HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2303 - """'1 nIl;) .< .1:rt.1::t~~'l~;.:~. ":);.';t:.-:!.:o.:..:...1i:.o\''''' -la~,_...'.-. .'.'fr..' .........'t~... _ ,,""-..........-.:.-........"'-4.,.,....."""',;.;............-#...__.., _ ...__..__..._-'_-."".__.._.......~___._~... .___.__....._.....~_~""-.,..,!L.....f':lo~- - ( stATB O~ 'LORIDA COURTY O~ S~. LUCIB ;1 HEREBY CIBTIPY that on tbls 7\h del of Maroh, A. D. 19E8, betore a. personal1, appeared Paul O. EnD' and L. W. Halbe. reBpeotively president and Seoretarl ot KEYSTONB R~ COMPAI~, a oorporatlon under the laws ot th~ State ot Ilorida. to ma kDOwn to be the perioD' deioribed 1n and wbo exeouted the toregolng oonveyanoe to Leona B. Weber. and seyer- . ally aoknowledged the exeoution thereot to b6 their free aot and deed as luoh ottio.rl. for tbe UBe. and purposea therein mentloned; and that they attixed tbereto tbe ottl01al seal ot .ald oorporation. and the sald instrument i8 the aot and deed of 8ai4 oorporat~on. t/~1S9 my signature and ofttolal ..al at ~ort Pleroe in the Goulltl of St. Luo1e, a, State;} lorlda. the day and year la8t aforeaald. H. !. Bnna Jr.' (J.P. Sea Botary ?ub11o. State ot 'lorlda at targe. Commlaaion .xplres Jull 26. 1910 Rotarl Public,State ot 'lorida at Lurge . .--_ _. My COrlQl1881on explre8 JUly 26. 1930 .11.4 .~.00r~h1. 21 4.7 o~ UOroh 19... ., 3:06 P. U. ~< (ct.Gt'7881 R~ P. C. Eldred. G1erk Cil'ouit Court , COrd lI: . /J _ . _ n ' el"1/iecJ Bl ~:)~ D.. -- ..........-................................. SALLIE BOYKIB ADD HUS. TO WARRAnTY DnD THIS IND~ITURB, uade this 12th day ot Uarcb A. >>. 1928. BETWEEN Sal11e BOlkin and PALlUHDWI PRUIT COllPJJIY ~ C. G.~oyklD. ber hus~nd. ot the Countl of St. Lucle and state ot ~1orida partles of the tlrat part. and Palaindien Yruit Company. a corpora~lon of the state ot New Jersey, party ot the 8econd part. WITH!SSITH. tbat the sald partles of the tirst part. tor and in oon- .1d.ratlon of the 8um of Ten dollars and other oonalderationB. to them in hand ~~id. the reoeJpt wbe!eof i8 ~erebl aoknowledged, have granted. bargainod. sold and tranaferred. and bl ~hese presente do grant, bargain. Bell and tranBfer unt~ the 8aid party ot the Beoond pal't and its SUOO.Isor8 and asslgns forever, all that oertain parcel ot land lying Bud bf:ing in tbe County of St. Luole. and State ot Plorlda. more partlou1ar1y desorlbed 8S tollowa: The Weat half of tbe lIorthwest quarter ot t~e SoutbeaBt quarter cl Sectlon thirty . t.o (3~) ~own8hlp thlrtl tive (36) soutb and HaDge th1rty nine (39) eaBt, oontaining 20 acreB more 01' le~a. tOGETHER with all the teDements. heredltament8 and appurtenanoes, wlth every privilege, rlgbt. title. lnt8l'est and estate, dower and right of dower. revf:r8ion. remainder and 8888- q~.,.: U ment tbereto belonglng or in anywiBe appertalnlDg; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tbe 8am. in fee a1mple torever. And tbe aald part lee ot the tirBt part do covenant wltb the ..ld partl Qt the seoond part tba\ thel ar6 lawtully B8iaed of the 88id premises, that,they are free trom all inoum- bunoe. anel that thel have good rlgbt and lawful al1thorlty to Bell the 8amei end the 8uld parUes of the fint pal't do hereby t..1lly W8naDt tbo t1 He to aald land, end w111 defend tbe aame against the lawful olalma of all persons whomsoever. IB WITHB5S WHBBEO~, the oaid partiel of the flrst part have bereunto set thelr h.n~s and seala tbe dal and year above wrltten. S1gned. aealed ao4 De1ivel'ed In our presenoe,) D. s. carlton A. B. Antbony Sallie BOlkir; G"C~ BOlkin (Seal) (Seal ) ~ :-~~: ~=~.. !-;:.~: .-:. . :~. :~'_~~c,,~".;.--~'"-:~-:;~;~ ;~;-::~ :~~.