HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT - 3-11-190312512019 08:13 B&W TAX)772 5691063 P.0011001 planning & Davelbprnent servoces BuIlding & Code »aauflatfolr DIV1161013 2300 Virginia Ave Fork Plerce, FL 84982 172-452-2172 FaX 772-402-644S CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION ION SOIL TREATMENT SCANNED St Lucie County P1=RN{IT # : o Flo I �aaR S: BPILDER-/CON RACTC7R; PEST CONTRC L CONTR AC.TOR: gvjqTA-9u6 TEf2MITs & PEST CONTROL INC. PEST CONTRC L. LICENSE #; J117577r, We, the underslg d, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean ternifts In accordance with the standards of the National Pest control Association. Square feet if are4 treated:.2d (5, Chemicals used: DOMINION 2r Percentage of soil Lion: -05% Total gallons used: Date of Treatmen : h Time of Treatment: 9 .. __.. Eab —151` eatment ill Treatment _ate- neat _Re -Treat ;,.._Driveway ,.-paols 1°t eatment ,. j-1- 1.6� Treatment _ate- eat Re -Treat Other _..._Perimeter for final Inspection IA reatment --Re- at Z,7wiment, 'exterminatorNote., 7haremust e e completed formfor each requ/ or re -treatment and this rbrm most be on tha,ob ;site to. be p/cked u by the inspector at time of each Inspectlon or the scheduled Inspection will fall and a re-lnspeatlon fee charged. FBC104.2.6 e ofProledlve 711vatment thr prevent/an oftermAW, A wea�tharres/starrt jabslte posting board CW i shall be provlded im ve dupllcaM Treatment t erdflavia as each required protecdve &wtmentIs completed,, provld/ng a copy ro the person the permltis Issued to and another copy for the bul/ding permlk illox 7W Treatment' CelilRcaie shall p ,de the product used, Identity of the applla ft, time and datse ethe treatment slur laaetloa area i treated, chemlcal ed, percent concentration and number ofgellons used, to esteb/Ish a verftbhe record of Prv&-d1VL-&Whn01t If dye ,loll chemical battler melihod for termite prevendon Is mady l7m/ ardor trea&wnt shall be completed pllor to flnel bullding approval. St Lucie cwntv requires fbc the final Inspecdon fbr coo, a Permanent Siticlm r t0 be placed on the electricai pi Inel boa cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications.