HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0075 fiG TO JlASTIR'S DIlID THIS INDJUTURE. Made the 6th day ot A~ril. ~928, b8'~eeo O. O. Sumaer, as 3P!CIAL MiSTER IB CHANCERY. of the tirst part. and Pau1 U. Xi.ball. of the .eoon4 part: WR!B~S. the Cirolllt Co~rt ot th, 21st Judioial Circuit ot the State of llorida. in aui tor the Count1 ot Saint Lu~le. 10 Chanoery. OD the third day ot Januar~, 1"8, among other thlDg. ordered. adJ~dged and deore.d, In a oartaio oauae theD peoding In the 80ld Court. ~etwo.n P.ul K. Xl.ball. e~ al.. oomplainanta. and Rlls..l >>. Po.erGy. a' al., detend.nt8. (I tJ -..-.,.. O. O. SUlOllm. SPICI.lL IUST!R PAUL K. XUfBALL \hat the mortgaged premlses mentioned 10 Baid deoree. and hereinafter partioular11 desoribed. be aOld by 8ald Master. at pl1blio auotion. the Bald Haster flrst givlng twenty-eight deye' notloe ot tbe time and plao. ot 88le. io a newspeper publiahed in Salnt Luoie County. in the Baid 3t8te, 18D lfHBRlAS. the eoid Speoial Kester. o. o. S~.r and party of the first p~~t to these presents. in pllral18DOa ot tbe Baid order and deorea ot the said Cou.rt io Chanci~J;'I. cHci.. 00 the slxtb day ot )'ebrllary. 19~8. 8ell at pllbl10 allot.lon 'the Baid mortg6ged prem1Bss. h,raio- after partlolllarly desoribed. havlng tiret given pr6vloll8 notioe ot ~he time and plaoft ot 86le, w1th . desorlptioo ot tbe eaid ~remlses. agreeablteto the order ator.said; at shioh 8ale the laid mortgaged premIses. hereinafter partloularly desoribed, were 801d to the said party ot the seoon4 part for the aua ot Two ThoU880d live HllDdred ($2600.00) and no/lOO dollar., that being the highest SI1m bidden tor the 8alO8. And the :sld o. O. SI1~.r. Sp~oi'l Haster. having reported said sale to the Jl1dge ot Baid COl1rt. and the _aid Jlldge having approved and oontlrmed eald 8ale and the report of the Speoial Kaster and a~thorlaed and direoted the Speoial Kastel' \0 deliver deed of .aid property to said p~roba8er: , ,~ lOW. YIIIDlUOIlB. THIS IHDE!ITJRE lfITlIE3SETH: fhat the said Speoial )laster. In order to oarry into etteot the 8sid aale 80 made as storesaid. in pursuanoe ot the 8sid deoree ot the 8814 Co~rt ot Chanoery. in oonsider8tioo ot the premises. and ot the said aUlD of ~~o ~hOu.8and liye Hundred '$2600.00) dollars, paid at the time oi tbe exeoution hereot. by the 8!lid party o~ tbe second part to the 8sid Speolal Uaster. the reoeipt whereot he doea hereby 8okno.l~dge. has granted. bargained and 80ld. allened. relea8ed. conveyed aud oontirllKld. Bud by these pre- aBnts toeB grant, barga1n and sell, alien, release, oonvey aud oontirm llnto the aaid party of tbe seoond part. and to hie heirs ant assigna torever. the oertD1n paroel of land In the COllDty ot Saint L1l01e. Stete ot llorlda. desoribed as follow8: Lot 69, in Kln'aYUla Jubdlvislon. Seotion 21. Townl3hip 36 South Range 4.0 Fast. aooording to plat ot aaid BIlbdiv18ioD reoorded in Plat Book 4, at page 68. St. Luoie COIlDtl. rlorlda. reoorda. together with all aDd singular the righta. members, prlvl1eges, heredltaments and appl1rtenanoe8 to the 8ame bel~uglng or in anyw188 appertaining. TO HAVI AND TO HOLD all and 81ogl118r the said pre.lse8. aboye mentlol1ed end desoribed. and hereby grante4 apd oonveyeel. or intended 80 to be, with the epPurteDltlloes. unto the sald. party ot the seoond part. hi8 helr8 and a8s1gns, to the on11 proper ~8e. benetlt and beboot ot the IBid party ot t.he seoond part. hi. heirs aud D88ign8 torever. 1D WITUESS WHEREOP. the Bai4 Sp"olal Kestel' in Chanoery. a8 aforesaid. ~8 hereunto 11 .et hiB hand and .eal. the day and year first aboye wrltten. Signed. aeal.4 end dellvere4 in the pre.enoe ot: ) . IUIb ie IIlIIIl U ) O. 0.. su.&r (Se.l) A8 Speoial Kauter in Chanoer" I. atore.aid. !dUh W. Euolta ,.~t~:?~~~~~~w~;~~~r~~~t1t:~~1(~1~J! "--- ---.- .---, .. "