HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2114 I I, .' 3()4 .._-,. ..._--,......._--.~... --0 fl~.t party .ball bave the ~lghi tor l~.elt, It. agent aDd emplolee8 to eDter upon 8ald premise. iD reasonable maDDer and at rea80nable tlmes, 10. Tbat lt tbe sald seoond party, hie hell's. personal representatives or asslgn.. or any bolder o~ holder8 ot tbe property hereby oonveye4 by Tlrtue ot any Judloial prooeedlng8, 8hall tail'to oomply witb aDY ot the above and toregoing re8triotions, oODditlons or 11mltation. witbln 8ixty d81' after written notioe to the 881d 8800Dd peril, bls belrs, represeotativee or :J a8signR, or ao, ot them at or.at their la8t kDOWO address, by the sald partl ot tbe first part. its 8uooessors, personal repreoentatlves or assigus, or either ot tbem, tben the said aboTe desoribed Qnd oonve,ed property ahall immediately revert to the 8aid pari, of the first part, Its 8uooessors or aS8ign8, who sball be entitled to immediately enter upon sald property wltbout notloe, and take pos~ession ot the same witb tllll title in fe. 8imple, together wlth all improvement8 thereon. and no waiver ot any ot these oonditions, limitations or re8triotions, expres8 or Imp11ed, or failure tor any lengtb of time to enforoe tbe 8ame, 8ball oonstlt~t. a bar to suob enforoement at any time. 11. ~bat tbe party ot the tir8t part, ito suooeS80rs or a88igns, sh811 have tbe right, from time to tlme. to release 8DY ot tbe above or foregOing restrlotiona. oondition8, or limitation8 b, sI9leQ instrumeDt duly exeouted in aooordaooe witb the laws of tbe state ot 110rids for the oonveyanoe ot real estate. n, WITDESS WHEREOF, the said party ot tbe first part has oaused tbeae presents to be signed iD its name by it. Pre8ident. and its corporate seal to be affixed. ottested by ita seQ~etary, tbe dal and year above written. signed, Sealed and Delivered 10 Pre8eDoe ot By 3. T. Hoebn president. ( SF.AL) .).'. ., J Exeouted in Duplioate. UARAVILLl PLl!A, IRC. R. I. Bradl Lena cabllah ~, \ (( Corp. seal) \ ,I " / "'--- /" Attest: R. S. Walton Seoretary. tSl'J.L) STAT! OF PLORlDA COUNTY 07 ST. LUCIE I HEREBY CERTII"Y that on thi8 23rd daj of september, A. D. 1~26, before me pe:8onall, appeared 1. T. Hoehn aDd R. S. "alton, respeotively Pre81deut and Seoretary of UARAVILLA PLA~, INC., a oorporatioD existing under the laws ot tbe Stote of Florida. to m9 koown to be tbe persons desoribed in and .bo exeouted tbe foregoing oonveyanoe to ~homes P. O'BrJ,n aDd sevetally aokDowledge4 the exeo~tion thereot to be their free aot and deed as suob offioer8, for tbe usea and purpo8e' tberein mentioned; and that tbe7 afflxed tbereto the ./ offioial seal of said oorporation, and the in8trumeDt In tbe aot and deed of sald oorporation. WITBIS8 mJ signature aDd offioial 8eal at Pt. Pierce In the County of St. Luoie aad State ot Plorlda, tbe day and year last aforesaid. ~'" I ,( B. P. Seal) W, E. Va8sar notary publio, 8hh of Plorida at Large. U1 oommi8s10n expires Deo. 6, 1929. :.~ 'iJ \ \ ~ile4 and raoorded thi8 let dal ot F,bruary, A. D. 1928, at 10:23 A. M. P. C. ELDRED, Clerk Cirouit Court. BY 8~~~.-<\,nA Q. . }." · 'i \ / fct,et .seo1) , D.D. -1 "priHp!l y:,~l'n""l ' . r r." " I - '~~&'.- . - :..'~;~.-~~~ ~:-;:_~~.~;.~..- ~~.-~:.i:~~.:~..~:iil~~ , . '.. . .~-.~-:-:~_~~:;F:-"~a~-:~:::' ;.