HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1032 L---.~. 432 -. ..-.---.,--..-.... -..--- ..--.. --_......-~-,-- _.- ...----_._......._~.._-- -.-....-- ....-.----.---.---------.... ~___ 4'& ~~~ . -~.~- ~ ...... _a~.....__......._ ....~.... ralle.....-.........- _.. ~~__............~ -. ._......-...-........ _-.&&~""-~ ~..._.........._~.~~t ,~_ .A'...-..... .........-. ........_ '__ ~_ .....~. '""'-, _..::s- ~ _. '" ,) - . ....-- --- _.- \ AND I l'URTBIR OBR'l'DT, '!'hat the sald lI6rgarttt O. Moou, known to _ to be the wit'e ot the sald Zrnest L. Moou, O. W. ~, W. B. 'l'11ton, on a aeparate and priTate examina- tion, taken and made by and betore _, aeparately and apart troll her said huaband, did aaknow- ledge that she exeouted aald inst~t freely and Toluntaril1' and 111. thout sIlT cOllpulsion, con- atraint, apprehension or tear ot or troll her aaid husband. 'I ~S rq hand and otfioial aeal at Stuart County ...~~ ... this 21at d,;-ot No~)er, A. D. 1938. l' . ' ~ ~ f. ' ~ '- (N.P.SlW,J ~ .\)-. ~,. ',,,,p ,..,., ;, ~.. ot Martin, aDd State ot Florida. ~ R. lIoC'ord. It P. (1'<:a. eX]) res Kay 16, 1 O. Filed and reoorded this 2Dd de.y ot Kay, 1939, at 1.: ~ P. M. ,-,'- - ...~ ..'. ~-'. " ", " , '" " ~ w. R. ~t CLXRK CDlCUlT COURT, BY_ J/J.~ , .,0 .~\.v ~c,< ~~ 0"- c ~S' ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t127~ AlmRICAN LEGION, POST NO. .ftO. TO QUIT CLADI MED P J..NA&d'ON ESTA'l'J'.S. DIe. 'l'HIS IND!tmJRE. :Made this 4th clay ot Kay A. D. 1939. between Stephen N. Gladwin Post Nwlber 40 ot the Amerioan Legion, a corporation u1ating \lDder the laws ot the State ot Florlda, party of the first part. and ~~il Estatea 1m., a oorporation ex1stiJlg under the l8W8 of the State ot Florida, with its principal plaoe or business at City Point. County of Brevard end State ot Florida, party ot the second part, WI'l'm'.SS:E'J.. That. the aaid party of the first part, tor and in oonsideration ot the 8U11l ot One dollar and other Tal.uable oomideratioD8 in hand paid by the said party: ot the seCOM pert. the reoeipt whereot is hereby aOknowledged, hath remised. releaaed and quit- claimed, and by these pre!lenta doth remise, releaae end quit-olaim unto the sald party of the seoond part. and ita SUCCe8S01'S, and uaigns forever, all the right, title. 1ntereat, claim and demand which the sald party of tile tirat part hath in and to the following desoribed lot. pieae or parcel of laid. aituat4t, lying and being in the County ot St. Lucie, State ot Florida. to-wit: I COIID8no~ at a point 166 teet :Eaat ot the Southeast corner ot Lc(" e of Blook 1 or Jones B/D, aa s8IIle appears' on plat recorded in Plat Book 2 page 5 ot St. Luoie County, Florida publi9 records (said point ot OOIllll8DOement being a Southeaat corner ot the property dellOtilJed in Deod Book 45, page 497, St. hi. ie County Reoorda); run thenoe :East 280 teet to :East line' ot Bulkhead 01' Fill; run theme Hortber1y along the East line ot said Bulkhead or fill 50.1 teet to pl)int ot beginning; 1'W1 thence Hortherly along :Eaat line ot aaid BuUbed, or l'ill 50.2 teet; I'UD theme West ~ t.et alou,g tile oontinuation ot the North 11m ot Lot 5 ot BlOCk 1 ot .r.ea' s/D as the a.. appears at page 5 ot Plat Book 2; thence run Southerly 50.2 teet JIOre or le88; thenae East to point ot beginning; together with riparian righta. It ! ~~. :'-';~::":>.'~~~~~:;= ~~-~;~~.~ i 4_;>~:~5~~. ~.{':.~::;~~~~~7~ ~t ~ '