HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2000 I I 250 i ~- .....,. .,_.._-~.,,-...........--..~.--.---- -- In the Oounty of st. Luoie and State ot Plorida, to-wI': LOt 2 Blook 7, In ~~AVILJ~ PLASA, a subdivision in Seotlon 21, Township 36 South, Ranse 40 East, aooording \0 a plat of said s~bdivision reoorded in plat book 6, ot Page 44, of the Salnt Luole Oounty reoorda. To have and to hold the same in fee si~ple forever; and the soid'party of the first part doth oovenaut with the said party of the seoond port, that it is lawfully seiaed of the said premlses aud that it has good right and lawful author lty to sell the same, and the said party of the first part does hereby fully warrant the t iUe to said lAnd and will defend the same against the lawful olaims of all persons whomsoever. PROVIDED, NEVERTHELESS, That these presents are made s~bJeot to the. following express oonditions, restrictions ond limitations, whioh oonditions, restriotions, 01>> li~itatious are intended to be and shall be aooepted os oovenonts r~nning with the land herein oonveyed and whioh shall be binding alike upou the heirs, personal representatives and 8ssigns of the party of the seoond part. who by ____ aoceptance of this instrumeut agrees to abide by and pertorm said restriotions, limitations and oonditions 00 ODe ot the express considerations of these presents: 1. 1:0 residenoe shall be erected or oonstruoted on so id loud of a less oost than u $3,600.00 on lots fronting on Sunrise Boulevard. and ~3.000.00 on all other lots and all residenoes in said Subdivislon shall be oonstructed of ooral rook, oonorete, stuooo, concrete bloo~, hollow tile, briok or mixed oonstruotion, or veneered with ooral rook or briok, or trame veneered with stucoo, and shall be along Spanish, Uoorleh, 7enetian or similar harmonious types of arohlteo\uL"e, Dnd the aforesaid al3011nt shall be !Jotually expended on oonstruotion and ~reation of slloh b~ilding and not fees in oonneotion therewith. n 2. Do building ahall be oonstruoted or ereoted on aqy of 8aid land uutil after the plans, speoifioations and loootion of the some shall have been approved by the party of the first part, its suooessors, representatives or assigns. 3. no buildings other than one residenoe building and one private garage shall be ereoted on anyone lot, without the written oonsent of party of the first part and no build- ing shall be erected at a less distonoe than 30 feet from the fron& line of any lot in said Sllbdivision, or from alW street, or at a less distanoe than 3 feet from the side line of any lot, or at a less distonoe than 4 feet from the rear line. 4. That no unlawful or immoral use shall be made of the premises hereb~ oonveyed; nor shall the same nor any port thereof. nor any interest therein, be sold, leased or other- wise oonveyed to any person othe~ thaI! of the Cauoasian raoe, provide1 that nothing herein oontained shall prevent the keeping and lD8intaining ot servants on the Raid property for ~eason8ble family ~se, 6. no ol1tside toilet shall be permitted in any part of tJsid bubdlvlsion but there shall be oouBtrl1oted by said seoond party in oonueotion with 8ny residenoe on any of Baid land a septio tank in aooordaDoe with speolfications oppruved by the party of the first part in writing. o. uo building commonly known 8S an apartment hOI.lBe for ooo'lpation of more than one family. nor 88ylllm, nor hospital ehal1 be ereoteJ or used for slloh purposes on said laud, exoept that designated for b~siDe88 property by party of the first part. 7. Do signe or billboards of any kind or oharaoter shall be exhibited, displayed, construoted or maintained in Baid s..lbdivieion without the written OODsent of the party of the first part. 11 8. Do lot or lots in said 8ubdivision shall be al.lbdivided Or re-sllbdivided without ~\. ~ . - . r. '. ~ 3___~;'~~-~c;::;::=~;- ~~ ~ .. ~ "!;.~....: -, ~::'?~.~."Jo"';.:,.....~r_t/' ~~~".~~ .~.--~-::;~