HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0029 1'0 ~~- -- - -__._-0- ~ .._._~.._..~_.__._-~.-.. .--.-----.---....-.--..-..--..~--.--.--..-.......-...----~-.~~~~1~~_<;Q't,"...;...iU"~-:r'",:'!.,,,~,,,, I .--- - -- STATE or rLORIDA COUNTY OF SAINT LUCIE) I heHb:; oertify that on thie 7th dr.;y 0<< A:prll. 1929. before tie peraollally 8ppoa'L'ed C. F. Relllerson and Louise R8u.D \'oon. rbspeotively Presldent and Seoretary of East Coos.. -.~ 'U ; Cottle Company. a '-iorpot'aUon under the laws at th'J State 01: /10r1do. to me known to be the persona deaoribed in and who exeouted the tot'egoing oonveyanoe to H8ttle B. thamberlln. Slid severally aokuowledged the exeout ion thereof to be the~.l' tree Bot Dud deed as suoh offioe~ for the 110&8 and purposea therein mentioned; and that they attlxeu thereto the otl'ioial seal of sald oorporation. and the said instrument ls the aot 8ud deed of 8uld oorporation. UTIIISS my h / ~ ~ otfiolal oe~l at ~ort Pieroe. St. Luoie County. ~lorldo, the day and year la'3t I~ (H.P. Hel~n S. Groh notary Pub11o. state of Florida at lar~e, lAy oommlss101l expireo: lIotary Publio. State of i'lcrlda ut La~ge My Co~loBion explres July 7. IV31 Filed and reoorde~,((i~-; 1928. at 9:68 i' M (Ct.Ct.Seal d P. \ \ \I eri\ie ~ llP.CO(( By "-, C, Eldred, Cler~ Ciro~it Court lJ ..6" 1~ ~~ D. C. _:fa ...............~........................... l).WID lLIllH TO rrnou COnCERnED AllIDAVI'i' STATE OF FLORIDA ST. LUCIE COmITY .j P, ' U Personally appeared before me. the undersigned offi~i8l; o~tho~iaed by the lawu of said State anll County to administer oaths 8nd toke Aoknowledgcents. one David Pliun to ma well lenowD, who bei.ng first duly sworD. deposes aud sayer that he wos perliolla11y well 80- quainted with J. J. Heim. grantee in a oertain warranty deed conveyi.ng property loooted 1n ~t. L~oie COllDty. ~lorido. deeoribed 80 tollows: The South ODe-half of the Southweot ~uarter of the Soathwest Quarter o~ Seotior l8. Township 36 SOilth, hauge 40 East. said deed baing reoorded in deed book 60. at page 397, reoordo of st. Ll10ie County, 1-'10r1da; that he was personal11 well aoquainted with Jooeph J. Heiw. the grantor 111 a oerta in warranty deed oonveying the propert1 hereiuabove desoribed. 'soid deed being recorded 111 deed book 60. at rage bE'1, reoo rds St. Lllole COllllty, Plo ride; that the aff1ant knows of his own knowledge. 8nd herewith otates. thst the said J. J. Heim olldthe 60id Jooeph J. Helm. were one and the 8ame per8on, alld that the ilaid J. J. Heim, grantee in the f11'ot deed aforesoid W8S the 80ld Jose~h J. Heim grantor in the second deed aforesaid. 1J&'11d 10'11110 S~bsoribed nnd . _ ~~.,betore J.pl'11 , 1928 : \ ,\ I (1f.P. Sttal /, me at Yc. Pieroe. ~t. 11l0ie County, rlorida, thio 7th day of '11e4 and re . J. ~ ,- Jaokson notary Pllbl1o. stote ot "'loride at llJrgo. lIy oOIlWlission explre8: Sept, 4. 1928 da, ot Aprl1 1928. at 9:68 ~. U. -f) ~-,>.~U l' P. C. Eldred. Clerk ~lro~lt Court PpC()f(1 V f>rif!ed lly ~ I~,./ D. c. ... ... ............ ......... ..... ... ...... ....... , ~. '.~ " , ".';:"", ~~.....- ~i-r.~~~;~~~;j~{.1t~!~?~i~;ft~~~Wt~~ ,-a