HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2094 I 13.:1-t . .. _,___ __. ~.., ~..:.t-...: "'~~-10'."::-~~"""- Pile' aDd J.OO~.~ this 26th da~ ot JaDll8rl. A. D. 1928, at 2:02 P. U. , ( \ (d~ .Ct .Seal) ) '- / '--/ .-t\ V pr\\\ed 'R (' t'(), P. C. ELDRED. Clerk Circuit Court. BY D.C. ,J ............ ...... .... ..................... ,-.J G. D. CRAWPORD, SPECIAL J.lASTlm TO 8PXCIAL J.lASTER' S DEED SELHA J. Ai1DRlmS e WHEREAS, the Clroult Court ot the 21st Judioial Llrouit ot tho State of Plorlda. iD and tor tbe County of St. Luoie. In Chaooerl, 00 the 8tb day of Deoember. 1927, amoDg otber tbing8 ordered, adJudged aDddeoreed. 1n a oertaln oaU8e then pending 1n tbe said Court. ./ betw.eo selam J. ADdrews, a w1dow, oomplalnant. aDd O. L. W1nkle aDd lya C. W1nkle. h18 wite, detendaDts. tbat tbe mortgaged prem1se8 ment10ned In 8ald deoree. and berelaatter partioularll de80rlbed, ~e Bold by said Ma8ter, at publio auotion. tbe said Uaster t1rst g1ving tbree w.ek8' Dotio. ot the t1me aDd plaoe of 8ale, in a oew8paper publi8hed at Port Pierce, st. Luoie Couot" 10 the oaid State. to-wit. the 'ort P1eroe Hewa-Trlbune AID WHEREAS, tbe oaid Speoial Kaeter, G. D. Crawford aDd party ot the flrst part ] 4 to the80 preoent8. iD p~tauanoe at tbe 8ald ord6r aDd deoree of tbe said court in Chanoerl, Qid, on tbe 2Dd dal ot JaDll8ry. 19~8, sell at publio auotloD, tbe 8aid mortgaged premises, herelDafter partioularly deooribed. havlng first g1ven previou8 uotloe of the time and plaoe of sale, with a deBoription ot tbe Baid premi8e8, agreeable to tbe order aforesaidi at whioh sale the Bald mortga5ed premiae8. bereiDafter partioularly de8oribed, were sold to the said party of tbe seoond part for the sum of TWEll'l'Y-PIVE THOt1SAlID AlID 00/100 dollars. tbat being tbe bighest sum bidden for the 8ame. BOW, THERXlORB, THIS INDEHTUR! "ITliESSE'i'H: ~hat tbe said Speoial ),(aster, iu order to oarry ioto efteot tbe said 881e 80 made 88 aforesaid. in pUrSIl8DOe of the said deoree of tbe said Court ot CbaDoery, In oonslderation of the premises, and ot tbr. said sum of TWF~TY FI1E IHOUSABD ADD 00/100 dollars. paid at the time ot the exeoution hereof, by the said party of tbe seoond part to the 8aid Speoial U8eter, the reoeipt whereot be doeu hereby acknowledge, has jJrallted, bargained aud sold. aliened, released. oonveyed alld oonfirmed, and by the8e presente does grant. bargain and sell, alien, release. oODve;; and oonfirm uuto the Baid party ot tbe Beoood part, and to bel' heirs and a8sigoB forever, the oertain paroel of land in the County of st. Luoie, state ot ~lorida, desoribed 8S tollow8: Tbe nortb half ot tbe nortbeast qll8rter ot the northeast qll8rter of SeoUon 16. TOWD8hip tbirty-flYe (36) south, :laDge ~or\y (40) Eaot, oootainiog 20 aores. ot laDd. together witb all and Bing~lar tbe rights, members. privilege8, h~re4i~~ment8 end appurtenanoes .~:~.. ...- to the same belonging or iD anywioo apper\alDlng. ..~. t" . -- 11 I . TO HAVE AID TO BOLD all and 8ing~8r the said premlse8, above mentioned aDd de.orlbed. and berebl granted Bud oonveyed. or intended 80 to be, wUb the apput'tenaooes, I1n\o tbe said patty ot tne aeooDd part. her beit'8 and a88ign8, to tbe only proper U8e, benetit and lIehoot of the 8aid pattI of the 8eoood part. ber belr8 and a80igna toreYer~ '1'~... :~.; ~:--~,~~;~c' ~~ ~ ~-~ - --~ ~ . - ~ +.4 ~~ ~ ,.~-: ;"v-: ~~ili~..i_?~~~~~Z , .. - '.' ~ ,-':~ ~'o'~~~f~: