HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0074 '-, fin -'; I and al81gns, torav8r. all ~he rlgLt. tltle. lDt.relt. 01a1. and dGmaod whloh the eai4 party ot the firat part bae ln and to the tollow1ng desoribed lot. pieoe o~ paroe} ot land. lying aud belng .Uuah 10 the County of St. Luoh, state ot '10r14_. deuoribed e8 tollo",: Weat half (wi) of the Southwelt qu.rt.r (swt) of Seot100 rore. (3); Southea8t ql18rt~r (Sit) of the Southweat quarter (SWl) ot Seotlon Three (3); Weat half (Wi) ot the-Northweat quarter (1Wt) of 8eotlon ~bree (3). all 10 ~ownahlp 'hlrtY-llx (36) South, Bange fhlrty-olght (38) laat. Ixoeptlng SavIO and one- halt (I~ ~e.' on tbe We.t alde of halt Seot10n llnes and Sevlo'and oo~-helf 171) tee' 00 the laat 81de of Seot100 lin.. tor roads runolng North and South. Al.o l~sa rlghta ot ways tor oanala and road8 a8 now dst1ned. TO HAVE AllD TO HOLD TBR SAME. !ogether with all and slllgular the appurtenafJon there- unto bllougiDg or io anywlee appertalnlug. and ell the estate. right. title, Interelt and olalm whet80ever ot the .aid party ot tho tirst part. elther 10 law o~ equIty. to the only proper uDe. benetit and behoot ot the 8a14 party of the deoond part. her helrs and aSlign. I I I torevel'. II WITNESS WHlR!OP. The aald perty of the tlrat part baa oaused these present8 to be .x.outed with its oorporate seal. signed by ita Presldent and attestod by its Seoretary I' the aot and deed ot the Corporatloo. the day and ye0r tlr8t ubove writteo. SIONBD. -SEALED and DELIVERED ID the pre.enoe of Ua. mlPIBB LAlID COUPAlIY w. P. ~Atel' w. P. LESTER _ By Henry C. Butoher President. (, Cbar~'1 B. ETmentrout CHARLES B. 1lYE1iTROl1l' ATT.EST: Oeo. W. Lex Seoretary. STATZ OP PXNNSYLVABU COlfflTY OP PHILdBLPBU ~ IS. I HIREDY CBBTIIY that on thi8 24th 4ay ot Pebrua1'Y 1928. betore me. a Commls8ioner ot Deede of Yl~rida. per80nally appeared B!BRY C. BUTCHER. Prt3ideut ot !NPIRE LAID COUPAlY and OIOBGE W. L!X. Seoretary thareot, both ot whoa are personally known to me to be the per.on. desoribed 10. and wOo exeouted the toregoing Inatrument and severally aoltnowledged tbe oxeOlltlou thereot ae the aot Gnd deed ot saId EUPIRK LARD COMPANY. a Corporatloo. where- UpOD lt 1s prayed that the asme may be reoorded . WITlf1!38 ottioial 8eal dt Philadelphia. the def and year atoreeald. w. 'I. Leater W. 'I. LESTER. Commle.loner ot >>.ed8 tor the State ot ~lorida. Cor. B,oad & Che8tout Sts.. Philm.. Pa. II;y oomml8810n explres '/20/29 ort101al Seal. 'Heel aod reoord,4 thie 2',ay ot April 1928. at 11:17 A. H. i (Ct.ct.seal') P. C. Bldred. Cle1'k (;irou1t \) B7~1~ ~c..... _-' ~-~.................................,........ ~~ r. ~o "',.,.. CQurt "' ~ ~I" J). '. ~I ...~~ ' -r/ I, \. - -~- .~~ ."_,o-c.".--"'I{ . ~'----.." ... ----_. . ..--- , ,: ~,~ '~': ~ '. ~::. ..,~:;,:\~~~1f~i!~~~{f/~~' - of#.