HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0047 ~ 28 - - - -- -' oa....olal pllrpoee wbotoyer ebdll be oonstruoted. erooted. or pIa oed on an1 lot altuated 10 aDY blo~k ex~.ptlng Blook8 ODe fl). Two (2). Se~enteoo (1'1. lwwoty-ool (21). ~.ut~-~o fe2). 6, Bo building ahall be oOhetruot.d Of efeoted on anl ot the re81denoe 10t8 be~ebl oonYe~e4. .0 that tbe ~f~~tlg~ or S~# ~~t ot 801d building ahall be 0108er than twen1y teet to the froot line o~ tbe lot or 10t8 upoo wbloh asid building shall be ereoted. or ol~8er than fl,. ~eet to tbe aide lines o~ any lot. If a garage Is ereoted Ilpon Baid lot 1t mU8t be looated 00 the rear o~ the lot and Dot lG88 1han flve teet distant f~om the ~ear and aide 1ine8 thereot. Thie olauBe 8hall not. however. prohibit the ereotion ~t a reBid~no. or pri- vate garage upoo one lot and a p8rt ot 8notbe~ or upon two or more lote: pro~ldad 8aid resid- .noe or garage shall not be ereat.d olo.er than tive teet to e'\her side l1ne ot the property a8 a wbole. '~' ~ J 'I I 7. The real estate berein oODyeyed sball not at any time be re-8I1bdlvided. bQt this restrloUon aball not prevent the grantee h1a exeoutors. admlniotratore. legel repreaent!ltlvea. '.' helrs. I~OOIBsor8 or aS81gns. trom oonyeylng any part of the aaid real estate hereby oonveyed to the owner ot' owners adJolning tbe real estate hereby oonveyed. - - 8. The oondition8. reatrlotlonl and limltatloos ot this IDstfucont shall not be oon- 8trued 10 a8 t~ preYODt or limlt tbe grant.e. his exeoutor8. adaioi8trstors, legal repro8sn- tstl..,08. helrs.sl1ooellora and asslgos froll keeping and maintalnlng on the real estate oon- ve1ed. '\.lob serv8nts a8 lD8y be req\.llred ~or ta~\ly Il~e. ,; Tiolatioo in ~hole or In part of aoy of the afore8ald oondition8. restriotlons, 11mlta- teione by the grantee. exeoutors. adminlBtratore. legal representatives. heirs. 8~oooB8ors. Ind assigns. or by tbe :~ner or o.oere o~ tbe roal est.te herein oouve7ed by virt~e or anl Jlldloial prooeedlnge. shall oa~se the above desorlbed end oonveled ree~ estate to !maedlately revert to the grantor. Its 8110088801'8 or 88slgne. and shell entltle the grantor. ita suooeS8ors or a8sigos. to immedlato~ enter upon loid property without ootioe 8ud take posseB810D ot the same. wltb till I title. In te8 simple. together with all improvements thereon. ~nd the asld part~ et the tlr8t pert doos hereby tally ~..rrant the title to laid land and .111 defend tbe 88De agaln8t t~e lawtul olaims ot all per80ns wbomsoever. IS WI'BE5S WHKREOP. the ssid party ot the tirst part has hereunto aaused its oorpo1'ste name and 8eal to d attixet-by.. G. UOYullen. Ite President. the day and year ~lr8t above wfitt"il. 1l ~J (5B.U,) PORT PIRRCB lPIIlANCIIlG AIID CdbSTRJCT 1011 COJ.IPA1fY By 7. G. Uokullen President. .J.thlt: Josepb Signed, 8elled 8Dd deliyered io the presenoe ot: Willl.. J. WarreD X. L. Soott ST. LUCIE COU1lTY SUTE 01' .LOR IDA ) 88. } I, a Botary Publio. aD oftlger authori.ed to toke aokDowle~gmeut8 o~ de.dB. hereby oertlty th.t 1. G. JloK\lllep 8Dd Joseph x. GOdSI1F, par.oDall)' known to lIIe to h the PreBident SlId seareter, r.epeotlve17. o~ .OR! PIIBCB .UNAlCLUG AUDCOHSTBUCi'ION COUPABY. a oQrpora~lOD orglc. 1.., snd DOW .x18tins wader the la.. of tbe State ot .lorida. 8nd. who a. .uoh ottloer. exeollt. .4 the foreaains d&.4. \b18 4ay persoDal17 appearat betore 11I1 and aoknowledg.d before me ~h8t 'h., 'x~o~ted lQi4 deed .. .~oh ettio.ya. in the n..e ot end tor .n4 00 tehalt of ~l4 corp! or.tioD, fr.ely aDd YOluutafl1y tor the ~8'. aD! purpo8ea thereio expressed. and wlth !~1 -. luthorit1 80 to do. D . ",~.-:4,~.. .~: :./::>;~:{~ft~J1t~~{t: