HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1585 435 WAUANTY DEJID r I I ..-- 6th . ...._ __. day 01 ._ .._...__I.._D.. ur.t.. MIIlenl..,... _on___ _._____._____..u. 01 the wunly of. .... . S.1n~ Lua!. . ~nd Slate 01 ._. f1orl~ --mRlL a.OUI8HOnr-ot..lor.' Ploroo. _.__.__ _.....____.__... "_.' ollhe Counl)' 01 ... Sa1Jl~ ~ol. and 51ale of .... norlda . -, parI 7.. . o( Ihe lint part, aDd THIS INDENTURE, Mad.. Ihis ])eoo.ber , A. D. 1929, BETWEES r L WIT~ESSETIl. thaI Ihe said part. 7... ur Ihe fir" "ur. lor and ill cor..idualion o( Ihe sum 01 . I'3rl ., . 01 the secor.d parI, on DOLLlR .urn O'fHER VALUABLZ -- - - '. ~ -_. -.-.----- COl.SlPW'l'IOKS. .gelb... 1:>he1' i.. h..n.1 (l:lid. II,,' rcceil,l whtreol i~ hereb)' ukoowledged. ::.;;. e ~r.lnl~d. 1...u~.:Ii!h-.J. :-.....1.1 al1.1 u.ul!.{t'rrt-.I. ;1:rull,_\O tht.sc ,,(c~,'nts tlQ 81 .:r.:Ull. 1':ara:~1I1. sel! ;u,.llr3;Jcilr UlLh. tl.(' :to:'!'" p::ar:1 ..I thr it-CUlllt part_ an.1 her ..heirs "lid "s.i.o;r".!or..nr, ,lIlhat eerl:lin I.ucel of laud I)":ng :lilJ beillll in Ih.. ("llInty of Sl. !Qole and SI:lte 01 . norida _.__.. ..... more parlieubrly dtscribcd M follows; ... ... ....._.... __..._..__._....______. _._ ~~J.. :J._~ncl.~.a B~~~~." ~~. _~_~~!'_~~. ~ar~. _ ~..~~ft.~ub~~.!!.~l.!>n ot _ ~~~.. ~, .J ..~.!!.d _!<<?___. . _._..1D._Blook O...aDll..Lote G. 8..~4 _~__J.It_~~~~..6..C)t ."-e1118on SU1UUTh~01l ot. the .KWi___...__. ..---_Dt_.smt_ot. SeoUon _i. .!0~8h~p3~J~.ou~~. _~~e_ ~0_.~8l. .~~ per pla! ~~h'~'__'__h'.__._ _ _.__S~p.~~lIber 19a .~92. IUldtlle~~~t_obo~_~._!~2~i.~yla~ ~o._o.k_ ". p~e 72.. St. mole Oount)'. Fl__ n 1.~, . ____n. .--. --_.- -- .-.AIBO __._._____.._. _. ._Bt&.tnutns at a >>oint _()D. Hundred BiShtl:"'WO teet .as' o.n .eolion 11ne tromlforthw..' oo.mer o.t n:t ot nt ot Seouini' 33. fOWDShlp368oulh. ft&n<<. "0 h.trun .iheno.--South --- -- 660 t..~ ,. 'hene. lC&.~ 182 to.l. ..thoJlOl. -lI~'h 660 t..~, theno. ..8t lA2 teet .to.p.o1nl- ____..ot .begl_!Ulll1&a ~on'aln1ng.. two .and t~e~.g~t~~ _ ~~~..!~.J~o~ or le~... __.. ______________ AIBO ----- 6oIIDenol~ at 'he' 8odh....l -OO!'!lel" hot-the .lIBt-. of. ,he KWl ot Seo\1o.n 33.--townehip 36.- _0 South, ..~.~O ~.l. thenoe r~ }'o.~.~~ ~6~.~!~~. ~he!1oe hst 420 t.et. theno. So.dh 660 tee~. th.noe W'8~ "80 teet to. lhe plao. of beilnUing~.G.on~a1nlD8.. t!Ib:aor'.;.lIo.re- ----.--.w.-u... .... .... ....-. . .-. IS .-.---...--.-........-.-... '--.'-'_.'.___'__ . ...-.-.I.ol--!.n ot B10ak ~I" ot BOule.,J4 B.ve.10PJDOnt. QOIllPU7's R'-eub41Th!.OD aooor.UI1&Jo_ Pl.' tl1ed and reaorded In Plat Book three, o.t S.lnt tuoie Oount1. Plorlda Reoorda at "-"'''P8i..''!lireo. . ......- .. .-.-----------.---.-... . .. ...----.----- __ h__ __ ___~. _____._. _ ____ ___ _ __ '_ _ '. T(HiETHER WIth :lit lh(' I~ntmt'na. I.dc.j~::amtnrs ..a.i .ll.r~I!':(!!.lnc('~. with t\',:r~ I,riui('~t'. rill:h! 1:,1.- r:lt:"a~~ ::and t.;~.:'~. ,lj}~'\'(r .:lnd ri~':t of d01l\o.~r~ n:'-tr5io:l. rcm~ind.tr and ta..cn.unt tih:rC'lu b("h..ln2i:lg or i:l 3!1Y",\ ::-':. ';';~I~tt1in;ng: Tft I!;\ \"I-: .-\X n 1 (.. IIt)!.I. t::t" ~ :unc in f<,,~ si:ni,l(' i..:rt\.tr_ And Ih.. said I'~n 7 (,j .he Ii,,, pari du ea cO'er:anl ___ilh Ihe ,,,id pHI 7 of Ille '<<.,,,.i part r:-" .bit la la....iull). ....red 01 t!l.. [ said prtl!1jsrJ. tl.at tht:)" 3ft" hl.C from :.li inct.mh:.;tm:C'1 3rdl t:'31 she has Kt.X)d ri.cht a:1fJ ;:l'.~:d :.uthtJri:}' tn $...;( th\.- 5ar:a-: ;;J.ud tht s~id p~rt 7 _ of thr f.r~l p:ut do el herehy fL:.U}- .....arunt ~h~ titlt to ~~id bnd. and wi:1 .!ti('nrJ tnt 5;&ffi(' ;'.i.:a;ll'.t ri.c bwtu! (~31ItU of 4H l'trsOIt; \...b..:nJOf~cr. I~ WITNESS WHEREOF. Ii:.. ...01 p~rt '1 ,,[ Ill.. :.".! :>art h:l IS -~:::=~.~~:"" ;. .."'~~"=-- :~:l -- ....\ htfC:J::!.lo Stt her hand a"d ...0.1 Il>e d,y and ).... abm'e writt..n. E. . CoO Bell n.__. ___.....(SE.-\L) (SEAL) STATE OF....!'!.~~~ COUNTY OF . . JI!!I!t..J.A101e .-------.1 .__ J I HEREIlY CERTIFY, T:.al e,n Ihis Oth. . . day of _. . Dtoembor. personally appurtd E. c.. B~J.!.a .~".~...____._._.._._ , A. D. 192 9 _, belore m.. to me ""own 10 be the peno" dtScribed in and ...bo (Xecut.d Ihe iorcl'"ing connyance 10 1Tm:r. C. .CllIS1lQJM_.___________ . - . _and severally ac1<n.>wier!"ed the cuaalioD thereof to bc_ _ her '. ._ Ire.. ael and de..d for Ib.. asnand purPO'C5 tb.rdn menlioJ"e I; ~....... ~~.~~~~~--------------._------~~-.-~-----------------------------W~~M~W~.~*M.~_~aw ~.~.~.M~~....M~~~e-M~~..~__._..___~>>M~~___._<<~__~M.~.~..w~~_.~~_._~~~~~ am~~~~~~~~~4~~.~.~~....__...._~...~....__~..........~.~._._...>>~.~~~~~~ M~~~~+.p~~~~~P~.~.....~_~~.rM~~~.~~~~.-~~..~..~..~~.-.--.....~.~.-~ _c~-..~~~~.~~.~~ rr. Q alure and official seal at .. . . :Par.t..Puree h. in Ihe Cocnly 01 Saint Lu.o18___ ___ ._. , the day anti y< If wI alorcaaid o.m'h .Taok8on llota-p u lie StAte .or ?}Or1d1... 1932 ~ G 8.loa oxplre.~ ug.-Z4. _ (SEAL) da)' o! arab . A. D. l'i~ O. al 10 o'c1c><kA m.. this in"trumrnt was fit.d for retord. and t.cinl[ ,July adno.v1t,l"ed an.\ ,,'onn. I ha.... reto,d.d Ihe ,..rn.. on ('a!(e . ~ of Beok Connty. 77 :n the ('chhe r.cor.\s of sai.1 - \\'HJ-:REOF. I have h((."nlo sel lilY ban" alld aolixe.1 I:., ,r '.1 d ;I:r c..n.;r ("":Iff nf ti,e Twtnh..f'''l J~.I'C1,II.'i"t"l ,.j -air! Slale. in County. -.:.~ . . '\ .~ (Cl.C'.Sealft ~O~ ~t- (00. ~F "'"",. . --__._ __P. _Q.. ..Bllr."'______.._ ..______.__ (.j . " . . auk Circuit CourL B)'-~_l~.__..____ D.puty Clerk. JiIlltr. .....on._1.a. Ure... JA<:C~yfrA. &\.I11S f_._______ :'.,~l!.j:?' ~~.~~ ~:~~>}:~~-~~; ::~! +~}:~S7<-,~~{. - . \ ~ . #_-f:_;~-:~:~--:"':'":~ -a'" ~, ~ ~ -- -,t. ~-:t:. ?' . ~ ....- ...~'. ~.: -, -~ 4 ..