HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0187 I I. 168 ~ SfATI or .IW york J COUBTY 0' .IW York ) I BBBEBY CBRTIlY, ~hat on thl. ~th 4ay ot K8y,~. D. 1928, blfore m. pereoDally appoar- a' 14..r4 J. VOl' and B, A, de Ll.a. re.peotive17 ViOl Pr.lidan' and Seoretary ot 3an Luole Pla.a Corporatioo, . oorporat\OD UDder the law. of the ~tate ot '10ri4a, to m. knoWn to.be the perlonl de.orlbe4 in and who ex.o~ted the torestlDS oonTeyanoe to ~lph ~. & Mar7 A. Kort~D and slTorally .0kDovladged the exeoutloD thereot to b. th.lr tree 80t 8nd d.e' a. auoh ottioerl, tor the ~ae. aud purpo... th.rein mentloDedi aud that th.y attlxed ther.to the oftioial e.al ot Bcld oorporatlon, and the sa14 In.trwment ia the sot an4 deed ot aaid oorporatioD. WITNB8S ., 8i8D8t~re and ottloial seal at B.w York City 10 the County ot Bew york IJ .04 State ot Be. York, the da,"and year la8t atoreBald. " Bether Wintra. (Seal) Jfotar7 Publ1o, ~..n. County, 11. Y. C1erf'8 Bo. 3.38, Resllter'. Do. 6811 Cert tloate tiled in New York Count, C>> rk' s Do 971, Rettshl" I B .0 907''' Bronx Co. Clke. Ho. 88,lteg, No. 29l2B KiDS8 Co. Clte. No 136, Reg. NO 9382 U1 0~18810n explre8 Maroh 30, 1929 I'U.d li.P. Seel) \ ~, . ---.-~ /~ - and r{oord'd thl. 1 da7 ! (Ct .ct .Se81 ) '" } "'--- . e,(} ot Uay1il28. at 1:16 P. II. ~c~~..... P. C. B1dred, Clerk ~irouit Court .~ 0'\ Bl ~€~~ 7j~ D. ~e,c., .............................~......o....... SU LUCIE PLAZA CORPORATION '0 WABlWfTY . DEED THIS IlfDENTURE, 1184t th1e 6th day ot KaF, .\. D. 1928, BEWlmlI SAD LUCIE PLAZA CORP- JIWfCIB H. BUD j l I ) ORlTIOB, a oorporatlon exi8ting ~4er the la.. otthe State of 'lorlda, having Its prln- oipal pl.ol ot 'ualnee8 10 the County ot St, Luol. and State ot /1orida, party ot the tirat part, _nd rBABCIS B; BUll, of ~lra of the County ot Chemung and State of New Yort. pert," ot the aeoond pert, WITNXSS~H, That the 801d party of the flret part, for and in oonaider- atlon ot the IU. ot TeD dollar. en4 other good and.YOluable oonsiderations Dollafa, to 1\ iD hand p.ld, ~bl reoeipt .hlfeot ls her~by aoknowledged, haD gfanted, bargalned, sold, ellenet, rl.l.ed, role.aed, oooye,e' aDd oontlraed, and by thea. presents doth grent, bar- ,aio, sell, alleo, re.la., release. oooTey aod oontlra unto the Bald part, ot the eeoond part, .nd hia heir. and aeul,oe foreyer. all that oertaln pa~oel of land lyi08 aod belns In th. Count7 ct st. Luoil and state ot 'lorida, mOfe paftloularly d.eorlbed as follows: Lo~ TweDt7-oDe (fl) In Blook 'ortl-.eYln (.7) ot Unit ODe (l) ot San Luoie Pla.e, .ooor4iOS to ..p and plat ot reoord ln the ottioe ot tth. Clert ot the Clroult Court ot st. Luoie Count" .10ri4aln Plat Book 6. page 67~ D~bJeot to toxee and .....s..ota tor the year 1927 aod the oorenaot. and restrlotlo08 running wlth the lend. .a tollo.. Thl. ,..d 1. glyeo DubJeot to the Ixpres. ooodltloD that neither the puroha..r, nor hi. h.lrs or aasianl, w111 move, ereot or oa~se t~ be ereoted, oD an~ ot the lote her'lD '..orib.4, anI b~ildlng to be u.ad tor anI other than resldenoe purpo.es, ad d.taohed dw.lliag for u.. end OOO~paDO' ot one 1..l1y oDl" end no d..llina shall be ereoted on any ot .aid lot. at . dlstano. of le.a than tweDty-tiTe (26) t.e' 1'rom the street 110., aDd no ~Ulld1DS 9r 8DY par' theuot ehall lte ereoted on the uaf flYe (6) t.., ot any lot not.. .buttlaa OD an al1.,. _llDb rear flY. (6) feet 18 re..rye' for sewer; .ater, 11gbt, right ot ..y tor 0011.ot10D of ,arbage. eto., and thot eaid right ot wa7 shall be extend.d ten (10) t.I' OD .~oh lot. who.. re.r 110. abutt. . 10\ platt" at right 8081.. to It. J ] ~~}~4t~~~f1t%1(~};if)~t~~~~'i.~~f. -- --"'- .'. . .:. . . >::..:;\./~._.;I~~{~~l&~~~l~;~~