HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0211 190 __ _. .._.",_~~_'.;.a~............ .._...~~ Lot Thirteen (l3) in Blook Forty-slx (46) ot Unit One (1) ot San Luole Plaza aocording to map and plat of reoord in the offioe ot tbe Clerk ot the Cirouit Court of St. Luol~ Oounty, Florida in Plat Book 6, page 67, subJeot to taxes and assossments for the year 1927 and the covenants and restriotions running with the land. as tollows fhla dl.d 18 glTen 8ubJeot to the .xpress ooodltlon that nelther the purohaser, nor biB heirs or 8e81gn8, w111 mo.., areot or oause to be ereoted, on any ot the 10t8 hereln t~eor Ibed, any blllldlug to be u.ee4 for any other thaD reeldenoe pllrpoeea, 8 detftohed ivell- lor tor use and ooou.pano, ot one tamily only, and no dwe111ng shall be ereoted 00 aoy.of ea14 lote at 8 dletauoe of le88 than twenty-tlve (26) teet trom the street Ilno, and no bullding or any part thereot shall b8 ereoted on the rear tlve (6) feet of any lot not abllttlng 00 an alley, whloh rear flve (6) teet ie r8seryed tor sewer. water. Ilght, rlght ot way for 0011eotlon ot garbage, eto., and that 8ald right ot waJ shall be extended teo (10) teet on Buob 10t8 wbose rear line obutte a lot platted at right angles to It. It 11 mutually agreed, that this deed ie glyen eubJeot to tbe fu.l'ther express oon- ditlons, re8trlotlons and limltatlon8, whioh oondltlons, restrlotlons and llmltatlons are Intended to be apd ahell be eooepted a8 ooyenants runniog wlth the land hereln oonveyed and whloh ahall be bindllig all~e upon the helrs, personal represerltatlTes and asslgns ot the pert- ot the seoond part, ~ho by thelr aooeptonoe o~thls Instrumant agre6 to ablde by and pertorm aald reetrlotlona, llmltatlonB and oonditions as one of the express oonslderatlona ot tbe8e pre8enta: 10 bul1dlpg shall be e~eoted or oonstruoted on 88id land ot a less oost than S2000.00 n '1 and all re81denoe8 in 2ald San Luole Pla.a sh911 be oonstrlloted ot ooral root, oanorete, etuooo, oODorete blook, hollow tile, brlok or mlxed oonetrllatlon. or TeDeered with aoral root or brlok, or frame Yep.ered wltb stuooo, and ahall be along SpaDlsh, UooriRh, Venetian Dutoh or almilar harmonloua types ot arohlteotllre, and the attresald &mOllnt shall b~ 80tlle11, expended on oODatrllotloo and ereotlon ot suob bulldlng and not tees in oonneotioD therewlth. 10 bul1dlng shall be oon8truoted or ereoted on any of 8ald land until alter the plans, epeoltloetlone ani looatioo of tbe 88me shall hove been approved by the party ot the tlr8t part, its 8uooessors, repre8entstlYea or assign8. Ro bulldloga other than ope residenoe bul1dlng and one prlvate garage shall be ereoted 00 aby re81dentlal lot, wlthout tbe written donsent ot party ot the flrst part and no bul141ng 8holl be ereoted at 8 leaa diatanoe than 26 teet from the tront 11"e ot any lot, or at a less dietenoe than 3 feet from the alde 11ne ot any lot, or at a lesa dlot800e than 6 te.t trom the real' 11ne. Thot no unlawful or immoral uee shall b~ made of the premlaes hereby Oonye,ed, nor ahall the aame oor aPl part thereot, nor aoy interest th~relo, be aold, les8ed or otherwlee OODTeYld to any pereon other thaD ot the Cauoa81ao raoe, pr~vided that oothlpg herelD OOD- t.lned shall preTeDt the teeplng aod malntalnlng ot servants on the sold property tor rea- 80nable feml1y ule. NO outeldl toilet uhall b8 permltted In any psrt ot 8sid subdlYlslon bllt there shall be oODBtrlloted by 881d ..oond party In ooop.otlop with any reelden.. on an, of 8ald land. septlc tank 10 8000rd8Doe with speol!loatlons approYed by the party ot the tlrat part In wrUlog. 10 a180s or _tllboardB of an7 tlnd or oharaoter 8hall be exhlblted. dioplayed, oon- atruoted or aalntalne4 10 Baid aubdlvleloo without the written Gooeent of the party ot the tlut pert. J j~ i l '. ," .~:. ,..'..~.....<~<~~'f~\i~~~fi;