HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2087 ~,;', -"-".",, '.".;.,'>" ..- --..-.~_. '" ~." ...... .....,............... ....--.-.-. ._~-- -....-.... ......~_._--_.. ~ .._-. - - .-- ....~.............-.._..~._~ ;lH7 volllD'aril,. and without aUf oompulaion, oonstraint, apprehension or tear of or troa her 8ald bueband. I WITlESS my hand and otfiolal seal at Port Pieroe. Count~ ot st. Luole and state of ...----- 110,('., 'h~29'h .., of D8o..b~r. A. D. 192', (_I Hot.r, Pobl10 for ~~_'_ _~;".L) Uy COi:Jlll108ion Loretta UeJere the State ot P10rid& at Large, Expires Apr. 8, 1980. '11ed and reoorded this 23rd day ot January, A. D. 1928, at 3:09 P. U. / ~ / ; P. C. ELDRED. Clerk Cirouit Court. (tt.Ct.S881) } '" \ Vl1f\\icd BY \ ' "~f..,.t)t( , (, ,,' . ............... ............... ........ ..... D.C. C. .,. JUlCIHS B'l' UX TO WARlUJiTY DKP3>, STATE OP 'LOR IDA , TAYLOR COtlUTY J. A. UollEILL [ THIS INDENTUR!. Made thla 12tb day ot lanuarJ. A. D. 1928. between C. P. J&nkins 8nd Annette P. JenkiDs. his wite, ot tbe County ot Taylor and State ot Plorida, parties ot the tirst part, and J, A. MoNeill ot tbe Cowntl ot St. Luoie and State ot 1'10rIda, party ot tbe seoond part, WITHESSETH: Tbat tbe 8aid partles of tbe tlr8t part, tor and in oonsideration ot tbe 8am ot One dollar and otber valuable oonsideratlon hereinafter mentioned to tbem in baDd paid, the reoeipt wbereot is bereby aoknowledged, have bargaiDed, sold. &nd transferred, aDd bl tbese presente do bargain, sell aDd transter unto the said party of the seoond part and his beir8 aDd assigns, forever, all that oertain paroel ot land lying snd being in the County ot st. Luoie and'State of Plorida, and more partio~larly desorlbed as follows: Lot 'o~r (4) ot Bloo~ "JW of U. A. Tyler's Re-S~bdlvislon ot Lots 1. 2. and 3 aDd East balt of 70ur (4), Bloo~ "J" Port Pieroe, Plorida, as per plat reoorded iD Plat Book ODe (1) page ODe Slxty nine (169) ot St. L~oie county Records. This oonveyaDoe is ~iv8n 8ubJeot to 8 oertaiD mortgage glven by tlrBt parties her~to to Jenkins 'urniture Company, dated Sept. 4tb, 1926 and reoorded in Mortgage Book 32, page 80. of the reoords ot St. Luoie County. Plorida, This oonvelaooe is made B8 a tull and oomplete satiBfaotion of \hat oertaiD indebledne8S due by C. P. Jenklns to J. A. KoNeill. ev1denoed by two oertain promis80ry note8, eaoh ttated January 9, 19~7. for ~t600.00 eaoh, and due on or before one and two years r~8peotively, aDd to secure whlob a mortgage oovering the above desoribed laDd ba8 beeD exeouted and dellvered by said C. ,. JeDkins and wlte to 8ald J. A. MoNel11. tog~tber with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenanoe8, with everl privilege, right, title, intere8t. aod e8tate, dower and r1ght ot dower, reversion. remainder. and easement ~ thereto belongiDg or in sny wlse appertaining: TO HAV! AlD TO HOLD the same in tee simple, forever. And the 8a14 parties ot the first part do oovenant with the partl ot the 8eoond part tbat tbeJ are 18wf~ly sei.ed of Bald premises; tbat they are tree of all enowmbranoe, aDd that tbel have good rigbt aDd lawful &~thoritl to 8ell the same; aDd that tbel wIll warrant and detend the 8ame agalD8t tbe lawful olal.s of all persoDS, II Wl'UX8S WHKREOP, Tbe .ald parties at the flrat part h8ve bereuDto set their hand. and s.ala the dal and 1ear above written. .~~ ," :-~ :~ >- {.:;.).~..-~: -':'$:-,:'.. ~..~-_. ~.:-: ~"" ~--;:-":..~ -,.~- .. ~ . --- -