HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1930 . ...__.___........4";...'..."'-~~___._..,.___._ ',/1 RO j I ~ STAT! 0' 'lorida COUNTY 0' st. Lqole -1 L I HEREBY CERTIfY, That on this day personally appeared betore me, an offioer d~ll aathori&ed to administer oaths snd take aoknv.ledgmenta, Sarah Holtsberg. a .ido., to me well known and known to me to be the indiyid~al desoribed in and who exeo~ted the toregoing deed, and aoknowled~ed before me that she exeo~ted the same freely and Yoluntarily tor the purpo8es thereiD expres8ed. WITNBSS my hand and offioial seal at 'ort Pleroe, co~ty of 3t. Luoie and state of Plorida, tbis 6th day of Noyember A. D. 1927. ( N. P. Seal) i G. !.. S\llliYan notary P~bllo state of 110rida U1 Commiosion expireo Sept. 16th. 1931. Piled and recorded this ~/~~day of November,A. D. 1927. at 3:68 P. u. P. C. Bldred, Clerk Cirouit Co~rt. .l~ (Ct.Ct.seal) . \.1 ..\\h'" ~~i-()rt1 ~. BY B~\;)~.~> <>>. . i,.. . .~ D.C. . .... ... ... ............ ...... .... ...... .... ";iILLlJ.U H. laLONE, JR. M UX. TO 't'fARRAlITY DEED UALOllR IUVRSTYElIT COllPANY THIS InDEnTURB, Hade this 31.t dal of Oot~ber. A. D. 1927, BETwBml William H. Kalone. Jr., Bud Vera P. Ua16ne of the City of Port Pieroe, of the co~ty of st. L~oie, in the state of 110rida, party of the first part. and aalone IDyeatment Company. a oorporation org.ol.ed and exioti~g ~nder the laws of the st.te of Colorado. party of the seoond part. WIT:IE3S!TH. That the said party of th9 first part, for and io oonsideration of the sum of Ten Dollaro and other val~.ble oonsideration to them in hand paid by the party of the 8econd part, the reO.ipt whereof is hereby aokoowle dged. have granted, bargained and oold to tbe Baid party of thft oeoond part. its s~00e8sors aud assigno. forever. the following !] desoribed land. sltuate. lying and being in the County of to-wit :" and state of ~lorida. Lot three (3) o! the s~bdivioion of 10t three (3) in ~eotion twenty-six , , ~ (26). towu8hip thirty-five (36) So~th. range ~orty (40) East. as shown by plat thereof recorded in Book "BB" on page seven forty six 17'6) of the reoord. of Deedo. iD and for 3revard Cu~uty. ~lorida. oontaining Foarteen and 3ixteen one-hundredths (14.16) aort-S more or less. tO~8ther ii 'I ii 'I i I ! with riparian rights. " " j I t L. Aleo lot ~Oilr (4) of the e~bdiviBion of lot three (3) in oeotion twenty 8ix (26) Township thirty five 13b) vo~th rouge ~orty '40) fost. 80 Bha.o by plat thereof reoorded in book UBB" OD page Beven forty six (7461 of the reoorda ot deeds in and tor Brevard Co~nty, Plorlda. together with ripariao rlght8. Exoepting and re8erYing the south 8ixty four and 88yeDty flye hwndredtbB '64.76) teet of Bald lot ~our (4) herein mentioned runDlng from the Eaet line of the Blght-ot-way of the llorida East Coaot Railroad to the 404i80 Biyer, this exoepted ond reserved propert, haying been here- -I I, o , totore de.ded to aliaabeth N. Ba~er, ~-;-::'~:~~~~:: ~~ ~:~~::~-.~~~-~~.~;::. :-. ':'.:~~~~{~~~~~~ .. . -. - ~'~..' ~~;~~;r~:;;~~~.