HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0046 . 27 \ 1 , i , 1 I j .-. ~ :.1 POST PIIRCI 'Ilf.lNCI!IG AND COH8'1'BUCTIOll CO. TO W. E. BITTIJHOUSlt WAroWrl'Y DmD 'ORT l?IE.BC:! PINAIIC!lIG AND COlfS'l'RUCTIOIl COIIPAlfY 10L~ PIERCI lLORInA \U.BBAN'fY DUD I' THIS IUD!HTUR!. ~de tb18 Twaoty-~lr8t day of iebr~ary. A. D. 1928. between the PORT PIERCE .INAlCIUO Alln CONSTRuCTION COUPAHY. a Corporatloo orgaolsed and existing Ilnder the 1..11 of tbe State ot .10rld.. party ot the tir8t part. and W. B. 1tittenb0I18e. of Dalt~more. Kaqlan4. par\y ot the eeoond part: WIfBJSSBtH: That the party ot the tir8' pa~t, tor and in oouslderatloo o~ the 8WD ot Ten >>011af8 and otber valuable oonalderatlona to i1 in hand paid by the 8ald party ot the seoo04 part. the reoelpt whereot 18 hereby aoknowlellged. haa granted. bargaloe4 and 801d to the said party o~ the .eooncl par1, his hei1's Ind l.aign8 torever. all th8t real eeta1e 81tl18te io County ot St. Ll10ie and state ot ~lofi~a. 4esoribed 88 ~ollowB. to-wit: LOT BUUBERln> 'OUR (4) or BLOCX llUJ.lBERED UIB~ (9) or rORT PIERCE BEACH SUBDIVISION ~s THE SJ.D IS SHO'lll. !URKKD Al,J]) DESIGUATKD 011 &. PLAT 0' SAID SUBDIVISION l;!CORDED II P,UT BOOJC BO. 'OUR. A'l PAGE 68. III THE 01PICK 01. THE CLERK 0' THR CIRCUIT COllR'1' II AUD POR ST. LUCIE COtr.lTY. ?LORI~. . IT IS MUTU~LLY rr~DBRSTOOD &iD AGRXBD by 80d ~8tw.en the parties that 'Bid Deed o~ ConTe78ooe shall 0001810 ~he fOllowing oonditions. restriotions. and limltatiolls. whioh are lntenclcd to be 804 ahall be tateo 8S oon.e080t8 ~o run wtth the land. and whioh are intended to be and shall be taken ea. oondition8 of 88id oOIlY&J'lInoe oncl olle ot the express oons1.dera- ti9lls. thereot. vla: 1. DO resldenoe or bUBine88 bl1ildlng shall be oonatrl1oted 01' ereoted on any lot hereby oonT.yed Ilnless the 88me shall ooot at least 'o~r ~h~llsan. riTe HIlDdred and DO/loo DOLLlBS. and be of 8 permanent nature. 8ald amol1llt to be .o~Q81ly expend~~ in the oon8truetlon aDd ereotion ot 8uoh bul1dlng. and not tor te.s in oon~e~tlon therewith. or in the oonstrv.otioo I ot any out-bull4iQgs thereoo. t. Only ooe one-taml1y realdeno. and one prl,ste garage buildlng shall be ereote4 on one ~esi4eno. lot. Bothing hereln. however. shall prohibit the oonstruotion or e1'eotl.a o~ .err9nt.s quarter. in oonneotion wlth the garage on 8aid lot. 3. Iv ~~DtB or t.mporary bal1ding shall be ef.o~ed upon oald proporty without the Qon- aent ot the grantor hsr61o. 4. lIo hOllse. str'llotllle 01' huildlng to be &1Be' 98 a b-lsluesB room. storage hOll8e. mao- I1t8ct~rlng establishment. maohlne shop. or tor any other b~sine8~ or oommeroial purpoBe what- aoeyer. inoluding apartment houses. two-taml11 or double tenement houses, hote1~. 8anitaril1mS or chl1tohe.. shall be oooatruoted. .reoted or plaoe' on any ot the 10t8 altuate In Bloot. Tbree (3). Seveo (7). Eight (8). Eleven (11). ~blrt.eo (13). lo"rteen (14). ~ixteen (16), Dinetoen (19). ~w.nty-~hree (23). Twenty-lour (24) or TWenty-Rive (26); nOr ahall s01 storage house. manutaoturing estobliaha.nt. oommerolal garage or ..ohlne .hop be oan8truot~d. ereoted, or plaoad. on any o~ tho lota sl~u8te in sa14 BlODill, nor shall any b~slne. or' oOll.llleroial ea-'- ~erprl"'.ba'.~ert l>>Olp41ngapart..ol bo'ats. two-taal17 or double tanement8 houoe8. hotela. .anltariwa8. or ohuroh.. be operated or malntained there"; nor sholl any strllotllf' bo er.ot- e4 or other prov18100 ..de thereen tor tb. ear. of bar.... 00... 08ttlo. hogs or PQu!tP.1. nor aball a01 bor.... OOWB. ~.'tl.. hOSD or paul~r~ )e Itept or r.leed thereob. 6. .0 hou.e. atruG\llr.. Of blllldlD8 to bo a.t4 .. ! publlo roo_. .tote-hou8e. ..nul.o- tllrios .Bt.bll.~.o'. ~oh10e 8bop. pllbllo garag~) publio ... 3t.t100. or tor 007 other 1 / :f#~t~;~:{ri~4;i:f~~i~f~~~10~J; .'- ~. v . ",'~: -~'''..~';~~:~~~~~1r~t~ff~f}