HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2151 ~~_.;.:.\.J"",,".a:....'. . ...._"':~~~.:...- -....~..>\. ..,,~~' J,......:... ~" C. ..~ "#~"'....~~""W..~~~._- r . "...~ -..'----~,... --"~---"~-"""'~~~'" ~ . , 401' i -. I Slsne4. aealed and dellyeyed in the preseno. ot: D..., Crawford )118m C. ])aile ~ STATE 0' PLORIDA: 8T. LUCIB COmiTY: I. an ottloer duly authorl..d to take aokno.ledgments, hereby oertlty that O. O. SUKKER, i8 .ell known to me, and known to me to be the Individual desoribed in and who exeouted the toregoing deed ot oonyeyanoe, and that he aoknowledged betore me thet he exeouted the foregol1~ deed, a8 Speo~.l Master in ChAnoery. .toresaid. tor the purposes therein expressed. / WITNBSS ~ hand and ottiolal 8eal. the day ot Pebruary, 1928, in the State and . ....'-- lI'::"am C. Dame Notary Publio tor the state ot Plorlda at Large. ~ Co~ission Explres Hov. ., 1929. ,il.' and reoord&d thi8 8th day ot Pebruary. A. D. 1928, at 3:26 P. U. (~. . ; . I (Ct .Ct .Seala i P. Clerk Ciroult Court. BY D.C. \. " / .a \J p(i.\\f'i.1 ReCoro ~ ...... ............................... ............ u. B, OOLDSKITB E'1' UX TO 17ARRAlITY DEED II. B. GOLDSJUTH THIS DEXD, U8de the 10th day ot February A. D. 1928, by U. B. Goldsmith and h18 wlto Luol1e Gold8mith o~ the County ot St. Luoie State of Plorid~ hereinafter oalled the grantors, to Y. B, Goldsmith of the County ot St. Luoie state ot Plorida hereinafter oalled the granhe. WITUESSETH. ~hat the said grantor.. in oonBideration ot ~hirt6en Thousand Seven Hundred tlttY-Beyen and 64/100 Dollars, the reoeipt whereot is hereby aoknowledged, do give, grant. bargeln. sell. allen, remise, release, enteotf. oonvey and ~ntirm unto the Bald u grantee. and hiB helr8 and assignB in tee 8imple, the lands 81tuate in st. 1uoie county, State ot 'lorida. desorlbed aB tollow8:their undivided ODe halt interest Beglnnlng at the Southweat oorner of ~t 6 of Blooic 1 ot U. E. Goldsmith's Addition to the City ot Port ~ieroe. 8S reoorded in Plat Book 2. page 2 reoord8 of St. Luoie County, florida. and thenoe runnlng East along the North line of Orange Avenue 160 teet to point ot beginning and fro. said point ot beglnnlng run north along the East line of Lot 3 of 8ald Blooi( 1 a d1etsnoe ot 166 feet and trom thenoe run East 66.14 feet. thenoe South a distanoe of 166 teet. thenoe We8t 66 teet to point ot beginning. A180 Lots 6, 7 8ud 8 ot Blook 1 ot u. E. Gold8mith's Addltlon to the City ot 70rt Pieroe. Plorlde, aooording to the plat reoorded in the oftioe ot the Clerk ot th~ Ciroult 'ourt ot 3t. Luoie co~ty, 'lorlda. Also LOt 22, 3.ot10n 3. ~ownahip 36 So~th, Range 40 !aut, oontalning 6.78 80r~s, Yore / or le... ~ ~ ~.'".~-{.:.&.;~~~4~~~~?~~!.~ /~ ~~.&~ ~~ -~~t