HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1080 [. ~--=--_.~--- 1480 .. --. -~---_._- ._'--. ....-.-~....,.r-.. -~ .-..--....----...-.- ,---~. --- ...--...._ ..__ ...,.- ~. .-- ~~. &.... .. .....,;";,,a--.. '.6' ,,.. ~ ~~.,. "., -~---~~""-"'- ~... ~ ---~---"~-"":---""'-, .-.--......-.,.-~~~""Il"'"~~~~~~~~."-.. 4........A.~....--. ~ ~~~~~~~~___ __..___~. _,.-",~._"",,~'q.:~.-v!''''~~~.~~ A right-ot-way and easement 50 teet wId. in Seotion 28, TownshIp M South, RaD8e "" kat, 1n St. Luoie OOWltJ', 7101'1da, desorlbed as tollon, to-wit: Beglnnlll8 at a po1nt 156.65 te.t North ot the quarter oorner between Seotlons 88 and~, Twp. 3~ S., R. 40 .... thence Bast on ourb 11ne, 1125.6 teet, to the Weat right ot way lin. ot the oountJ' road known as the old DIxie H1ghwq; thenoe Nol'th .esterly along aald west right ot way lIne ot old Dixie HlghW87, 53.3 teot; more or less; thenoe West on ourb lIne 1106.6 teet, more or less to t eeotion lIne; thenoe South on t aeotion lIne, 50.0 teet more or less, to point ot beginning, and oontalnlng 1.28 aores, more or less, and beIng a st.rip ot land 50 teet in wIdth extending trom the atoresald t section line to the old DIxie Highway. I It is understood .that the State Road No.4 or New DIxie Highway Is to be widened or a new looation obtained theretor and that in the event additional right ot way shall be required over, aoross and upon the property above de- soribed. this deed shall not be oonstrued as releas1ng or relinquishing any rights to such ot said above described property as may be deemed necessary tor suoh pur- poses. To HaTe and to Hold the same, together with all and singular the appurtenanoes thereunto belonging or in anywhe appertaining, and all the estate, right, title. interest and olaim what- soeTer ot the sald party of the tirst-part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benetit and behoot ot the said party ot the seoond part, its heirs and assigns torever. In lUliness Whereot, the saId party ot the tirst part has caused these presents to be signed in its name by the Chalrman ot its Board ot County COlIIIl1.ss1oners, and its oorporate seal to be affixed, attested by its Clerk the ~ and year above written. 4"- . '-"~ I ( Corporate Seal) -i"" ~' , i r " .~ COUNTY 01' ST. LreD, n.oRIDA. By H. B. Center A.s Chairman ot the Board ot County Commissioners ot 8aid county. Signed, Sealed and in Our Presenoe: (OO~ COIlllTSSIO,~' SEAL) ~ /' . Delivered --~- W. R. Lott ClerkClrcult Court St. Lucie county. Florida, a8 Secretary ot Board ot County CODIJl1ssioners ot sald count)-. W. C. BaWtt Ella 1fh1ddon State ot Florida, County ot st. Lucie. I Hereby Certify, that on this Sixth day of December A. D. 1939, before me personally ap- peared H. B. C.tnter and W. R. Lott respeotively Chaiman and Seoretary or the Board ot County CO~i8sioners ot St. Lucie County, Florida, a corporation under the laws ot the State ot Florida, to .. )mawn to btl the parsons desoribed in and who exeouted tl'~",' roregoing oonveyanoe to San Luoie Bond & Mortgage Oompany and severally aoknowledged the execution thereot to be their tree aot and deed 8S such otrioers, tor the ....8 and purposes therein mentionedj and that they aftixed th4'reto the otfioial l\8al ot said oorporation, and the sald 1!l8tl"\.lD!lnt is tile aot and deed ot salci oorporation. Witne.. my .ignature and otfioial .eal at Fort Pieroe in the County ot st. Luoie and State I ot ~loi.lda -tbe\c'la7 and year last atoresaid. ':'\ i (N. P. SW) rlle4"cl2~ thi8 6tb daY' ot Deo8Riber, . .\ .. ~ tCIR. CT. SB~) ~ < Blla Whiddon (Seal) Notary Publlo, State ot ~or1da at .~ Large. 117 oOlllll1.Bsion expire8 NOT. 5, 19"". A. D. 1939, ar 2:40 P. U. l?' e~"""'dh v er;.,. IF''' \. .. R. LO'l'T, CL!JlK4IT COUllT. By Cld,i) rT-. c ~ ~ . ,~ . ~ . ,;::~!~~~?~~:~~~:~~-~::~~~~r_,~ ~:r' .;:~:..~. :J ~:'. >_:~.-.~.4: ~:_ ~...~:..~;; .,: ~_ ~~::~~.:)~ .-.> ~t~