HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0138 .,...._..._...~.---_. _....~..-... - -... 'I: - .... .--.-...-....-.----.--~-.... --. ." l'ln \ - - ..-. -- rORT PIERCE BAliK AND TRlJST CO. TRUSTEE TO ROBP.RT DAlm TR:J 3'l'EE '3 DEED , 'l THIS INDElI'i'URE, Uade this 19t;h day ot Apl'il. 1928 between FORT PIF.RCR BAUl~ MID TR:1ST COUPANY. a oor})Ol'atioll of Florida. 88 trustee undcr the provisions of 8 deed or deeds in trust duly reoorded aud dellvered to sald oornpaoy and ill pursuanoe of a tr~st agreement , dated the 7th day of Ootober. 1926. and known as ~'rust Uumber Tweuty, party of the first part. and Bollert Dann of Elmira. U. Y. porty of the second pa.('t. 'UTllESSBTH. That said party. ot the first part ill oonsiderlltloll of the sum of Ten and nO/lOO Dollars. and o1Jher good and valuable OOllsiderat1oos in hand paid. does herebj' grant, aell and oonvey unto Baid party of the aeoond port. the following described real estate, aituated in st. Luoie co~nty. 11orida. to-wit: Lot fifteen (16). blook thirty-three (:53), Unit oue (1), Sau Luoie Pla3{). aooording to Plat reoorded iu Plot Hook 6, page 67. St. L~oie Cowrty, Florida reoords. together with all the tenements 811d appllrtellolloes thereunto belonging. TO HAVE AIlD 'i'0 HeLD the 80ne I.lnto a8 id party of the aeoond port. and to the proper use. benefi t alld behoof forever of said party of thn seoond part. Sl.lbJeot to 1927 tRxes. This deed 1.s given subJeot to the expreRs oOlldltion that neither the purohoser, bor his heirs or assigns, will move. ereot or oouse to be ereoted. 011 any of the lota herein des- or ibed. aD:I b'-llld Lng to be used for on:l oth~ than residence pl.lrpoaea, a 1et!lohcd dwelling for I.lse Bud ooo\!ponoy of une {umily oilly. and no dwelling shall be ereoteu 011 any of b!lid ( lots at a distanoe of less than twenty-five (~6) feet from the street line. and no building or aoy part thereof shall be ereoted on the rear five (6) teet of Rny lot not abutting on an elley, whi~h rea~ flve (6) feet ia resorved for sewer, water, light, right of way for o~lleotion of garbage. eto., and that said right of way sholl be extended ten (10) feet on suoh. lots whose rea1" 11ne ubutts a lot plattog ot right angles to It. It is mutlUllly agreed. that this dee.! is given sJ.bJeot to the fll"ther express oOllditions. restriotions al~d Ilmita:tions, whioh oomlitions. restriotions alld limit!Jtions ore intended to be and shall be 80lfepted as oovenonts r,llllling with the land herein oonveyed fwd whioh shall be binding alike tlpOll the heiro, personal repreaentativcB Ilnd asuigllB of the part/Of the seoond part. who by their aooeptanoe of this instr\.Ullellt a~ree to abide by ond perform said restriotions. limitations Bud oOlldltions a8 one of the expres8 oO!lsideratiolls ot these pre- sent s: no buildiug shall be ereoted or oonstruoted on ~id lund of 0 less cost than ~27~0.OO and all residenoes in soid San Luoie Plaza shall be oonstrJ.oted of ooral rook, oonorete, stuooo. oonorete blook, hollow tile, briok or oixed oonstruotion. or veneered witt ooral rook or briok. or frame veneered with St;IOOO. 011I1 sholl be elollg Spanieh. aooriah, 'lenetian, D~toh, or similar h8rmonio~s types of arohiteoture. and the vforesaid amount shall be actually expended on oOlJstraotion and ereotlon of SJoh building and not fe~a in oonneotion therewith. t no bul1ding shall be OOllstrlloted or ereoted on any of sl1id land I.lntil after the plAns, speoifioations and location of the some ahell have been approved by the party of the first part. lts suooessors. representatives or ussiglll.'. 80 buildings other thon one residelloe bailding and one prlvote garnge shull be ereoted on any residential lot. without the written oonsent of party ot the first port 8nd nO build- ing .eh911 be er30ted ot a less diat'moe than ~b feet trom the front line of any lot. or at a leas distanoe than 3 feet from the side I1ne of any lot, or at 8 lCS6 dletnnoe than 6 feet trom the rear lIne. i~'~~ :;!~~~;~~?J~l':~;~:!?~}f'A~2-t~;~fPj1~~~~iJ; ...__~ ...~ "'i4"~".-o!.-;: ..~ ..~-~.1.\." ",~"""'" 6 ;r;t-~ -.1~r;!" .~.'l~ ........: ~,..:......; 1'6.._.~., .>....~....'... i..<t..~~~"~....':";,.J.A_li.-.;:~:. __ .c . /. .:..':.:.;:...::' ,:::';~~~~~f~~f~(*i~