HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1757 ! f ! -....'---..--...-. ..--.- ......--"'.- -..--- ---.---.... - _. ,"---- ------...---- ---- , .- -.-. - -- -- ---,-~ -----.... 7 " I TO BAV! AND TO HOLD the aaQe In t.. almple to~eyer. An the .oid partl ot the tir.t part doth ooyenant plth the 8ald party ot the ,eoond part that It 18 lawfulll ..laed ot the aald premlees; that thel a~e f~ee of all enoumbranoe8. and that it has good rlght and lawful autbo~lty to 8811 the 88m.; and the aa1d party of the t1rst part dO.' hereby tully warrant the title to sald land. and wl11 defend the 8ame against the l.wful olalms of all per80Ds whomsoeyer. IN WITNESS WHBRlOF. the 8aid party ot the f~et part haB oauaed these presents to be signed In ita name by 1t8 Pre8ident. aDd Its oorporate leal to be affixed, attested by Its Seoretarl the day and year aboye written. (Corporate Seal) SAD LUCIB PLA~A CORPORATION By W. J. Oopeland President. Atte8t: Slgned, sealed and d. ellYGred in prelJenoe of: J. Harrison MoCready .L. \Y. Royal STATB OF FLORIDA COUNTY 0' DAD! I HEREBY CKR?I1Y. ~hat on this 27th day o~ August A. D. 19__, before QS personally appeared W. J. Copeland and Ul1ee ~. CUDst, respeotively cresident and secretary of San Lucie Plaza Corporation. a oorporation under the lawB ot the state of ~lorida to me known to be the persoua desoribed in and who exeoLlted the foregoing oonveyance to San Lucie E8tates, Ino. aDd s8yeral1y aOLno.ledged the execution thereof to be their free aot aDd deed 8S 8uoh offioers, ~or the uses 8Dd purposeB therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto the offioial Beal of said corporation, and the 88id instrument is the act and deed of said oorporation. "ITIlmS my signature and official 88al at Uiami in the COllDty 0: Dade and State of Ir111a-t~e\ dal ( N. P. Sea 1) I I .~/ Filed aDa-reoorded 8nd year 18st aforesaid. ~r8nueB Uocoy (Seal) MY Commission expires July 3, 1930. this 16th day of september, A. D. 19~7, at 1:10 P. U. ~.//.-----", \ C1.. seai) , , , (rCt. \ ..........--. i , V (>fHierl ~ e.-.off\ . P. C. Eldred. Clerk Circuit Court. ;tY~tO-J Q"~"'KD'C' ... .................................... .~. ~:J-~:~:. .-.:~ :.~.:.~-;~-~-~:~~-~- .f;~~7:~: ~~~~~: :f:;~ . " . ./ - . ----" . - . - . .~~~~~~:~;:~..:?:-.._. ~.~-,: