HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1232 " _.. _.~.. --, -- -----.. -,,:--._-,..-.-_~.. . _. - 82 WABaANTY DUD THIS INUENTURE, ~hd~ this 28th .____...._____day of ____. h _1>eoembe\, .__. _____....h____ ____ _._n___ C. H. P,aoook.. Jt ~ aDd fh'lIDa_CL~.aooD.k. _ hle w1f. 01 th~ County N .n_ _llog\golle\'l and State of_... Pennell. ~.1l1. ,"w _______........ _. _ _._.__.___~!t.!'e ._JJ.. ~_~~.CloC!~___._______. _____._.. 0 h._ __. .._ ._.__.. _ .._ _. __. _'0_'.__'_.' , .1\. D, 1921 , BETWI-:EN _._. __, part ~,. oltbe lint part, aod or thc Coaat)' 01 _ Phll.cl~ Iph~.. .. . and Su,~ 01 petln~11.,~nla ._. p;art 1 . 01 tbc .etood part, ij \\'IT:\' ~SSI-:T\I. that the said part1eS olthc lirst part, lor aDd in Nruideratioo of th~ sum 01 .. 0.. Dollars. toth.8111 in hand paid, II". uteil,t whncof is hneby acknowledge,l / hl. Y. gr3utt't.t. L.:u.:aiiu;,'. ~(.M ~ntl trlHdcrft.',!. ,:lIltl hy thr:s.c: pr('~t"'nt'\ do ..:r~nt. 1~ra:3iu. s.dl alltllr.llh!t" Ultlt. tht j.:)i.t II:art ui tht' sc'cond p;ut, and h1. e _. b~irs ,,,,.1 a>signs lore"r, all Ihat tcrtain l'ared o! l3..d 'fing and bein;: in tIlt to, uuty 01 aod State of _ .____ _ n. Plor 1.4a. ___0.____._ _ _..__._ .:..... more partie.larly d..eribrd as 10110...."_ at. Luo1e I ~- ..oDe.._fQJlrth_1DtenB_t._l1L&n4~_o. _______.. ___.___ ._.____. n_..____. ___._____ _.______...____.. .l...i.~l__~t~.'!_ a~d_ 8_hfl)1(H)..~ _"~_!I_L.!h~JO.D_of_,()rt P~~_\'oe_.'lo\'Jd~. aocor(!1.n~__t~'-A'!'9J!_~e I }'!~ ~_Qf_.P.~!'t _p.~er()~, ,!!>_tl~~_, !'_!t~..!>~~.!.~_~]!.!.!..~__!)_~0~_J.. L p~ge. !_8.!' 1.1'~.()~rd~ __of_~.~~_ ~uo 1.8 _ ~~..!ln~, . '~~r l~~_,.._ Also _~.l1e... ~.()l~~!!_!1g .P!l~~~~~t 9_, Blook_~!>~...!n t!,:!__~~.n.ot_ ,-,o.rt ~~e_t'~!'_~ ~lor.!~~...!.___ 8..oo.Qr.!U.P8. ~9 Aarem __!,ee'~ _pl~t__ o:C!QI.'~__~I,~l'oe L~~!t()J'd~~_~n Pla.t. Book ~. page .18~ L. t~()i)r~tB_..ot St.._.~a.1~L~OWJty, _ Jllorlda. _ to~wlt:._B.,g1mll08.._11\__~he __Q.Qy.th"u\ _ OOl'ner of LQt....~ ___ Bl.Qot~~. end f!'9~_tJle_n~t!.. r ~_li()!'.~_!1~881.~!'.ll_ aloEB__!h~_~_~~~~ U!l_~ _o_f _8_f!.1~_ ~C?~....~. . B.1.C:>()~__"D'.'. La _~18t8_lJ.~~~.f_ 6 t~.!! ...!h_~1)()tt_!~__!..n_.~ n!l~!~~"_e_ste\'.ll. .!~!'~()t laD ~_rall~~~_1.t_!1__~h~__\!~!_t._ ~oul~d.arl_l_l !'!....~~_~~n ~. ~l..9.Q~~lt~_ a d1stanoe of .160 t~etL~~~~~_r_Wl__~_Il_~__no.!'th~~B~e!'J;v d1.reot1.onnpa.!,:8:U~_~.!...!!.!~h..~_b..e ~c?!,~~._UE.e _ot LOt 9. Blook liD".. 8_ ~~~t~D_O~ o~.~~__~e_e.~.. t~!!n~~n..\"ln~n a no~t~.!!~~~e~!l d1r_~_~10 , ::~:~!:'~~~~:1 t:;_ ::~:. ~::n::\'~l~~~e ~;~~_8~{:~:t 1.:' 8 !!~-~~ih::~~~~l;~i*:::l:~-:io~e:h':o N~~~h I b"ou.oefsry Ot-881.4 -totdUg :-Blook "]),,-:0.8 'd1e\s-no.'- ot '40--teet to- the 1'0 rthwt: st- 'oorner-of-s81cf""LOt 9 i .tlO~It--D".- thenOe~alon -the .eat-bo\tnclatr11~-;,alcl -LOt- 9 - alook"~ to t-he-~l~--O'f- ,~g RR ~giog~n~~pL.u : jgrat~~r~cggf.~:r&.88~~<>.~~_~k ~Dcl _Balt~~Y.~ul~o.~e~k. dat!d A!,.rU 'i '.)\'I ~'t : 1~ Wl.ta ~~- ~ u:nt'mlf'lts. (r~d~um("nts ;IZ~I .ppt::ter.1f1ns. with t~.try praYli('~('. 'l"hL t:t!('. Ina.r('~t ~nd l"$t.h'. dv,,"tr :30.1 r:;.eht of do'W('r. rl"'\..('r~:ou. rcnl3.i:td~r 2.nd C45cmcnt tiltrcto b~!oniCin~ or in an)'~;i~(' ~p~.rtaining: T(. HA\"E AXU T(I tlOI.U the- ~:tmc in ft'C' sinlp1~ !")f('vt'r. And th~ saId p:lll1.ee 'li th. li...t P3't do CO~"tn:ant ",it:' the S.1i.J p;"rt3 olth~ <(Cun,: ..3,t thu they at' e _ Ia.-rully ..i.ed of th. .:lid pami..., th:ll Ih.). ar. lae lrom all inn:mb1311eCS :lnd th3~hel have good rillht :lnd !a,..lu\ authori!). to se!1 the .:lme; and the said part 1e B 01 IX WnXESS WHEREUF, tl<. uid part le8 oj the I".t pan h"ve hereunto set the1.r hand8 and sula thc day and l~U abOl." wr,Utn. fJ toe- t~rst p~rt do _ _. htrct.}' lull)' warr.J.nt th,. title to 53iJ tUB.!. Olnd wiil deftm) the ~;&Int' :ag~;njt the b.wiul cia.inu of ;&iI I.crsons Wh(.1iISM~.C'r. Sigoed. sulc,l and del:Hrtd in our prtsrnee: ~ ____Ch~_l'l~1J _L. HDQt~OQ.tt _ __ ____ lIar\baR.. Cook______ _______.._______ n. P. HQff1D8n _ __ _ ___ ___ C. H. Peaoook, Jr. s _ _ . .._ ._______.__.___._.(_EAL) Thelma C.Peaoook (SE.-\L) STATE OF___~e.EI!~Y!!~~1.._ __ ... ___} COeSTY OF _.Ph1.;L_~d.np~~ ________ ____ 28th 1 HF.RERV CERTIFY_ That on this . .._,. day of _____.____ Deoember __ __.._.. , A. D. 19Z 7.. bdore m. personally appeared _ _ C. H. Pe,oook. __lr'L ahd ThlllJDa. .c... Pea 0.0 0 It ______d_______. 10 m~ i<nu..n to br the ""uoo d.sCTil-<.d in :ind who executed the fNcgoiog .oo.-eyance to.. __..__ C .__H. . PeaQook ._..___..___h.___.__... .. . __. ______________an<1 .nerally ackoowlet!god the ex<eutioo tbereof to be_ ..tbQlr Iree act md deed for the u.es and purpos.. thereio mention..I; aod the said. __.~!1.;tm.a _C! ]e..a.o.9QIc Ihe wile 01 the sai.1 _ . C. .il. Peacook. Jr.. _____ _______ _ on a scpuate and priu!e examination lakcn lInd made by a"d !'dore "'... an<t ....uattly and apart ir...m h... u.i,1 hu.band. <lid :acitnowl.d..~ IIl"t she "",ole larsdf a part). to the said Uecd 01 Conycl;lncC'. for th~ pur post' of rtnouncir:g. rrli:Jqu1sbin;.: and conv~J'jng all IItf ri,ht. tit:r and inttrcst. '.\iht':hrt ,_"~ ,1'."(f or of s~parat~ property. statutory or ..quitabk, in and '., th.. Ian<ls tl'.rrir: .!escribrd. and t":l! .he ex~cvted uid de..d Ireely aa') yoluntari;y an.1 ..ithout any COll.traint. fcar, apprehensioD "'r cnmpulJiDn of pr .rom h(r saitl hU'5'Jantl. WIT~ES~re and official KaI aL_ ___lh~1~_4,lp111' and State Of7'-- ___ .peUD~vaD1. ... , the day aad yoar iut afortaaid. ( I :; . WUU8I,1lJ. !or~.'D8 CSE,\L) STATE~F ~.::II:\' s.. ) U1 COIIIII..8100 expireB January'. l~l. COUNTY or ~r"uClF. On this. . _ ~fh. day of JanuBry _ ,A. D. 191 6. a~:1;2 o'c!ockP. m., ttlls instrum~"t was _ ___.___ in the Couoty of PhllaclelJlb1a____ lile<! f3r rccord, aud brinK dnly aC:mowled",ed :In'!I.roHn. I hne r~c'.)fMd the .3mc 0,1 palt.. 62 County. of Boole 77 in the public records 01 sai" I 11 IN WITNESS \VHEREOF, I haye htrcunto ...1 my hand and ,.Ilix..d thr ,ul ..i th~ C,reu t Cou" "Ilhe T,..cnh--tir,t In,lici.1 Gr.n;' ..I .....i<t State. ill and for said County. _ _. /----- -". / \ I (ct.Ct.aoat> o-J Record~. 71.5L t..orleC--J. FIo>oj.to. li<<..JocbOllotJ:e ~ '-" ." -"--~----_.." -----....-" . \\,-.,\ ,~ "\ \ .."\(l\ ~~l' . ______ .~L ~~ ~LJ;>:R~ _____._n.__ ___.._ 0. ^ . atrle rcuit CourL BY~__~~~L~~ .. - -' ~~. ::: ~~. ~~~~~:~g~~S~ ::o;~~p}::';~;Y~~;}~fi: . 'I[ ,