HomeMy WebLinkAboutENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE1=T I i= rn ov FORM R405-2017 FLORID�1 ENERGY EFFICIENCY �CODE-F'O'R�-OU.ILD-IN'O'.-,"C-'ONS,TR.C* CONSTRUCTION` Florida bep Department to-f 8usinessand Professional ssiona erformanod othod' Project Name: BuilderName; . Street : 18700 MACH qNE DRIVE Permit Office. -,ST1UC-IECOUNTY Citq, §tate,,;ip: FORT PIERC,E.',,,FL P6rrnIi.Nu'rnber.-. Owner. JAMEi.13'USBY, t6ic` "ST; uns tion LUCEECOUNTY ,Design Lodatiom FL: Fort Pier County,: :StLucle (Florida.Clirrfate Zone., 2 1. NeJdonstruc'tio'h& ' ,'e)'d.sting New,-(14brn Plans)- _ q h 9. •IMAXyo6s(3340 Insulation Area. 2. Sin "efarnillyormultiol6farilily Nil bvgle�familV a.concrete,81ock-Extinsul,-E,�ior�: -- d'rAdjacen k1=5.0 .2739.80 ft2 3. Nurfiber of unitsif multiple fafhily, .-6'.'Fratne W 06 ftcrete8lockrEdihidl,Adj*ac'ent': R=1�.b -�400.00,ff` k*5'b,, -210.00,ft2 4. Numberof'BedrpoMs. 3 &NIA - - R= ft2 5. Is this a Worst case? No 10.iCeHi6dType-s',. (274810!- soft:) Insulation Area a. --Roof Dqq JUPvented),,:-'� k' , R�26.0, 273 8,00ift2 6. Condit16n,ed.fioor, area above-grade-(ft?) 2138 b. N ft2 radq#F). Conditioned -floof.'area . below c.'N/A - R=, ft2 7. Wiri,dows(49P.1 sqft-).Description Area 11-. Duct% !..Sup Attic; RqtAttic .,AH',Attic R ft2 61; 200- a. U-Fad,tor. 'SgI' 1.14.'65... :282-.67 ft2 ,SHGC; SHGC=0.30,., b. 6-Fdotor. U=6.'6 216.00,ft2 �t- Cooling pys erns �k%uthrEfficiency . SHOC: SHGP"-O 25 a qen�001 unit 46.5 --SEER:16.00, c. U-Factor: -N/A ft2 SHGC:' 6-Factor: 114Heatilng-systerns'-; - kBtu/h-r, Efficiency; d . N/A, ft2 a. Electric Strip Heat 34.0--'C6k-'1.00 SHGC:- Area Weighted Aver'ag-e.OvdrIlang.600tl - 1000, ft. Ned VV htedA SH'GC-.' �0.2 8, 4. ms otypter, syste'. 'q�ra6e, 8. Floor Types (2738.0-soft.), insulation Area !:'Natural Gas Tghkless - Capi: I galloifis: a. S)ab-,6n br6d6tdqe Insulation - ----- R�9.0 27A00: Q2 b.':Cdnservafidn,febtures - ; .§90 ER'0� b. N/A R"- ft2 r- NIA R= ft2 6. Credits None 61ass/Floor Atea: 0.182 Tdtai Proposed�-.' :'-1- 1 1 PASS.; 7.061:860Loads: -94.85 I hereby certify. thtit,fhe plans and p cificitions cove e red by -R the plans " and of ...... . .. this calculation, are, in compliance with the Florida iEnergy,specifications , bovered bylhls 0 Code: calculation in8icates ddMolib Iwith the Florida -Energy .Code: N PREPAWD B Bef6r,6 qqns tructionis completed DATE: .this buiIdi6'9-wjWbeJntpect6d for" NI ection-,5�:�4' '908 compliance with I hereby certify th6t1this building- as designed a -6d, i�;Jh -dtnpli6fice Florid St" t t- 51 . -!4 U 11�!- with the -Ffbeida06id, C' rg W " 0 N ER/A GENT- :C BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE. V' DATE - CoTp lance F.qqq1iit6S: cGftifidiitio Ribyi66;iik hirkecAinii Maf'Wfa6tu`iir'6` - sdre'auAlifies-ais rlhat,tliii `1-ha' n 0. -certified fa6t&y-sea ed:.in A-66ofdWice with R403.3.2.1.' - -C6 rI Ita.nc'e'r"equiies'jaq:kr-Rirrier- and'Ins"ulation',Inspection :Checklist Iinaccor dance v -tl-h .R4-0'2I *4r "'IA_-z'h4- - -his ppject_' requires anenvelopeleakage iest:rep6rtv1thenvel6poJeakigeino6�qater tha7.00-ACH50.(R40212 8/22/2018110:58 AM, orn So 5A:Secfi6n R4054.1 Cpliant, * ftware Page 1 (if 7 O. _ f� NN --�`—El O- 't0. .OD—�J- -�-_� _,A. �. -a'� •� CA' v CT A W N - . Z Z �; —,-, _...—.. N O O N CDC�••,0 0. ,C A � — _W—.N ...t- -0--- -� -- —�-' _ --� _E91 CD c M 0) m y-i�,OZy zCo. 'S , -i P p v co= ` "CDCA �.' m a a a W m D T O •u) a O`, n O m T. i" A z p D "2 c '2 m i� D m o z (n';Sn Cl) -.e oo y w 2 F N• r2 rti m C� C) _.? -L -cn Z --i O. oo D z a, U ,- m �' m. rn .� �, n O v P 'n "�' = m o; " z co., d r r .n. O 0 Z o:' � .X 2 0. o o n n O -G . o m.. CD W , o= C m : m m. co :0 -,C., m ".: co Cn 0.::N K) :..� 01' CA N; .IJ :.•Cy7 ,w _. 0 .. 'CV' V pNo -:,� OD ca .. ,. �.:. : .. 63 �, N ". " . C Ch O:" ,? N N. W N , .W A In N. N; _ N . _ A. Of �O N: CJI � 'N W' W' O� W `CT J V _ Cr],Co N A Co .K) G O � �l C A :O CA-'. 'O O W 0.., O.' (D O O' O. , CD Ql u O O- Cl, CD. :O CD CA N _ C` -St o ;7. - • - .. m N O —O y S1 - y p1 �.: G. S<D.no 5:,W 'oD." ..- ... •N: fD ` ',OG Nr O-'O.',N m " .03«•,. so D 'O. Z O Z O Z O Z -C Z 'O: Z Z O' -Z O Z -Q z O� Z O Z O� { Z O Z. 0- Z O. Z O. Z O, Z. O: Z O 'Z O. Z O 3 in W ', Ci CD o; .O; 3 m n 0 o AO l� ° v ' n m 7C In cWO. n``D'L, Z Z o Z -+I N, W :(m')co), co 'A '� G O., O ,O, O ;O O O A O 'O: - C O Q O_ O .O' .O -Q O C) , 01 'O, T d: m -v y Cfl _ . '. _ s s Epp _N - n' . _ CD ' N '� fD p. '(D O O Z.' '.fD N O O ^N CD.: .. .-40i N' .. , .' ,,, .- • • ID 0 y t... _ X r,O ��ppG �-p< . �p< :2 �°p< ,. �p< ((pp< ��ppG. .�p< ,.�-�pp< G �p< .��ppG (-pC �-pC . (pG (� `• N O y �° m R R fn' y. $, y' P. 'S' 2 { N�. O: •..$ .N $ :. C O n N.. d m a (gi(pp m m m 'W CD m m m m .. ' m m m co • V. y. ,y y y (n _y y. 41. (�(�� N.. w Cn- 0 -0 .m ,y y �-�ppC tn: (-(ppG y (gi(pp N' y to y y (p=�p y,' ' � �. . . ' I FORM.R405"-201,7, . _ INP.,UT SUMMARY,CHECI4LIST„I EPORT FLOORS # Floor:Type„ Space _:.;' Perimeter Perirreter.R Value;; Area . " Joist R Value 'Tile - Wood .Carpet 1 Slab On=Grade Edge Insulation 'MASTER BEDRO 50!ft 0 311 ftz ; 1 " 0 0 2 Slab-On-GrOo,Edge Insulation . f M BATH 21 '1t 0 186 ft2h. 1 0 0 i 3 Slab-OnrG'ra"d' 'Edqd Ins'ula'boh lHEkWIC 1ft 0 48ft2'. _ -.1 0,. "0 4 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation , _ -M TOILET 1; ft 0. 28 ft2 ` 1 0 0 i 5 Slab -On -Grade Edge lnsulatioR ,LAUNDRY 9 ft 0'. 131 f' 0 6 SIab=On-Grade Edge Insulation MUDROOM 1' ft 0 77 ft2 A. 0 0 7SIab=On=Grade Edgelnsulation HIS'WIC '" 4ft 0_ ,. 35ft?,:_ I 8:SI6b On -Grade Edge Insulation :- PANT,RY, 1;ft 0, 30 ft2:. .' 1, 0` ., 0 f 9 Slab-On-Grede.Edge Insulation DINING: 18 ft 0. 210 ft2 1., 0 0 , 1081ab-06-Grade Edge Insulation: , ; KITCHEN-. 1 ft 0= 232 ft : 1 0; 0" 11Slab On=Grade,Edge In 6666h, OFFICE`CLST 1 #t 0 aft:' 1 0_ 0. 12Siab�-On=Grade:Edge insulation OFFICE' 171 0 . " 132 ft? 1 0' 0 13SI615On-Grade Edge Insulation• SAFE ROOM 14 ft A 120 ft� ", A 0.. 0 14SI40?On=Grade Edge Insulation FOYER 8;ft 0,­ . 72 - ._; :1 .0 0 15SIab-On-Grade Edge Insulation :: BATH 2: 4 ft 0, :, 45 ft?; - a 1' 0: 0' . 16SIab On -Glade Edge Insulation WIC 2. 1 ft A 45 ft? _ 1 0 0 1:78Iab-On-Grade Edge Insulation k. BEDRQOM 2; 36,ft 0 212 W 1 0 0 18SIab-On-Grade Edge, insulation'•: HALLWAY 1,ft 0 52 ft? 1 .. ± 0. 0' 19%ab-On-Grade Edge Insulation � , FAMILY ROOM 24 ft `'0" 420 ft , 1 0 0., 20SIab-On-Grade.Edge;Insulation'„ : BATH,3 20ft 0;"' 106 ft; :1 0 0 21SIab On-Gratle Edge Insulation VVIC'3, 10 ft 0-. 45 ft2;' . 1 , ' 0 0 22Slab :on -:-Grade Edge_InsulaUon BEDROOM:3 28 ft 0. 195`ft?.,.: , , .. 1. : ' 0; 0 :.. ROOF- / Roof Gable Roof Solar SA Emitt Emitt :Deck .Pitch V #. Type Materials Area;- Area Color Absor. Tested Tested ; Insui (deg) 1 Hlp' MeW 329ff? ,O ft2 • Light; No:,., 0 9'. No "-. 20•.1 33 7 ATTIC %Area " V # Type Ventllatioii, Vent;Ra ,o (-! in)' RBS 113, 1 Full, attic Unvented 0 , 2738 ft?, N:: N 8/22/2018-10.56 AM' s' Eh$gygaU' USA Section.R405:4:1'. Compliant Software - ` . Page 3 of 7 Sn Ar, LL a O o 0 C), C) 0 0 0- 0 0 o O, 0 a c, 0 in Q, 'co , -d (q, (D (R. (.6 co, .0 w (D to to w co ca to to' <0 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 I CD C) a c) C), a 0 c, 6 6 d. CS c; C5 6. 6 C3 c; -GS t CD 0­6 %C), -a: C) o o 0, 'o ot n 'o qm (D, (D C (S 6 d CS'- (S 6 cs CS: �C; C; CD. _7 cn, cl c) C) 'o. n d, O. G j C, O 0 a O 0,'O 4t) 0 0 0 Ol O 'o (:),'o C)L (D (D U) C)- 0, c:> o a .C; co� LD C�l 0 0 :0, CQ, to n, (D 6,- C, c:l M Co -q- co CN, I- co c, (I C,4 co N u)- -,r, ., C� -U) 0 U) W co CD Co co c) a - a 0 o 0 O c, c. a 0 o C>,. cp ci, a C) C) (D C, c c ACC C 'S C 'C 'C -C c r,_ c: C>, 0, o a 0 1 0. 1, 9 0 0 B3 Zn di , — M — , M — M q M, M.. _�M 'ML M C-0 0-3 1-0 M M ..2 CQ M. o 0 0- o a 0, o': .o CP? t. LO m ,t m to' ;f co co co (D LO A) co C) 0 C) cm. n N CN, o IN ck m� c) a (D� C5 6 ob 6. 6,_- 6 c. G N N N N. cv C4 NNC%! N LN N Lo 0 0 Ln, 40 W (0 0 U)'' W) to to: LO to An W 0 C4, O. V) ;WL W, W . I , 20 C-4: 04 cmi. 0, �o ul �.o o >- Z LL w 0 '01 cm M < - - 0', Cl) co m (D 'M co:,Im 3: >_ Aff W , I �o 'o 2 _n 2 0 Z w 0 4. z z L) IL) 0 w 0., o 0- CL Q� ' CLO fl� z CQ -Z z w 0 LL LLI W, > - 0 ca rL W ; LLI W < . z LL., LL > 0'0 'it 0,- >-- w Lu 9 < - . 10 "M im �:j < :5- C3 co - ri) -:,, LLM LL LU , LL, .69 - 3: 2 0 .[L LL .0 < U. LLI' Co. W < 2' 'o 0 LL < LL W', W UJ Cf) 2 0 (n . M. m CB Xg Is U, 'en, N_..W. U) V): U) ..U). U) 03 W. (D W, U) to W', S, s S C. r G G .2 E E s,.S , w LU LU W w w !a _�e -,e _w _Y_ 0 0 0 0 S <9 -S, 8 0 CQ 0 ra - - i,h, IN - FM iB 15 " Fa Fn Co IM__ CO, M M '0 fn:, M 42 2 -2. 4), a) .41 4) IV (D a) 0, 0 0 0 0 b' CD 2 4C r C�V c •r_ Q) a -r- 0- C, (D dQ) a) > > > > >0 > 8 :U ;U Iry - 0 0 . 0 .0 0 r r-. r- r- r- -r- �r- r- r- a a, a c a a a r- r a C 0 0 -0 a a a _c: 0 C. 0 C: 0 _: 0 0 c 0 c �o C, C 0 C C D. D M =3 =Y. -0 0 0 0 0 O a 0', -0, < < < < CD "Z5 a =. 15• .0�. a) CD V a), a a). v , (D v .0, 0) *0 ea. 4(D a (D a). m � (D •CU, V -0 - (L) ',c 'D 701 t I ta 0- 0,_ 0 0 b 21 0 a Z5 Ir_ Z5 T_ 0 '19, n D D D D "S D D Z D D r D a 0 c :D D .1 D 'WV -1 w uj W W W WV W UJL' W v U) v 1, co C) N co 'to Co I.-- Co 0) 0 r I 2; LLi z w Lu: CO -ju Co. Lil (6 c -1-1171, -1- 1-71JJ L_ _ 1 I__,I. _ 1 IT f - .. -co I- co i_ fm ol It C) 00 C, FORKR40&2917 ..:; _ -„ ,.,;INPUT;SUMMARY:C:HECKLIST.:REPORT: WALLS,- 1 Adjacent` :" Cawty, Width Height '; ' Sheathing Framing, Solar : 'Below Space _ 19 NE Exterior Concrete Block Ext InsEIAMILY RO0''. . 5, 7 - 1 10 0 id. 8 ft2 0 0 ` 0:6 0 20 'E Exterior Concrete0ock Ext Ins&IAMILY'RO.O 5 2 0 10 0 20:0-ft2 0 0:; 0Z 0 _ 21 N Exterior Concrete8lock; Ext Insul BATH 3 5 10 0 . 10. 0 .. 100;ft2 0 p . 06 0 . _ 22 E -Exterior Concrete Block'_ Ext.lnsul BATH 3 5 10: 0 . 10, 0 100:0 ft2 6 0,•. 0.6 0 23 N Exterior 'GoncreteBlock'- Ext lnsul = WIC 3 5 5:. ` 0 1'6. .0 • 50 0,W 0. :0 0'.6 0 _24 ::E Exterior .::Concrete Block =`Ext insult `1NIC 3 5 - 5 0 •.16 , 0- 66.0 ft' 0 - 0. 0.6! 01 =25 E Exterior• Concrete Block:-Exf Insi9EDROOM 3 5 15„ 6 1�1' 0. 165:0 ft? 0 0 6.6 0 , 26 S Exterior Concrete Block . Ext Insi9EgROOM 3, 5: 13 - . 0 .11 ' - 0; 1430 ft2 0' 0; 06 01 _ 27 S- Garage -Frame = Wood l AUNDRY 13� 27, 10 270 0-ft? -0 0:25, ' 0.600000 0 _ 28 W , .Garag'e . Frain e'- Wood .. - 'KITCHEN 13 13 '10 - 130.0 ft2. 0 .0.25 . 0.600000 0 - 29 W Gara e., g Concrete Block- Ext Ins68AFE ROOM 5 15- . 10 . 150'.O ft2 -,o 0 0,600000`. 0 : _ 30 N 'Garage ConcreferBlock -E Insd3AF,E ROOM 5 6'- 10_ : 60 0 ft? 0 0 0.600000 0 WINDOWS•,', : •'Orientation stiowmis,the:entered, Pro osed orientattorr-.. . / Wali Oyerhang V #: Ornt .'ID',_ „Panes I. NF-RC U Factor 'SHGC • Imp Area;. Depth- Separation "_ InfShade Screening:. 9 N . it Meal Low-E Single Yes 0.65 025 N 54 0 ft ,=_ 2 ft 0 in. 1 ftA in None None 2 E: .2 Metal L0 _E Single' Yes 0.95 0.25:. N 10 0 ft2 2 ftD in 1 ft,4 in - . None None 3., E 1, Metal . Low-E Single: Y.es� 0.65 0.3 , N 21 3Jft? 2 ft 01n Tft 4in` None None 4 IN 3 Metal Low=E Single< Yes. 0a65 0.26 N ' -18 0 ft?b 2 ft;0 in 1 ft 4in None None, 5 W 5: ° Metal Low-E Single; . Yes 0.65 0:25 N t30 ft2 ` 2.ft O in 1 ft 4 in, None None 6, W 5 Metal Low-E Singte; Y'es 0:65 025 IV 24.0`ft'. 2,ft.0:in 1 ft'4;in None None -7 , W 6 Metal Low=E Single, Yes 0.65 0;25 N 12 0 fi2 - .2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4an• - None- . None 8 N .8 Metal Low-E Singie Yes 0:65 0:3 N 96 6 ft2' _ 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4' irl None , None 9, -S 11 Metal: LoW-E Single Yes 0.65 0.25`: ' N 30.0'ft? , 2 ft 0-in 1 ft 4in. None None 10 S • 14 Metal Low-E Single.; Yes- -0.65 0.3 N . ": 48 O'ft? 2 ft,'6iW 1 ft 4:in , None. None 1'I- 'S 16 Metal Low-E Single ., Yes 0.,65 0:25-, N 30 6 ft2 2 ff 0'in 1 ft4in None None 12, N 18 Metal Low-E Single Yes 0 65 03 N: 96 0 ft2. 2 ft-0 in 11, 4-in None None 13=- N` 21 Metal low=E Single., Yes. 0.65 0.3 N 21 3ft2 2 ft 0 in. 1 ft4 in --None, None .14: S ;26 Metal L`ow-E,Single Yes 0:65, 0.251 N. 30.0*2 2ft`0.1n `IA4.in' N,6ne : Nonezi- GARAGE #'- 'Floor Area Ceiiing Area." Exposed Wall Perimeter... •.. Avg. Wall Height: -Exposed Wall Insulation 1 . - ... 81&ft2 <890`ft2 61 ft 10 ft 13 INFILTRATION # Scope . Method SLA CFM 50; ELA EgLA- ACH. ACH 56 - •. - 1 Wholehouse _,:Propose4'ACH(5-0) .000466 3345.1 ' 183.64'-: 345.36 ' .3659 7 8/2212018.10 58 AM EnergyGaugW USA Secfion`R405.41;CompliantSoftware ", Page 5;of7 FORM R405=2o1T . INPUT. SUMMARY CHECKLISTREPORT " MASS• -. y Mass,l ype ; • ... Area Thickness ` Furniture Fracfiori.. Space., i DefaUlt(8,;Ibs/s' ft Oft2 Oft 0.3 . MASTER BEDROO . j Default(8 lbs/sq:ft. W ft 0 3 M BATH Default(8lbs/sgift.. ft' ft 0:3 HER WIC:: R Default(8.Ibs/sq:ft. ft2 - ft 0:3' M'TOII ET . 13efault(8 Ibs/sq:ft:. ft2- ft. " 0.3 r LAUNDRY Default(8Ibs/sq.ft:. W ..ft-0.3 MUD ROOM 1 Default(8lbs/sq ft. ft? ft 0.3 HIS WIC: . Default(8 Ibs/sq.ft. ft2 ft 0 3 PANTRY Defautt(8lbslsq:ft:.:ft2 ft oao.DINING ' Default lbs/sq:ft:" ft2 ft 0.3 =;.. KITCHEN { Default(8 bs/sq,ft:. ` .ft2. ft 0:3 OFFICE CLST, " Default(8 lbs/sq.ft: f 2 .. ft 0:3, OFFICE Defauit(8lbs/sq:ft: ft2' ft:0.3 SAFE`RgOM", Default@ lbs/sqft ft2 ft. 0.3 FOYER , Defauit(8 Ibs/sgft ft? ft >: 03 BATH 2.; ' Default(B lbs/sg:ft. ft2 ft,, 0.3' WIC 2 Default(8 Ibs/sq:ft. ft= it 0.3 BEDR06M"2 Default(8lbs/sq:ft ft2: ft 0`:3. ' ;HALLWAY .` Default(Blbs/sg.:ff: ft ft , 0:3 .; FAMILY ROOM Defeult(8lbs/sq:ft.' fe ft' o BATH 3 . { Dei66f(8)bs/sq.ft' ft2. ff 0.3 W IG:3 _ Default 8 Ibs/s .ft' ft2.'" :. ... ... _ -:.ft . • - 0.3 BEDROOM 3 Name: Signature. i RAting'Gompant . Q l Date:` 8%221201810:58 AM:`' '.lEnergygaugp$.U$ASection R405;4.1 Compiiant Software Page 7 . of 7 2017 - AIR'13 ARRIER. AND -INSULATION INSPECTION COMPONENT CRITERIA TABLE.' 402.4-.1.1 AIR BARRIER AN[JINS -I- -COMPONENT, ULAT qN.-ION CRITERIA:_ Project ' Name: -BUSBY RESIDENCE Builder Name: Street. 118706,MA6`1­1 ONE .DRIVE Permit Office; ST LUC - I E COUNTY ,City, State, Zip: FORT :PIERCE 1;_FL,', Pe I rmit Number: ,Owner: J A ESBUSBY Jurisdiction I : S*LUCIE COUNTY W Design Location: _FL, Fort 'Piercer COMPONENT AIR BARRIER:C'R1TERIA._­ INSULATION INSTALLATION CRIT. EMA General -A continuous air barrier shall 6e'installe- d in,the building envell pe. 9 Airwoermeatile'instilation shall requirements exterior thermal envelope contains p�ntainga�do�finub6i.6irb'an-io-ri; Break's or barriershall'bp�sealed., Jgiritsinthe air b 1 — ;1­ 11 . . - not be used as�a,seallng material-.' Ceiling/attic -TheaIf bbrrip r i n'any �rqpp be aligh6d,with the- `and 'The� insulation 16 any -dropped cellihg/soffft insulation iriy�gapg, In theair barrier -shall'bd;sealed: shallbe a0gned-with'the air barrier.: ..Access openings drop down sfairs doors -to conditioned attic spacesshall be sealed: unconditioned' Walls The Cavities within corners and headers of frame walls 'The junction of the top plate and the toO-.of 6xteriorwalls shall -be sealed. 'shall'lielmulked by completely filling the cavity with a Knee walls ,shall -be sealed'.. m6tedif,6a4g.8 thermal rdsistan.qebf,R-3 -per inch E r Ae iorlherm­al envelope insulation for framed walls shall be installed in su6stbntiiil6dfttacfand continuous allgrimbritWth-the air barrier., WiipdoWs, skylights, Thespace between windoW/dwrjambs and framing, arid' .and doors skylights and framing'shall besealed Rim I p joll 91:6 Rim joists shall de the air' barrier include ba Rim shall be, insulate d Floors T.�ei�,rbir�4r-��61fb"e;installe'dat'�in*yex'posddedg6ofifisula�6n. ming Rqdr.ira -cavity insulation,shall be Installed to' (including malntainoprmaneni=ntact With underside o thef above=garage - ahii cantilevered floors) subficor decking, or floor framing c I avity insulation shall 6e,pierimitted to.be in -contact wiih.the top, side of- sheathing, -or coritinuous,insulatidn installed an the unde4de:of - floor ffaming arid"kends from the -b' ottor` t6,the top, of all perimeter hoor 6'a-mi hg members.'. Crawl space.walls. �Fjposedearth n u6vented crawl 'spaces 'shall -be'covered with a 'Where provided instead of floor 1nwIati6nJnsuIatipn P!aSS I vapor retarder with overiappingipin s-. p' t tA, ed. sh;§Il.be.permanentlyittc�ched" -the crawlsiJacewaft; -to- Shafts,#netratiions: 'Duct'shafts,.utlity penetratons-'and flue shafts opening g to exterior orunconditioned space shall be 6e6led_ 0aft in narr,6W cirvltliis6hall.be."cutto fit, or hiirrc%vr' I. Narrow cavities cavities shall.be filled bylrisulatl,qn,'Ithat on installation, readily.6briforms4o the available cavity spaces, Garage separation-. Air -sealing. shall be 6i6vided between ih elgarage and conditioned spaces. Repessed lighting, 'Aecossed'116ht fixtures initalleoln the;buiidirig thermal envelope shalt k6cess6d light fixtures installed. in the building ..be sealed to the drywall.. thermal envelopeshal be #Ioghfari0:tQrated: Plumbing and Wiring. Batt insulation shall -be but nqbtly,to fit around Wri a n 9 plumbing" In exterior walls,'brinsulation that or , i . installatJoh readkconforffis to,avalla blii.'space shall extend behind n and -v'W`r I n Showedtub Thf§rair6ard-er-in-s-ta-li-b'd',a'te'xte'riorwdlsadjac6htto,showersind �rn _q _q. txtdrior.walls adjacent to showers and t6bs:91-i6l[be on exterior wall fu bs 9hall,separate them :fro th6sh 6 owersan ,d,t u s. insulated.", Electrical/phone box on The aie66rrier shall be Installed behind plecfiical or'dommuhica't6h: 'exterior walls _boxes orzinn's"ealed bo'xes shall 6e'instaildci. HVAd register boots. penetrate VAC register boots that rate building thermal envelope shall be s0leflo the sub -floor ordrywall. Con'cealed When "required tb sealed,concealed fire sprinklers shaltonlybe sealed sprinklers in a ma'nnerr,,t.h.6t,is,recgpnmehd6d by, manufacturer. Caulking ,6rother t6i� "no" esive sealants itiall fbe , used to fill betwedn fire sprinkler coyd 7- 8/2212018 10:59 AM EnbrgVGauga US'-A-,Fb'C 6th Edition Compliant Page i of 1 201TEPL DISPLAY°CARD ENERGY.PERFORMANCE:LEVEL-,(EPL) DISPLAYCARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE INDEX* 99 The lower the Energy Pertormance (ndex;`the more efficient the home 1. New�Korne:,or, addition1'... New.(From: Plans), 12; Ducts, location-& insul`atton level a) :Supply ducts R 6.0 2. Single-family or multiple -family 2 Single-family b)°.Return ducts R 6:0• c)'`AHU location.;' : Attic/Attic 3. No: of units (if muitip)e-family) 3. 1... i 4. Number.of bedrooms 4:: 3 _ 13 Cooling system Capacity 46.5`: a):'Split system SEER 16 0 5. Isfhis a vgorst cases (yeslno). 5: No ti) :Singte,package SEER c);'Ground -water'source S.EERIGOP 6. Conditioned floor;area (sq.;ft:} 6 2Z38: d) :Room un►tIPTAC EER • e)`:Other - )ndows, -i and; area' 7 a Llfactor (weighted average) 7a 0:650 a b SoleHeaf Gain Coefficient SHGC 7b. "0:278 " 14 :Heatin s stem: Ca aci 34:0 (. ),. g. ,y P, tY c);Area-` 7c 4987 ab)) Split system heat -pump HSPF Single„package heat.p4rn0 HSPF 8. Skylights. c Elecfricr`esistance COP 1:0' factor(welghted average)', ,.. 8a NA . d)'_d s furnace, natural:gas ` AFUE b SolarHeatGain Coefficient; SHGC 8b " %NA a Gas.furnace, LPG AF 1 (, ) ). f) Other 9.;Floor`type; insulatibn level:: a) Slab-on-grade.:(R value} " 9a. 0:0 b).Wood; `raised (R=value)'.. 9b 15: Water heatingsysfem'.. c):Concrete raised-(R-value) ' 9c. _ , a) Electric.resistance tEF b)EFG0 9 10: Wall tvpe:a!p, Jnsulation: , c): Gas fired, LPG EF A: Exterior '. d) Solar system with tank' EF e Dedicated boat , um with tank;,-EF 1. Wood frame (Insulation R-value)-:-10A1.._ � ) , p p , 2, Masonry(Insulation R-valu_ e). 10A2., S.0 :. I).--0eat recovery, unit HeatRee% B.:Adlacent Other 1. Wood frame (Insulation R value)' :: 10B1._ 1.3.0 . 2 Masonry (Insulation R=value} 16 HVAC credits claimed (Performance Method).'; 11. Ceiling type and insula ion level a):<Ceilmg fans a) Under attic 11a. 20:0 _ b} Cross.ventilation No. b), Single assembly 11b.: .41Wh61e house fan,-. - Ab c) Knee walls/skylighf walls.. l c • ` • d)' Muitizone cooling credit _ d) Radiant barrier installed lid. __: No by, Multt2one heating^credit f) Programmable thermostat :,No , *Label required by Section R303 1;3 of the Flonda Building Code,. Energy Conservation if not DEFAULT I certify that this home has compUedwith the Flond , b ''ding; Code' Ener Conservation,;thr`ough`theabove ener 9Y 9Y. saving features which; will `tie installed (or exceeded) in this;home"before final'mspection Otherwise a new`EPL display card ;will be completes based,on mstatled code compliant features f Builder Signatureate: Address -of New Home .18700 MACH ONE' DRIVE .. Ci 1FL Zi FORT PIERCE FL _ tY P - I 8/22/2018 10, 59 01:AM. Energy.G ge® USA 6 0 02 FlaRes2017 FBC 6th Edition (2017) Combli nt Software: Page,1 of_-1