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1E.RMAI,TRU (1) ERMA TRU DOORS INDUSTRIAL DR.. EDGERTON, OH 4351 7 OTH STAR'; "FIBER CLASSIC', CL !!�CRAFT" & "CLASSIC CRAFT RUSTIC" GLAZED FIBERGLASS DOUBLE DOOR INSWING / OUTSWING ,IMPACT" GENE 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 61h Edition (2017) Honda Building Code (FBC) structural requirements excluding the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone' (HVHZ). 2 Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used in areas requiring wind bome debris protection this product complies with FBC Sections 1609.1.2 & R301.2.1.2 and does not require an impact resistant covering. This product meets missile level "W and includes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTM El996 and FBC Sections 1609.1.2.2 &,R30T. 4. - For 2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shall be the some as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. ! fir! S. Site conditions that deviate from the details of this drawing require further .I enaineerina anahrsis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION Typical elevations, design pressures & general notes Smooth Stardoor panel & glazing detailsFiber Classic door panel & glazing details Classic Craft/Classic Croft Rustic door panel & glazing details Horizontal cross sections E Vertical cross sections Buck&frameanchoring-2X buck masonry construction Frame anchoring-1Xbuck masonry construction Components ComponentsBin of Materials 74.62' MAX. FRAME WIDTH F36�MAX.36.75"MAX. PANEL WIDTH WIDTH w/ ASTRAGAL m = m_ X o o P P "SMOOTH STAR", "FIBER CLASSIC" "CLASSIC CRAF1" & "CLASSIC CRAFT RUSTIC" s4 '� OVEfi'A(l a i?1%ER,d�L�.,a pE$fC+NPRES'St1RE4(PSF�' ,s,r SW1fJ(� �� 3s fRl}ME X x O L6 M � t � POS�ITIZE r� 411EGA71VE ` Dl(IAE'NSI,C�N, _ "U((�AEAI$fON x INSWING 74.62" x 98.00" 21.00" x 78.75.' +50.0 -50.0 OUTSWING 74.62" x 96.75" 21.00" x 78.75' +50.0 -50.0 � m rl 11 \�n N v n.z En Zmo 00 m n. a C �Z U9 $r� rJ� SIEN I I z w i ^ N ^ Q z M N ^ Z U 5 22 08 i LE N.T.S. In: sr: LFS 3 02 ND-- � FL-7630.9 0 0 Er 1 of 1 t ro R:AClents%Therma Tru PERNANFNE(A - Rodda Pmdae: APProvaM-76301C - Drav4ngsVR-7630 (7917)(R-7630.6 & 9A W, 2.9 a t N O I LnAN Ax N ` � v O� Z� At 0 m�:� IA22 Il0 a - n C T To 'n 'gym m$ 50 W 1v .'O Q Ln N ~ Z 0 Z Sy z 0 0 m �► Olw W —T ti `'• 'd 0 No.43M •: October 17, 2017 P , ` PRODUCE: on F. Schmidt ��i ••'+•• THERMA—TRU 4me RaeDR••'� IN z N 3 10 1T 17 UPDATE TO Mn W. 2017 FBC JK GLAZEO FIBERGLASS DOOR P.E No. 43409 �7I/I7��OII,,g1A1. W y N 2 1 29 1S UPDATE TO 5TH m. 2014 FBC LFS PART OR ASSl7ABLY: BIJIlDINO CONS "TA I+ fD y y NO BDATE11 I2 UPDATE m 2010 F13C JK SMOOTH'STAR DOOR PANEL VV phone No2013.OS 819795 R IS NS & GLAZING DETAILS FBPE CA No. 91313 ,AO--1711— T. paMNENnA - Florida pMdud AMMISVI-76301C - t)-yingsVL-7630 (2017)1FL-76M.6 &9,dwg, 3.9 0 rr z 5: m 050 M 0 0 C. M W m 7A z M -y vim 5; > z z 9! -< > m M z M M m m Cz < An) I on 00 73 to 1412 SCH N0.4340D October 17,2017 I PRGOUM VactvnWft Prepared -- ME OGLAZED FIBERGLASSDOOR/V 3 1 7 17 UPDATE TO6TH ED. (20173 "1 1 29 15 UPDATE M STH ED. (2014) FBC LFS I PART oR AssEmsLy. BUILDING CONSULTANTS to o 1 6111112 UPDATE TO 2010 FOG P.O..Box 230. VoTrIco, FL 33595 gY FIBER CLASSIC DOOR PANEL Phone No.: 813.659.9197 NO. DATE REVISIONS & GLAZING DETAILSFBPE C.A. No. 9813 R:\alents\Them TN PERNANUMA - Florida Product APp misIFL-76301C - DravAM%R-7630 (2017)VL-7630.6 & Ift 4.9 1 1 - N_ 7&75' MAX. D.L.O. ° $ Og IAT \• v A N �\ T A� Bx v O= A � H I— 1.43° —1 I P rye 0 tit HNC Z m m lA A A. w_ ti O° O Q .0 70 Lr (n 0 CA 10 N A In ynt A r w S N N O �f no MR 1 0 O� oo p O� DG) o m� "?c It Dr 0 S nD z z z Z >y <T >�3 Z n a m (It m ° � r m v O < w a w A N [tJ N O A n _ r IA So r VCFN�}• Z a a a `\ No.43409 October 17, 2017 5 ••ammap PRODUCT: 00CUMOnts Prepared •� //i �''ti;i01i[D�S••'r r7 THERMA—TRU GLAZED FIIiERGIASS DOOR Lyndon F. Schmidt \\\� P.E No. 43409 31 CWAL \ TO 17 17 UPDATE TO 6TH ED.2017 FBC JK 14 Z ro 3 N BUILDING CONSULT,�.- 1 29 15 UPDATE TO 5TH ED. 2014 FBC LF3 PART OR ASSEMBLY: 11++ w0 y CO 2 p 1 tiiD��/ P.O. Box 230. Valrlco, FL 33595 6 11 12 UPDATE TO 2010 FBC JK I io m NO CLASSIC CRAFTAL CRAFT DOOR PANEL GLAZING RUSIIC DETAILS YV Phone No.: 813.859.9197 DATE BY REVISIONS & FBPE C.A. No. 9813 si 2ee9 A.W. Bul�elu¢ Ceueu�r�„1•n lue- NOTE 1. (12) OF ITEM #4 ASTRAGAL RETAININ SCREW LOCATED O 3/4, 7. 3.1 /4", 4-1/2", 18-7/8,37-1/4",57-7/8", 76-3/8', 904/4", 97', 93" & 94-1 /7' FROM TOP OF ASTRAGAL. 1-1 /4" MIN• EMB. (TYP.) i o . o. 0.15" `J B C'SMK (TYP.) eHORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION $ Inswing shown - Ouslwing also approved 1-1/4" MIN. EMB. (IYP.) 4 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION $ Shownw/1Xsu uck SEE NOTE 1 INTERIOR 2 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION $ Inswing shown -Ouslwingalso approved m . =r o m i`v� •. ���� r. v ro m w_ q5 S i oz� 0 LL vFF 3a mLL44 z 1-1/4"M1N. EMS. (IYP.)I art AL rt an Ln VW No: ° FL-7630.9 c a y5 of 11 0 x:101entslThemw Tm PEI MENPA - Florida Pmdua AppmvalsAFL 76301C - DrawbMIFL-7630 (2017)VL-7630.6 & 94w% 63 1-I/4° MIN. EMB. W.) _ 1-1/4°MIN. EMB. (T ?.) O O A � � O c- 04 v. e L•1 ° r O � O . i ° • 0.15' MINK (TYP.) 1-1/4° MIN. EMB. (TYP.) g � � a 0 m A O A J 0 QFP �HQf 9 1s X n Q0 m tr O m 0 C Z 1-1/4°MIN. EMB. (TYP.) v 1-1/4° MlN. EMB. (IYP.) 0claber 17, 2017 Q PRODUCT: DocumeMa Prepared .� THERMA—TRU Landon F. Schmid! ��i.320FbD►}•'•• ��� IO1 $ Z 3 10 17 17 UPDATE TO 6TH ED. 2017 FBC JK GLAZED FIBERGLASS DOOR P.E. No. 43409 w w �' y 2 9 15 UPDATE TO 5TH ED. 2014 FBC LFS PART OR ASSEMBLY: BUILDING CONSULTANiS1)1��11` F) f!1 p .1 641 1 12 UPDATE TO 2010 FBC JK P.O. Box 230, Valrico, FL 33595 to m NO DATE CROSS VERTICAL RT C IONS Phone No.: 813.659.9197 REVISIONS I FSPE Ca No. 0813 93 2on9 R.W. ew�ewe ce,.uu�rura ma. I I I I � D I 7TYP. HEAD I I � ASTRAGAL MASONRY � JAMBS I I SHOWN FOR OPENING II REFERENCE 2X BUCK --.,I I I p I" I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I BUCKANCHORING �W L z — � MASONRY TYP. HEAD & � © o OPENING JAMBS I I SEE DETAIL 1 \ 2X BUCK — F TYP. SILL SEE HINGE DETAIL HINGE JAMB CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: 1. Concrete anchor locations at the comers may be adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to mortar joints. 2. Concrete anchor locations noted as MAX. ON CENTER" must be adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to mortar joints, additional concrete anchors may be required to ensure the MAX. ON CENTER" dlmensfon are not exceeded. 3. Concrete anchor table: 17W ® 1/4" 1-1/4" 2" 4" TAPCON ELCO ULTRACON® 1/4" 1-1/4, 1" 4" TAITW a 3/16" 1.1/4' 3" 1-1/2" WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION NOTES: 1. Maintain a minimum 51W edge distance, 1"end distance, & 1"o.c. spacing of wood screws to prevent the splitting of wood. DETAIL 2 t t t 1 t t i FRAMEANCHORING ASTRAGAL Masonry 2X buck construction G 97 080 DETAIL 2 —uFs n YC�IN&A 111)WIII-9 !•- om wi A $5.. f` C v 0 xZ-4 ZJ N Cm d G W mda� g 27 �5 o�1Fa o K �o c z o� LATCH d DEADBOLT DETAIL W AS HINGE DETAIL tm AL m an LFS 3 Mw W4 Q a FL-7630.g °a Er 7 ova N A 4* ........... % co 6- 3- X.: co SEE DETAIL I Os1 %%I z MASONRY TYP. HEAD & HIS 3 . OPENING JAMBS fn CW --' FRAME ti 0 C; z IXBUCK F T, IYP. SILL SEE HINGE LATCH & DEADBOLT DEWL DETAIL SEE DETAIL 2 M 71 �Q al HINGEJAMB FRAMEANCHORING ASTRAGAL I J Masonry IX buck construction I CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES. 1. Concrete anchor locations at the comers may be adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to mortar Joints. Z Concrete anchor locations noted as "MAX. ON CENTER" must be adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to mortar joints additional concrete anchors may be required to ensure the "MAX. ON CENTER"cUmenslon are not exceeded. 3. Concrete anchor table. ANCHOR N" ... ... ....... .......... ...... ..... . ....... ....... ..... 900MENT, ........ . ........ .. .... ... .... . . ....... ITW TAPCONO 1/47 1-114' 2" ITW AIRCONO 3/1V 1-1/4' 3" 1.-1/T "WWU QI Kcyy 'J 415 1. Maintain a m1hF7—u0!/F—.;g'. distance, I"end distance, & I"o.c. spacing of wood screws to prevent the spriffing of wood. V--eg DETAIL 2 UU-MR59- DETAIL I UCJML 19 Frw—mng W.. AL BY. LFS YM NOS FIL-7630.9 - .T i RTlents\Theme MUPERMANINiN-FbIMa Pmdua ApprmisXM-7MIC- Dmwhlgs1FL-76M(MI7)\R:7630.6&9.dw9.9.9 �0 V O V s �ii S v 0 O p y 0 1►-1.84" 1.3T 1.3" -�{ � c rn z O O a; 10.039 coa _N D a � C7 s O C a 9 OX � O X g1f///�,, �, fC �r,/��� G NO.43409 OccDba 17, 201 4 PRODUCT: Caa morn Pnpm d r7 THERMA-70 Lyndon F. Schmidt �i RORiD�:•'��� �:� Vt GLAZED FTBERGIASS DOOR P.E. No. 43409 i/���% • •••• �:� 3 =117_ UPDATE TO 6IH ED. 2017 F8C JK y 2 UPDATE TO 5TH ED. 2014 FBC IFS PART OR ASSEMBLY. BUILDING CONSUS1n ORW � 1 UPDATE TO 2010 FUC JK COMPONENTS P.O. Box 230. Valrlco. FL 33595 NO DATE T3Y Phone Noa 813.659.9197 REVISIO S FSPE C.A. No. 9813 0 200B R.W. BUILOINO CONSULTANTS INC. "I3:lOkntAThema Tm PERNANENT%A- Rodda Product ApprovalsVI-76301C- DrawhgSU37630(2017)VL-7630.6&9dw0, 10-9 --I 1.3V �`r.'• y e b 1.25" ls- 1 53" z a w 2681' � � —� j 0.439" F--1.53• m �{ �1s ur 4.:. K oD ;: •.yr� r �. No.43409 �k Elk October 17, 2017 PRODUCT: oceu=P,pww •i •: •• J THERMA—TRU Lyndon F. Sahmldt ��i ••'•.!;Z0RlD1,`.••••• \\�� IO Z N 3 TO 17 17 UPDATE TO 6TH E0. 2017 FBC JK GLAZED FlBERGLASS DOOR P.E No. 43�09 "fill ` \\\ UPDATE TO 5TN ED. 2014 FUG LFS PART OR ASSEMBLY: BUILDING CONSULTANT IfIGC�1 C to O 1 8 11 12 UPDATE 70 2010 FBC JK - P.O. Box 230. Vairloo, FL 33595 fO 03 NO ATE BY COMPONENTS Phone No.r 813.859.0197 REVISIONS FSPE CA No. 9813 0 2009 R.W. ew�o...e co„su�r.urw rwn.