HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0182 _._.~--_..~ . lGil ; AU..ts B. A, 4e LlM H. A. deLl... Seoretaf' 81,oect. Se.l.. ao4 h~l.,e<l1D OUr Pre.enlle: ) lather .1ntrea ) elrl L. V. ixs.l.eo ) ( S~A'I or ... Yort ) COUITY O~ lie. Yort ) I BlaEBY CIBTIIY. ,hat on th18 6th 487 ot Ke7. A. D. 1928. betor. me personel17 app.aret Edward J. Vost 8nd H. A. de L1me.re8peo\i.,.11 Vloe Prealdent 804 Seoretar, ot San LQole Plaao CorporatloD. . oorporation under the law. ot the State ot ~lorld8. to me known to It. the peraona le80rlbed In end .ho exeouted tbe toreBoinB oon.eyanoe to Oraoe Reea ani se.erall, aoknowledged tbe .xeOl.ltlon thereat to be their tree aot and aee' 8S suob ottloers. tor the u.e. and purpo... tberein mentioned; ao4 tbat the~ atfixed thereto the ottio181 a.al ot ..ld oorporatloD aDd the .qid 108truaent la the aot ani deed ot sa11 oorporatl08. .ITB~S ~ 81gn.tur. and o'~ioial 8eal at Be. York C1t7 In the Count1 at Ne. york de, and year, la8t .toreBlld. > Bathor .iotue (s..i) lotary Publlo, ~eens 'OWlty. n. Y. Clerk'. BO. 3'33. rlealat.r~ Bo. 6'11 Certltloate rllad 1n Be. yort Count, Clert'. Bo. 971. Re.i8ter~ BO. 9076A Bronz CPt Clta. 10 89. B~. 10 2912B Klng. Col Clt.o No 136. Reg. No. 9382 My Commlaalon Expire. Karoh 30. 1929 ) [ '11ed r.. . reoor (ct.Ct. \. '. 11 da, ot M4, '.28. .t lz16 P. U. P. C. ~ldre4. Clert Ciroait 'ourt . \\eo. (1 . >-f / "JC{\ By ~"".,,(1~~ 1<-~~.vJ D. C. <\ ... - ~=.... ~ '-"---'Y--' 0'( '~~................................6.... ./ -' S4B LUCIE PLlU CORPORl~ICII TO lWUWfTY DKIJ) THIS IBDEB1'URlI. Kade th1a Jlt1h day ot )Ia,. A. D. 1928. Bft"M.JI SAIl LUCIE JUg, CORP- JUDD lUGSTD GIAllO., a oorporatlon exletlns under the la.. ot tbe Stat~ o~ .lorida. ba.lng itB prlnoipal plaoe ot buaines8 in tbe COUDt7 ot St. Luole and State ot 'lo~l". part7 at tbe tlrst part, aDd JUDD WIGS!BI. Gaines St. Jaalra ot ~ha Coaot~ ot Cheaung and state ot New Yqrt. part, ot the aeoond pert. WITB!SSEfH. That tbe ~ld perty ot tbe tir8t part. tor and in oonalddr.- . t 100 of the .WI ot TeD dollars ao4 other goOcl an4 "lUB bla oonsideret1one Pollerc. to it in ~, ; ; bani pald. the reoeipt .hereot ls bereby aokno.ledge'. haa graoted. bargalned. aold. allened. remie.d. relea.tI. oonTe,ed a04 ooo~iraed. and bl tbeB. pre.enta dotb grant. ~8rgaio. Boll. . alle,. ,emie.. releeee ooc~c# =n4 Goutl~. ~tu the aaid partl of the 8eoo04 part, and It. hslr. and .a81go. tore"er, all tbat oertaln paroel of land lJlng aDd belng In tbe Count, of 8t. Luoi. .na State of ;10r1de, .ore partloularl~ desol1b.d a8 tollowa: Lot. Slxteen (16) .Dd Se.,eot..D (17) in Bloot~~,-.ix (.6) at Unit One (1) S80 Luoie Pl_sa. aooor4ing to ..p Bnd plat ot reoord In tbe ottioe ot the Clert ot tbe Clrouit Co~rt ot St. Luole County. 'lorida. 1n Plat Book 6. pa.. 67, .ubJeot to t.xe. .n4 aaae8amenta tor tb. ~.ar 1927 aDd tbe OOTeDlnte and re8trlotlon. rUDning witb the l.nd.-'. tollo.~ '~le ,..4 1. si.,en .WbJeot to the exprea. oondltloD tbat neltber the PQrobaser. oar bi. beira, or aselgns. will aOTe. .reot or oaue. to be .reot.., 00 an, at tbe lot. hereIn t..orl~td. .ny bQl14~~ to be Qse4 tor aDI otber tban r.aldenoe purpo.e.. . det.ohe' dwell- 10f tor u.. .cd OOOQpaDol ot one t.al1, onl,. and DO 4..1l1ng sball be ereat.d on ao~ ot ..i4 ... ( ;:i~t~;l~~:rl:~r~~~~~~~t:Mj~?l.~~~k~~ '- ' '-.: ;.: :: '.:-~.J~~~'~:.~lWJ%!l1f{~!f;