HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0049 I _ _' rI'. .-'-: -~. ~ .' ..... __ " .-. _... . 30 ,~, "!1 i- I I -- WI'BJ88 .y .1gnsture .~.1 and 011101a1 seal at Pt. Pierae. In the COl1l1ty ~t st. Luaie. and and year la8t atar.sald. J. S. Jaokloo D Notary Publio. tor the State of r10rlda at Large My COIllll1eslon Il.:plrea Sept. 4. 1928 2 4ay of Aprl1 1928. at 10:09 A.M. . \\et\ -Vef\ 0\"0 \tee P. C. Bldred. Clerk Cirouit Court By ~~ l). C. ..~...~............................................ lI'ANllE HOKE KAY E'l' AL TO POitER or ATTORNKY WHIB!AS JOHN G. KAY. late ot the County of st. Lllole and State ot llorida. died. 11.te- D&HIRL llAY atate. on the thlr4 day ot September. 1923. leavlng a8 one at hie hell'S at law Joseph Lee Nay of pr08per i ty. lIe.-berry:" South Carolina i and WHEREAS. oub8eqlleotly. the 8aid Joseph Lee ~y'died intestate. 1eavlng a8 hl~ only heil's 8t law hie .idow. paunie Hoke Hay. hiB daughters. Eliaabeth U8y Rast. Josephine Hay ~ohneid' r and h~8 80n. Eranoia Le. uaYi NOW. THEalll'Ql}!:. mow ALL KEN BY TH!SI PRESltl'l'S: That we. 'ann1e Hoke Yay, 8 widow. ot l'r08perUy. llewlll8rry County. Sou.th Carolina. Elizabeth ~y Raat and HesBe U. Rast. her husband. ot Holl~ill. Orangeburg COllnty. South Carolina. Josephine ),(sy Sohneider and John S. Sohneldor. her hU8band. -ot J.i8dlsoP.'"Den. County, Wi8000sin. P1'eOOi8 Lee ~y. unmarried. ot Columbia. ltiohland COllDty. aouth Csrolin8. have ..de. oonstituted and appointed. and by theBe presents do make. oonstltute and apPoint Daniel Kay of the CO.J.Dty ot J.ladlson. State OtPeOl'gi8.. ou~ true and lawtul Attoroey-ln-raot to re- p1'e.ont 118 Bnd our seyeral illtereste{ln the settlement ot the estate ot John G. Kay. deoeased. lat. ot the Co~ty of St. Luole and State of ~lorlda. with full power acd aathorlty to sell. traoBter. assign and deliver to any purohas~r or purohasers aoy 8nd all p~operty belonging Of io 8nywise sppertaiDing to the estate of the 8&ld John Q. Uay at the time of his death. .hel'ner sltuated or loaated. and espealally the real estate staudlng in hiB llAme or to whioh ha was entitled at the tlme 01 his death an4 looated io st. Luoie COl1nty. 3tate of Ylorida. with full power and 811thor1t1 to make. exeoute 8nd del1ve~ good tee simple Warr'anty Deed tor aOf and all of 8ald reel estate to aoy purohaser or purohasers1for the ssme. and to 8ign 0111' oamee to acy and all 8sid deeds tor any ut sold real eat&te. or tor the transfer ot any personal prope1'ty. oho8e8 in a3tion. notes. evidenoes ot debt for aD1 and 811 property belonglng to the aaid JOhD G. J&8y at the time or Ill* death; as tl11,ly as we might or Bould do it personally present. OUr Attoroey-1n-J8ot sball sot tor U8 1n all thlogs neoessary to be done ia ~e settle- ..Dt ot the 8aid estate. iooluding the sale and tranoter ot en1 artlo1es of personal property or/any plooe. perael. lot. or lots. ot reel estate; the intent ot thi8 p<>wer ot attorney being to grant 1l0tO O\lr' 8a14 !ttOt'ney-lo-1aot tull power to oonvey. 8ell. and to deal wlth. in any "ODeI'. eoy intereat whioh .e have. or elther at 118 may have. in the estate ot John O. U8Y. deoea8.4. to the 88.. extent a8 we Gould do were w, per8~nDlly present; and 8ny.~nd all Dot8 ot Ol1l' 8ai4 AttOl'ney-io-Yaot granted under this power of attorney are hereby rBtl~ie~ by Q8 10 ae 1'1111 aDd ample I18nner a8 it we .ere personally pre8ent signing the 88me 01' doiog 8DllIe. t; n. IITIIISS W1IIRFO'. .. heve herelloto 88t our hands and 8ea18. on thiu the 27 dB;{ ot KBroh. l~f~~ "] I . 4~ ~ " 1 " 518D". staled and ~ellY8r", ~8 to ,aDD1. Hoke Y*7. io the pre..nce o:t: ADDie B. Bu.ntel' Pannle Hoke May ( Seal) , " Rarr;r O. ~r ..ik i~tf~~~~~~i:~~~~~;~~;~~~~~?~l~~~: . :. . '.' '~-~":~..-~'"~.~)~~~~~~}~'lJt