HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1101 ~_'tL~ ....-- , I I 501! I _:: " ,-- "--.;:.~--~ deaDd whioh the said parties of the f1r~t part haY6 in and to the following desoribed lots, pieoes or parcels of land. e1tuate, lying a:1d beina in the County of St. Lucie and state of .".."-~.a:~-.~'~..,~. ~'''''_____'.P_'-'''__ 4 I ; I i , I I 1.::.:-:-.:..-:---:-- -- ......L. 1.-' '~ -~...~--- -- . _._ _'--4_- . It._ ....~~,..... -,. ~ P_..........._~.......- I.. 'u , t Florida, to-wit: The N.3/t of the W.1/2 ot tbe 1.1/2 of the N.I.l/t and the S.75 tt. ot the IN.E.l/t of thl' S.E.l/t of the N.!.l/" ot Seotion 12, Township 35 SO., Range 39 East, excepting, howeyer, rights-of-way for pUblio roads and drainage canale as now laid out. fI,.' t The purpose ot tbis deed is to remise, release, quit-ola~ and disoharge any interest ot any nature 1IIbatsoeyer that the Jl8rties of the first part hereto may ha.,.~ by reason of that oertain Master's Certitioate for drainage taxes issued in the oase of North st. Lucie River Drainage District by F. u. McMullen, et al, YS. Th0ll88 W. Hulsey, et al, lately pending in the Circuit Court of St. Lucie Uounty, Florida, in Chancery, and the parties hereto warrant and oertify that they are the owners or said certitioates and that said certiticates have either been lost or misplaoed, and it is the intention ot the parties hereto tc satlofy in full aD1' lien, olaim or other interest of any nature whatsoever that may exist In their favor by reason of said certifioates. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the s8Jlle, together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever of the said parties of the tlrst part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof ot the said parties ot the~8ecoDd part, their heirs and ass1gns foreyer. IN WITl€SS WH:!REOlP, the said parties ot the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first -- "'\ \ (CORP.SEAL) above written. TEE &. LIDDON CQKPA}.'Y, (Seal) By Frank Fee Its President. A1'ttest: . , , '-. Ka!Jaret Fee ts Secretary. Maizie Emmett Reynolds Harry Reynolds ( Seal ) (Seal) Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of W. C. Baggett Ada L. 'l'yre STAT:! OF FLORIDA ST. IJX IE C 0UllrY ! i - I, the undersigned offioer duly authorized to take and certify acknowledgments ot deeds in said State and County, hereby oertify that betore lIle came Frank Fee and Ilargal'$t Fee a8 Preaident and Seoretary ot Fee &. 1.iddon Company, a corporation under the laws of the State of Florida; that sald persona 80 appearing before ae are the ind hiduals and the ofrioers atorenaaed ot said oorporation desoribed in and who exeouted the foregoing deed; aDd that th(')n and there said indirtduale as said otficers aoknowledged before me that the 8eal affued to said deed 18 the oorporate seal ot 88id oorporation, that 'their na.I18S ortiolal17 ar~ by thaa reepeotiyely 8ubscribed thereto, that 8aid deed was signed, sealed and delivered by said ~o~tlon in the presence of two subscribing witnes8es pursuant to laws and that the S8lle 18 the tree aot and deed of said corporation. '0" ,'.',', ',--~,. :-- ~ ! ,- ~~~,<<~:}~~~: :.~ .;~~~:--;CP~~-. _.! ,:~.:'~~;~~'.~~::~~:~\~.~;;~~{}. ~ . -- " .~. ~. . :,.-;:'~:f~?~<:::~-~~.~i;~~:Y~~~