HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1806 ~. 5(f ..-~..~_. -... . - ". , .--.",-.-.--.---..--. - ---...~_..........~~~......,_.. "--'--.-...-.... Witnes8 ~ eignature and seal at Port Pleroe, ~18., in oounty of St. Luoie State of Plorid, the day and yeat last aforesaid. " , '. William J. Warren Uotary Puulio for the Stete of Plor14a at Large. JIy Comm1e8ion XXp1us Jan. 22, 1930. ~ ~ \ I . ('~J state of Plorida ) ) S.3, county of st. Luoie ) I hereby oertify, that on this 20th day of February A. D. 1926 bofore me peraonally appeared O. Roblea, Vioe President & Trust Offioer. and C. S. UBryel. Vioe President & Cashier, of at. .LllC1e County Bank & Trust Co.. a oorporation under the laws of the State of Plorida. to me known to be the peraona who signed the foregoing instrwment as s~h offioers aud 88\'er811y aoknowledged the exeoution thereof to be their free aot al>d deed 8S suoh offioera for the llaes Rnd purposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto the offioial seal of said oorporation. and that the said inatrument is the aot an4 deed of said oorporation. WITNESS my aignature and offioial aeal at Port Pieroe in the County of st. Luoie an4 State of Plori4a the day and year last aforesaid. ..,--'---- /,' \'Iilliam J. \fBrren (Seal) Botar~ Publio for the State of Florida at Large. JI:1 COCllllission Expires Jall, 22. 19:30. (Ii. P. Sea],) . " Piled end reoorded this 3rd day of Ootober. A. D. 1927, at 2:27 P. K. P. ~ Eldred. Clerk Oirouit Court. . BY bo.,,,S.l ~~. (2. · b. . '1 (ct. Ct. seal) . \\eO 'J C(\ ") {l\ ~eC'l D.C. fJ ................. ....... O. O. SUUWEB. SPEOIAL !lASTER TO ANDY JOHNSON )(ASTER'S DEED . THIS INDEnTURE. made the 1st day of August. A. D.. 1~27 between O. O. SUJ.O.mR. as SPECIAL lUSTER III ClLCICERY. of the fll'gt part. and AIDJ'l JOH!fson. of the county of Saint Luo 18 and State of Plorida, party of the seoond parti WHEREAS. the Cirouit Court of the twenty-firet JUdioial Ciro~lt of the state of -Plorida, in and for the County of St. Luoie. In Chanoery. on the 30th day of June. A. D.. 19U. .mong other things ordered. adjudged and deoreed in a oertain 08uee theu pending in the S8 id Court between Andy Johnson. oomplainaot. and J. A. Johnson and his wife Blhabeth Johneon aod Charlos G. Traub as defendants. that the mortgaged premieee mentioned in Baid deoree and hereinafter partioularly desoribed. be so14 by 8aid Haeter at pablio ouotion. the said Master first giTing thirty (30) da18 , notioe of the time ond plaoe of Bale. in a newspaper published at 'ort Pieroe. in Saint Luoie Oounty. 'lorida. to-wit: The Sain~ Llloie County Tlmesi an4 WHEREAS. the said Speoial Master. O. O. Summer. aDd party of the first part to these pre.ente. in pursuanoe of the Hold order and deoree ot the Boid Oourt in Chanoery. aid.on the 1st day of Ausuut. A. D. 1927. eell at publio a~otion the 8aid mortgsged premi8es. hereinafter partioularly desoribed. having first given preyiOU8 not10e of the time and plaoe of sale. with a desoription of the said premises, agreeable to the order atoresaidi at whioh 8ale the seid mortgaged premises, hereinafter partloularly desoribed. were sold to the said. party of the seoond part tor the sum of Bight Hundred ($800.00) DOllars. that being the highest and best ~ ~ .~: ~ ._~{.~~.~~;..~;.::;~j:..~:~J~ ~~:F_; _~~.~V_~~ :~~_~~:~:~ ,-' ~ ~ . - ~ ~ . ,-.- - :- ~-Jt~~:~-:f~:;.~:~::;::J:.~::~~