HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0892 ,'292 i, ~. ~ .- ~ _..,-~ I I :; - ~~.....-"'. -~~ -.~ ~ ...~~. ~..~, .-~ .-~..._~_.. ~}~ -,~ -~~~_.. ....._~w.~~....'...-......._....___....."'a.~'. .............- ~ .... ~.....__ .s..- r. (Corporate Seal) NORTH ST. WCIE RIVm DRAINAGE DISTRICT By N F Enos r President I Attest: S. 'to Signed, sealed and delivered in our presenoe: State of P'LORIDA County of ST. LUCI~. ) ) ) I HSREBY CKRTIlY, that on this 2nd day of January A. D. 1937, before me personally appeared N. F. Enns and S. F. Overstreet, respecti7ely President and Secretary of North St. Lucie River Drainage Distriot, a corporation under the laws of the State of Florida. to me known to be the parsons described in and who executed the foregoing conveyance to Annie M. Kohn and severally ac- blowlcdged the execution thereat to be their free act and deed as suoh ofticers, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto the otficial seal of said corpora- tion, and the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITN~ my signature and oftlclal seal at Fort Pierce in the County of St. Lucie and State of ,Plorlaa, day and year last aforesaid. \, \. (N. P. ) Curtis M. James (Seal) Notary Public, State of Florida at Large. My Commission Expires Dec. 25, 1937. BY C/dpJrfj f)~/I.-<-/D.C. ~ .~q, ~.... ~~ ~t::- 8 ~q; I) -" _ .4 Fil~d'a~~~corded .-:". ._~~ \' (CT. \ ..........-.;;c this 2nd day of January, A. D. 1937, at 11:50 A. ~. W. R. LOTI', CLERK CIRCUIT COURT, 1882". HOR'lH fJr. LUCIE BlVD DRURAG& DIsrRIC'1' '1'0 cm.-'l'-fUDI DUD. f1!. LUCIE COUR'l'Y. r, I I lfbla Indenture, Made thh 3lat d8)" ot DGo_ber, A. D. 193&, Between HORTH Sf. LUCIE RIVXR DBADfACE DIS'l"RlC'r a corporation ex1etlng under the law. ot the State ot ~lOr1da, party ot the tirat part, and COUlftT O~ m. LUOII, State ot Florida, party ot the eeoond part, Witn8saeth, That tbe said party ot the tlrst part, tor and in oon.ideration ot the sum ot One Dollar (11.00), in hand paid by the said party ot tbe aeoond part, the reoeipt whereot is hereby aelcnowlec1aed, hath re.hed, released and qult-olabled, and by these presents doth raahe. reI_De and qultolabl unto the Bald party ot the seoond part, end its suooessors and assigns tor- eTer, all the rlg)R, t1 tIe, interest, olai" &D4 deand whloh the llaid party ot the tirst part ,- 8i tuate hath in and to the tollow1D8 de80ribed lot, pieoe or paroel ot land,/17iD8 and being in the Count, ot St. Luole State ot norlda, to wit: Beain at state Road Bo, 8 in Seotlon 2g, Township 35 8outb, Range S9 laat, at tbe Baat liDe or clralnqe oanalrlaht at -1', I'UD Borth thloup Seotiona 89, 20, 19 1;0 "-r."\8r ot Seotion 8, all In 'l'OWD8blp S5 South, Banse 39 Bast, to internot with State Road . ao. lea; thenoe ~ Waat "0 teet; thenoe 1"Wl Soutll th1'OU6b. Hid Seot1()na 8, 17, 20. q4 eg to the point or baa1n.It"'._ 1'IM fo.'('eao1D8 18 conveyed aa r18ht ot -1' ezolual Te17 tor Oounty Road. I . -~-~-~-~r~~~::~t'~:~_~~.;.~.!. ~.~';.:..~