HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0970 37() I ..- J"I ~ ~~~-"""""-".....- -....-----.-......~.~ ----..- "'~-.'L'L_ """......I~..-'.-............#........-. - - ..~._".., ~~.. ... _.... ~~&a- _'-_ ......., ~~ -- -- - -.... '--- --- ~W_ b1 Ule.. preunt. doe. rea1u,rele... and 'lul'ola1a un'o ,be uid parti.. ot \he ..oond part, \hell' heire and uaigna tomer, all \he risJl'. una, interest,ola1a and dellaDd _toll the ..id party ot tbe tirat part a. 1.1qulda1or ator.aa1d baa 1n and to tha' oerta1n proper~ in t.be COWl'y ~ at.Luo1e and 3'a'- or .lorlda .ore ~t10ula1'11 d..or1bed a. tollOlla, ~-1Jit: Lou l-~-5.a-V- ad 18 or BlOak 11, in CarUlOn'a ~ddltion to the C1ty ot :Fort P1eroe. together wlth aU and al118ular the land.. Mnementa, hered1-.t.,and. a:ppurtenanoea thereunto belonging, or in 8111111" a:pperta1n~. Md every :pert and par\1el the nor . 'to HAft AND TO HOlD the ea1.d de.oribed prem1aell .aol1 and enry, unto the sald parUe. or the aeoond pert. their beira end a..1go. 1n tee a1l1ple, abaolute, lndetea81b17 torever. AND the aald party of the tirst part'. .. auoil liquidator .toreaa1d, tor h1llaelt. hia .uoceasors and as.ign. warrant. 'he .bo.,e de.oribed prema1e. and aD)' part and t~thereot unto the ..ld parUea ot the ...00D4 part, Ulolr beira end aaaigaa,a.salna' all and an1 person or per.ena lIhOlUJe"er. lawful17 olalm1ng or to olaw the ..e bJ, trom or under him. Mld aball and will warrant. and b7 'hese presents. w111 eyer detend au<<! ola1aa. '!HB CONVEYANCE 1. made aubJeot to: eU out.tanding 'axe. and aSHsement.. I'f IS DISTINC'fLY UNDERSTOOD. howenr. 'ha1; ,be Hid J(.~.SIa1'h. in ,be exeouUon ot thl. quitola1a deed. aot. .olely 1n his oapao1\1 a. Uquida1ior ot ~RT PIKRCR BANK. a Plorida oorporation and in no wi.e blnda h1Juelr in hl. indiyidual oapecl~, l' bft1ng d1aUnoU7 unellu.tood and agl-aed that the aaiel JI.A..SIa1\l1, mall 1n no n~t be liable to anJ' calaia or aotion 1n hia 1ndividual oa- pac1 tJ' 011 aooo:an\ or the oo.,en.an t. herein oon 1&1 ned. D WI'lW:ISS WHBRBOI'. ~e _lel II. A.. SlUm. as Liquidator or :FOR'r PIXRCX a.uUt.ha. hereunto set Illa hand l!lD.d &eel ~ 17 day or March, A..D.1V38. Signed. 88ale4 end deU.,end 1n \ue prellenee or: KHn Gta\ lye1' Rarr1e\\a C.B81eon JI. A.. 9Ia1 th (SIUL ) .... Liquidator or :Fort Pieroe Bank. STA'rB OF FLORIDA. COUNT'{ 07 ORANGE ) ) SSe ) I, an ottioer authorized \0 ~e ackno.le~nte.hereb7 certify that OD this 447 peraonallJ' appeared before 118,1I.A..aa1th, _11 mown ~ me. aJlet)mown ~ me \0 be the indiyidual de.orlbed In and who e:uout.ed ,he tor<tgolna "11\01.&1. deed ot oonyeyance end \hat he acknowledged betore _ that he exeouted tne toreg01ng qu1\olel. deed a. Uquldator of :FORT PIERex BANK. a norlda oorporation. for the purpoaea 'hereln expre..ed. n'l'NESS ., hand and otf1oial :eal, Ul1a tn. 17 clay ot lI&roh. A.D.lW38. 111 the State and .:County ato reaaid . " ~ t Barrie\'- C.2e1aon IIotU'Y Publio. s~_ of :r1or1da at Largo. III o~l.a1ClQ ex:puea: llUoh 17. lV~. Rotary SeI1. -, . _-c' "-. r" _.r ",~- P11ed aDd reoorded thla 18th daJ ot Jfarcb, A..D.1938, a' a:50 ~.IL ~~ {"~ :t' Q' ~ ., ~ I: ~IB . C'f. SBAL W.R.LO'IT, ~ cmcurr ~t1l'f, '\,.< . . BY cu.y.....v ..-ir~ D.C. - - - -- -..- -~.-.-. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l- -~ --~_. .- .-~-~~~J--.z-=.;.,~~:,~~. ~_' .~;:; " -'.-,....--r--- - --- ., -- - --L _.. -..__.~ ~ I I f1BI'l