HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2032 r ._~~-_._.~- .~._-_...-- .,----~..__.. 2R2 6. Ko bul1dlQg oommonl1 known a8 an apartment hous. tor oooupatlon ot more than ODe femily. nor ael1~, nor hospltal. 8hall be ereoted Or used tor Buoh purpo8e8 on aDl lot or lots in Maravl11a, exoept that de8ignated tor b~sine8s property by partl ot fir8t part. 6. Tbat it laid aeoond party. thelr hell'S. personal repre8eDtatlves, or asolgn8, or any bolder or bolders ot tbe property bereby oonTeyed. by virtue of any Judiolal prooeedlnge eball fail to oo~ly with any ot the above aDd toregoing restriotion8, oonditions or 11mitation8 wltbiD slxt~ daY8 atter written notioe to the sald seoon1 party _____ hell'S, personal represen- tative8 or assign8. or anl ot them, at 70rt Pleroe, 710rlda or their last known addresB, by tbe sald party of tbe tlr8t part, its 8uooessors, personal representatives or assigns, or either ot them. tben the said above desoribed and oonveyed property 8hall immediately reTert to tbe 8aid first part,. ita auooeBsora or a88igns. who .hall be entltled to immediately enter UpOD Bald property wlthout notioe. and take poaae8sion ot the Bame with full title in tee 8imple, togetber witb all Improvements tbereon. and no wulver ot any ot these oonditions, limitations or reetriotion8. express or implled. or tal1ure tor 8DY lengtb ot tlme to enforce the 8ame. sball oon8titute a bar to suoh enforoement at anl time, 7. That tbe party ot the tirBt part. lts suooessor8 or assigns. sholl have tbe right, from t1me to tlme. to release aoy ot tbe above or toregoiog restrlotions, oODditionl or limitation8 by Bealed iDstrument duly exeouted in aooordanoe with the laws ot tbe State ot Plorida tor the oonveyanoe ot real estate. AND T~~ SAID PARTY OP THE l'IRST PART, for itself, its suooesuors Dnd asslgns, does bereby OOyeDant aDd agree with tbe 8aid party ot the ercoDd part. their heirs aDd a8signs, in the following maDner: 1. Tbat the aboye and toregoing reotriotions, limitations aDd oonditione sball be inolude4 io all deed8 and agreements for deed in tbe ssid Uaravilla, exoept in tbat portion 86t apart tor bU8ines8 purposes. t ~ tJ ,] "~.. "> " ; ID WITNESS WHBR101, tbe said party of the tirst part bas oau8ed these presents to be sigoed iD lts Dame by it. Pre8ident, a".d its oorporate 89al to be affixed, attested by its seoretal"l, the day aDd year aboTe written, KnSTOUlt RF.ALTY COUPAllY Signed, Sealed aod Delivered in presenoe ot By Palll G. EDnB Pl"eBldent. Ptarl Crow I [. (C03PO~TI SEAL) Attest: ", , " ; , I ~ 'Corp. Seal) ~. W. H8lbe SeoutafY. H. T. ~n., Jr. ~..._- STATE 01 lLORIDA COUBTY 01 ST. LUCII I HEREBY CERTIPY that on tbi. 2~tb dal ot Deoember. A. D. 1927. betore me personally appeared Paul G. !una 8D4 L. W. Halbe, t'8speotively PreeideDt and Seoretary ot Y.Y.'!STmlE RUtTY - COUPAHY, a oorporatloD under the law8 ot the State ot 'lor1da, to me known to be the peraona desoribed in aDd Who 8xeollted tbe toregoiug oODTeyanoe to L. R. Heok and Lutlla R. Heak, hie wife and eeveralll aokDowledged tbe exeo~tiou tbereot to be their ~ree aot and deed a8 8uob l- ~ offloeu; tvr tbe aae8 and pllrpoae. tbereill mentlooed; and that tbey aftixed thereto the " offioial 8eal ot 8ald corporation, aDd the 8ald In8t~umeDt in the aot and deed of said J oo:-porat ion. WITNESS mJ Bigoature and otfi01al 88al at 10rt Pieroe in the County of st. Luole 8Dd Statt at '10rid8, tbe dSl aDd 7'8f la8t atore8aid. ~.-.. . . t. - 3- ,,;~-.~;.~:~'t. ;~!;";::~~~~; .