HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0186 lH7 - ., - I 108 ahall be ereot'd a' ales. 41et.aoe than e5 te.' troa the tront 11ne ot an, lot, or at D leD8 di.tanoe thaD 8 teet troa the eld. line of aD, lot, or at a leB8 4ietlDoI than 6 toe' .troa the rear I1ne. Tha' no qnlawtul or Immoral ule ahall be made of the preml'81 hereb, oODTe,ed, nor lhall the aam. Dor an, part thereot,nor aD, interelt therein, be 1014, leased or otherwlBt oODyeJe4 10 aOl p.rloD other than ot the CauOBBIan raoe, proTlded th.t nothIng hlreln oontaiD- e4 Iball pr.yeD' the teeplns and ..i~'.lDln8 ot 8eryeuts on the eaid propert, tor rea80nable ta.U, u... Jlo ou\sldl tonet shall ba permiU" in a~ part ot oa14 BllbdlY1Blon but there ehall _I oooltruoted b, ea14 8eoou4 part, In oonDlotion with any reaidenoe on an, ot .ald lend a 8eptlo tant'in aooor4.Do. with IpeoitioetlonB apprOyed b, the part, ot the tir8' p.rt io writ1n,. ( Jlo sllDI or billboards ot an, tlnd or oharaoter shall bti exhIbited, diepla,ed, 000- .truotl4 or ..lotaInld In aald eubdlYislon wltbout the written oon8eot ot the part, ot tb. tlut part. Jlo lot or lots In aald aubdlTi810n shall be subdlYlded or fe-8ubdivided wlthollt tbe wrltten oonseDt and approyal ot partl ot the tirst part. That the part, ot the tirst part, 1t8 SllOOl880rs or aesigna, ehall baTe the rlght, troa timl to tim., to relea8e any ot the aboTe ar toregolng re8triotione, oonditiona, or 1Imltation8 b, eea184 inatrumenl d~y exeouted in aooordanoe with the law8 ot the State at 710rld8 tor the oODve,anoe of real eBtat.. thie oontraot 18 me4e .ubJeot to any agreement mad~ b, the Vendor with eleotrio lighting. gae, wa'er, tran8portation, or oth~r publio aerYioe oorporatlono, and the V~ador reeerveD to i~8.1t, and 1ta assigns, the right to enter upon the ~operty for the purpose ot oonltrllotlng, ereoting and maint*lnlng along the rear line ot 8aid property OTer e etrlp not more thaD tlye (6) teet wlde, pole8, wireB, undergrollnd oonduits or plpee, ueoeeser, to tran8- > ait or'turn18A to 8aid lot, or ao, other lot In aaid sllbdiYlslOD, eleotrlo ourrent, telephone a.rY~o., W8~.r aed 8...rage pipel, and to ~epalr. remove or repleoe 881d poles, .ire8, oocdult., pipe., eto.. aDd the Venior turther reservea the rlgbt, prior to aotual oooupanoy ot any lot, to enter thereon and at ita own .xpenal to out gra'8, re.oye .eed8. oultlvate flowers end 8hrllbe thereot. ( TOGBTHIB witb all the teDements, hereditamenta and appurtenanoea, wlth eyery prlYl1ege. rlght. tl~le, IDterest and .state, raYeraion, remainder and essement thereto belonglng or 1n Boywiee appertaining; 20 RAV! ADD TO HOLD the same In tee 8inple toreyer. ADd the Baid party ot the tlrst part doth OOTeoaot wlth the aaid party ot the seoond pari that It 1e lawtully aei.e4 of the ..id prem1se8; that the, are tree ot all In~mbranoe" aod that i8 has good rlght aDd la.tuJ. 8uthorlty to sell the eame; and the ..id part, ot the tiret part does hercb, tull1 warrant tbe title to lai4 land. and will detend the ..me e'8inet the lawful ol.lme o~ all per80ns whomaoeTer. Ii .ITB~S5 IHIR!O', the eald part, of the tir8t pert ha. oau884 the96 preeente ~o be Vioe Prealdent, aDd ita oorporate a.al to be afflxe4, at'ested ,.ar aboTe written. (Corporate Seal) SAll LUCIB PLUA CORP0B.4~IOII B, it.l't J. Vos' Hoe Prelident. Seoretar, 81'004, Se.lad ao4 DellYered 10 OUI' pr..enoe;) ~ Bether WIDtUtl carl L. V. Bas.lato ~';:~r~~i~.~J1~tg~~~j~~ff.l~~~8:~tiz~;