HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2090 - 340 . - .' .__~~...v..,.,.~ - Iq~itable, in and to the lands desurlbed tberein. and that Ihe exeouted the said deed treel1 and voluntarl1y, and wlthout aDl OO.p~1810n, oonstraint, appr~heDsion or tear ot Or troll her a8id bUlb.nd. WITDP.SS ., haDd and oftioial seal at 1t. Pleroe. COUDty ot st. Luole aDd state of dal of Januar" A. D. 1928. J Leoa T. Porter Notary i~blio. state ot Plorlda ot Large. uy Commlsalon expires Oot. 10. 1931. ~ 'U" and ::::~:...--... reoorded this 2tth dal I I I j '( Ct .Ct .Seal) '\. . of JaDuary, A. D. 1929. at 2:13 P. U. P. C. EL:RXD, Clerk Clrouit court. R~('()rrl \' eritier1 BY f'L i "-""- J.l-.-S:-----'-.'- D.C. ....... ....... .......... ... ........ ;'OUIS A. PEACOCK IT OX TO WARRAUTY DERD. ElmS-lL\L~R COllPABY THIS INDKlITtrn!. Uade tbio 18th day of January. A. D. 1928, 3E'l'nElI Louis A. Peaoook and Ellse W. Peaoock, hi8 wlte ot the County ot st. Luoie and state ot 1'10rida parties of tbe first part, and EHUS-HAL3E COUPAlIT, a oorporotion existlng under the. laws ot the State of 710rida, having ita prinoipal plaoe ot b~8iness in tbe County of St. Luoie and State of Plorlda party ot tbe seoond part, WIT!lESSE'l'H, that the sa1.d parties ot the first part, tor and ID,ooDsideratioD of the Bum of ODe dollar and other good and valuable oonsldera- tions to it in baDd pald, tbe reoe1pt whereof is hereby aoknowledged, bave graoted, bargained, sold, allened, remised, released, eDteoffed. oODve;,red and oont1rmed, and by these preaent8 do graot, bargain, sell. alien, remise, release,eDfeott. oonvey and oonflrm unto the said party ot tbe BeOODi part aDd its suooeBBora aDd assign8 torever. all that oertain parcel of land lying aDd being In the County ot st. ~uoie aDd 3tate of ~lorlda mOre partio~larly desorib- ed a8 tollowa: ] The Soutb two huodred and slxt;,r-two and a balt 126~.) feet ot Uut Lot e1gbt (8) ot the Re-8ubdivisloD of White City. 1'10rlda. aooord- ing to tbe ~lat on tile in tbe ottioe ot the olerk ot the Cirouit Court ot St. L~oie County. Plorlda. oontaining seven and one half aor08 (7.), mora or less, exoept a strip ot land twenty feet wide along the Soutbern boundarl ot said Out Lot eight (8) whioh hss been deeded for U8e 88 s street ~Dd publio thoro~hfare. SubJeot to aD eaaemeot for an artesian well reoorded In deed boo~ 60 - at page 172, of tbe St. MUole County reoord8. SubJeot to a mortga{1 ot ~3000.00 exeo~ted 6/27/27 by ~ou18 A. peaooOK aDd Xll.. W. Peaoook, hle wite to EnC8-ilalbe Company, whlob mortgage tbe sald Enn8-Halbe Compaoy aH8umes sod agrees to pal. iOGlTHIR wltb all the tenements, hereditaments and appurteDanoes, witb everl privilege, rlght, title, Intere8t and estate, dower aDd right of dower. rever.ioD, remainder and easement ~ , thereto belonging or 1n 8D,.lse appertainlng. TO HAV! ADD TO HOLD tbe 88me in fee 8imple foreTer. And tht sald partlee ot the tlret part do OOV~Dant with the 8aid party of the eOOODd part. that the1 ere lawtull1 8.1.ed ot the sald premlees; that they are tree ot all lDo~br.Do., aDd tbat they have good rlgbt aDd lawful aathorlt~ to sell, the lame; aod tbat 8a14 ~f ._~ P-_~"~-~:~!~: ~~~..~~~:~ ~~~:-~.f.~' -:..~;i? ~:j."t~~~ ~ . I . ~~ ~ ~ :~~~?t=~r~~~ ~