HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1908 r --~ V158 -- .,. --,.~....... ,..~,".... .....-.... - - ~. -l 8nQ will defend the same against the lawful olaims of all persons wkomsoever. PROVIDED, This deed i8 made and aooepted sUbJeot to the following oonditione, restriotions and limitations, whioh oonditions, restriotlons and limitations Rre intended to be and shall be aooepted as oovenants running with the land herein oonveyed aud whioh shall be binding alike ~pon the heirs, personal representativeo and aosigns of the party of the seoond part. who by his aooeptanoe of this instrument agreeo to abide by and perform sRid reotriotione. limitations and oonditions as one of the express oonoideratlo11B of these preoents: That no unlawful or immoral use shall be made of the premises hereby oonveyed, nor sh9l1 the same nor any port thereof, nor any inter eat therein be Bold. leased or otherwise oonveyed to any person other than cf the Couoaoian race, providei that nothing ~erein oontained ohall prevent the keeping and maintaining of oervants on the oaid property for reasonable L family ~oe. Ho signs or billboards of ony kind Or oharacter shall be exhibited, displayed. conotructed or maintained in oaid B~bdivioion without the written oonoent of the party of the first part. That if the Boid second porty hio heirs. personal representatives or assigns, or any holder or holders of the propert:,r herebj' oonveyed by virt~e of any judicial prooeedings, shall fall to oomply with any of the above and foregoing restriotiol1o. oonditiono or l1mUatlons within oixty days after written notioe to the said oeoond party his heiro, representatives or assigno, or an1 of them at ,t. Pieroe or at their last known sddress, by the said parties of the fir~t part, their heiro a:n aosigno, who shall be entitled to imoediately enter upon said property without notioe. and toke possession of the same with full title in fee simple. together with all improvemento thereon, and no woiver of any of these oonditions. limitations or reotriotions. expreos or implied. or failure for auy length of time to enforce the 8ame. shall oonstitute a bar to ouoh enforcement at any time. That the pa~ties of the first psrt, their heiro or a80igno, shall have the right. fJ ~ . '. c." ~ '- from time to time. to release aDY ot the above or foregoing reotriotlons, oonditions or limitations by sealed instrument duly exeoAted in acoordauce with the laws of the state of 'lurida for the oonveyanoe of real estate. And the said partieo of the firot part. for themselveo alld their he~ro and assigno. no hereby oovenant aod agree with the Baid party of the oLcond part, hio heirs and aSBigns. that the above and foregoing reotrictioHS, llmitationo aod oooditions shall be inoluded in all deeds and agreements for Deed in the said 3~bdivi8ion. In witneos whereof. the 08 id parties of the fir ot part have hereunto Bet the i r hand 8 aod sealo the day and ye~r first above written. H. D. l1sber ( SP.AL ) (SKAL) Signed, sealed SDd delivered 10 pre8uno. ofu,: Uinn1e ?iuher C,. A. Kiog 1. L. potts JTATB 0' 'LaHDA. COUNTY 0' ST. LUCIP.. f" d I HEREBY CERTI1Y that on this. 30th day of Deoember. A. D. 1926, before me C, A. King per800ally appeared H. D. Plsher aDd Uinnle lisher, his wife, tome well known end known to me to be the individuals desorlbed 1n and who exeouted the foregoing conveyanoe to George T. iesperlUn and severally aOknowledged the exeoution thereof to bu th.::ir free aot and deed ~~~J'~~~-:'.~~l~:.:;~~i"_'~.~~:=--:~, ;~~~ _..-:. i'~ - u -. :; ~~;-~6;7: ~~~~?~~~;~~.>---