1th I. Huoka .olary Publio, State ot Florida. My COJa1ssion Bxpirea 6/30/36. this ,13th day ot .July, A. D. 193:), at 9:10 A. II. ~{Ol . W. R. LOT'l" , Clerk Cirouit Court, ('0 4"-<7 fJcf;v P A;~'D.C. J,.,- BY ~4"';. ~q {IQ' Filed and'reoorded 4"~'" f' I.' '- .. r, ~:(CT. CT. SEAL) \, 't .~ - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - H6652. ~UREI.I~ TEAL TO QUIT-CLAnl DlmD. J'03EPHI!lE BACKUS. This Indentura, Made thia Ninth day or .July A. D. 1935. between Aurelia Teal, widow, of the County ot St. Luoie and state ot Florida party ot the tirst part. and Josephine Baokua, widow or the Co~~ty ot St. Lucie and state ot Vlorlde party of the s6aond par., 'I~~Td, That the said party ot the tirst part, tor and in consideration ot the sum ot Ten dollars and other valuable oonsiderations Dollars in hand paid by the 8aid party or the aeoond part, the reoeipt whereot is hereby ackr.owled~d. has remised. released and quit-olaLmed. snd" thele presents does remise, release and qult-ola~ unto the said party ot the se40nd part, and bdr heirs and a8signs tore vel", all the right, title. interest, olaim and demand whioh the 881d I I ~t \ ," . .!' t .c 0, .; ,~I i '1 I .,.. 1>-..:, ~ ,.j I ~J .'J-~' + " . .~, .f ) T __i' " ~'. . , , , '~::::::'<"._",:'