HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1675 ,..:t.~~......-...ca.'..:"".,,,,~'i.~.... ~ "--.... .. 525 WARRANTY DJUlD r" - I TillS INDENTURE. Made this. - elahl&l.__.. _ ._. _. __ d.1Y 01.. _ _ . .-\ D. 1928 .. BETWEEN _.,~.----.-L__A& SIIl1 'h..... -w1dowel' ___ __..__ .a__... _...____.___.__.__.._ . .___ __~_____.__"'_ __.__.._____ 01 thr Count)' 01-____8l. tuole and State of __ 1'1orida . ..__ ___.__. '. , part~. _ _ 01 tbe first part, and ----______~.-D. Br01ULJr._~._ft ..P1e.rol._____.____________. _______ _ ._..____.____ of thr Counly of ..___.8l. ..Luole ... __..d.... ... . and St:al~ <If ... FlorIda ... -.--..-.. I-art ....-.. of the second put, ~ WITS'RSSJ-:TH. Ih.1tthe: <:lid put _- ul Ihe nut 1'.1(1. Cor and In (t>r.sideration 01 Ibe: sum of _~en dollare. Bnd other_..______ _..vsluabl.o a.onllldvailon.._.. -.__ _._. .._____._ ._... noli us, t<l b:t~_. _ in hand pai<l, II:.- recei..: whueof is hereby aeknowltdgo.t. ha. a '. grantt'd. b:ut:aint'll. :'(11,1 atul U,uaft'rtnJ. ;:uul hy .hf~e pr~Str,t' do 08 grant. h:ugaiu. sC'1I :uhl Irolln!cr unh. the- ;'~I:tl p3.'!"t ."",.. "If tl:tr s(cot~d p3rt. and . his . hcirs amI a"i~ns lure'.... all thaI ctrl;tin pared oi I1nll I)i..g and bein:~ in Ihe t-, IIoty oi st. Luoie and Slale: of_ ---.. Plorlda._.__. _ ._... .__.. ..__ more p.1l1icuhrlydtScribed as follow.: _ . _ __.__ ..._._. _.____._ -____fhe _S_o.u~h..J1Alt__~t_ lhe .B.O!"_~!1_Jl~}t _J?_t t_~~.c:l~t~~e.s~_~ua~~~l". .~t_~.h!.____. .._._-southeast--Quar\er_.ot.seai1Jln...i. .'f01'lDBh1p36HSOU~b.. .of RaJ]88 40 East, _ ______._ .-----.._._____.Also Lot2lILot.\'fllUt a1.u.. U..Jl_b_~_~l_a't _~eo~rded 1~ Pla~ _BoC?lt 1....______._____ -----Page -21. -ot .st.Lu.oia.-COWl'7.Ro.oONSe...._________ .__. __...____ -----hoept.:tr_OOl_the_ ahQve.holl'e_Yer....tho__tollo..1XlB.1 _to1e 20..21. .23. ___._________ - ____24. and. 25__Q:t.Blook 23...1D-Rl~:r!lalt._YaQ.lU_G'ub.E,~ah~..A9 per __._.________ ----.---_hpla\.rooorlle4.ln pl.n\.BoQX ~_~'t..1!M~ J~t)LR~90rd.8_ot st. ..tuoi~ '''__ ._______._.___ ..-- - --- --. Count)'. "londa. . and ltnQ~. f!{I_ Cha~l~Z__Carl\Q~.Gr~~e__. __. ___ ___.__ _..__ ____ ___u___________~_ .__.__.___ _ ,__ ._._. .___ T(jG.ETifE-R'.~th-~iilb~- t~;l-;;~;lts. hCrt,1:;;mt"ui; ~~d-~;~;ritr.:\lic;~$~ \~ith c\",:r". l~ri,,!tc.:.:('. ri;:lu. t.ti~. j!'tcrC'~' ;!1~J ~;ta:~~-,io,~.er ~nd r~t:h.t ~f-d~-;".('r: rl'\-~rsion. rtmaindC'r and c:ajtill\.'nt thu('to L:.::ongin~ ('If I~l an)'.\":-C 3i~..trtainiDg: T(J HAVE :\SIJ Tt) ItOLl) ~"(' ~:un~ in f("~ sim;lt~ iqr~Y~r And Ihe S.1id part y of I'I~ Ii..~ pari dQ e S ,oven,nl ...ilh the: $;1hl P,r1 . Ili l'ilt. :-t'(,ond I,art dux he Is la...Cully seiud ollhc IT.... H said premis~s, Ihal tbey arc ire" iror!! all incumk.111CtS anJ that he has lo:'ood ri.-;ht anfl 7:l:\v{u; authfJrity to Itll tbt' !an~~: .:and the ~aid ,.::Irt)' _ of Ihe: fIrst put d..eS .0. hereb)' full)' .....aHaut lue tirl" I" <aid br:d. ano! ....i:! tltiond the 'am~ :.gain'l Ill.. b....iul e:"im. "f all persons ,,,h'..msOeYtr. IX WITXESS WHEREOF. Ille 'solid "arlY _ ,,; Ihc !;'st :>art ha 9. htrtnnto ~t . his hand and suI the .b.y and yea: abo~e ...rillon_ Sigucd. suled and dd,,'cre:d ill our._pre:_st_n(e:: ____ \ ---c.._S..1larve~__ .____ { =~~~wi"Rad1JllIk.J .. ... . ....==__~~::\ .--. J .A. Smith h_. "'_._ ______. _(SEAL\ (SEAL) f HEREBY CERTIFY. Thl on Ibis SigMh ..__....day 01.._.. . Mayo. . A. D. 192 e . be:1,)[e m~ STATE of--.FIDRIDA_ .~~~~~= } COUSTY OF .._.5I...Lu.o1t _._____.. personally apPeared ..____J..A.. Smith. a. Jlld01nlr.._______. to me ',,"o\On lu be: the person. d..seribod in and ...ho exccutcd I"e lort!:oill~ ronve)'ance 10. E. D.. Bro1l'D. Jr. ..____.__ ._...________ "" and severally aekr.owlet!~td I"C ex<culion Ihutol 10 be: _. his __ frce act and dee:d for the uses and I'urpo.u Ihtlein mer.l,,)ne.j, and Ihe said Ihe wiCe of tho nid .. '... ___. _. ______ _ 0:1 a .cpar.1lr an" pri\'ate ex:.rninalion tak~n and made b). and b...tor~ I:tt. 3a:.J sf'par;!,:t'Jy -;i:wd ap~rt j;O;"11 h(r !.:lid hU5!12nd. did :l(kn'-l\'''!('/!z~ !!;.I! \hr t:-.a.-'l:' hl"'r..t!i 3 p:uty to th~ said Ul't'd of Con"t)'a.uCl', for th..... pL'lrpose r.Jf ft"n\)cncir:s. rrlin'iuishin;:: anll <,ol1'-t'.rinji! :1111 htr right. tit!~ .u~d i:ut'rt'!-t. '\\ h~!i'!: r ,)f ']:,lwcr or of 5~r,aratt pro~rly. "t~tut()fy or cquit~bk. in and to tht' landj i::,tr~in ~~scttbcd. 2nd th:u :ihe C'.~cut:"ll \lid dftd irl'dJ' 3:1:1 voluntarily and \Yit::o~t an}- c("-,fistraint. {('art appr~hc:r.sion <,r compulsion of or from her said husband. WITXESS my Signature~ and Sl.1te ol-!'lorlda_~.. al at_.. .l'orL.Pleroe. FlorIda .. in I"e County of st. Luolo..______. . (N; f '. P. - Joa. K. Godse7---- (SEAL) , thc day and) ur last aloresaid. ~~ t.~ .. On thi... 29th lfove!1lber Notar.y Publlo, State of Florida at Large V~ Gomu1881on expires Janusr.y 22. 1930 . A. D I<JQ . alll: 06.,'c1odc a. m.. Ihis inslrr:mcnt ..as STATE or FI.ORW,\ COUNTY OF ST. U:C1E , filed for rteord, and be:ing duly a:k!1o'Kle<J"od an4 prOHII. [ ha.." rrco,d~'II"t .amr on IU!l:r O~ Coonty. of Book 77 '" Ihe public rrcords 01 said IN \V[T~ESS \VHI-:REOF. [ h:..e h\'rcunlo S<l m)' hand ,"d ..ffiu.lt!:< .r,1 ..llhr ('"..":1 (".)lIft d ,he T;nnl~'-f.r'! Jtdici.l Grell:' ..i '.lid SI..tc. ill ... I., A;' C~"". ;":'~,.p., ... . _.-1'. ~.."Lnomn;;~ i _:. -.~o.;.ci,,~,=;,. CT. SEAL) {V By -_-t:;~L _._u..~___ I. " <or DCPGty aerie. Deed Record No.. T1~ SL fACie Couat7. P1o.n1.a On-... JK".4~.... ~ . \.<....... I .J ': :~.-:tr-~~:: :r. ~;;::: '-.~~.\~/~'.~--~..'--?:."." \ :::.;~ ~ 1. \ } / { 1. , (/