HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0216 1~5 - ( S'A!. 0' JI.OBIlll COUJIfY 0' S!. LUCI. I HlBJBY CBB!IrY, \hat OD thle 7th d8' ot U.~oh, &, D. 1928, betore me peraonally . appeared Paul G. ]Inns and L. W. Balbe, r..peotlTa11 prealdent end Seoretary ot KJYS!O~ BlAnTY COUPAHY. a oorp~rotl0Q under the l~w. ot the state ot >>lorlda, to me known to be the porlon8 d..orlbld ln and who exeout.4 the toregolng oonTeyanoe to Hlldred Boothe and eeyerall, aoknowleaged the exenution th.reof to be their tree aot and deed ae 8uohottlo.r8, tor the uee. and purp08.. thereln mentlooed; and that th?1 attixed thereto the ~fflolal senl ot sald oorpora~lon, and the 881d Ina\rument 11 the aot and deed ot 8ald oorporatlon. WIlDESS ., slgnature and ottlo1al seal at 'ort Pieroe in the County ot St. Luole aD4~~e the da, and year la8t atore8ald. {- . H. T. Boos Jr, Hotar, Publlo, state ot .lorlda at Large. M1 oommiaslon explre. JIll1 26, 1980 Rotar, Publlo, State ot 'lorida at Large My oomm18.100 explre. Ju17 26, 1930 . . '~' (I1.P. s.ea ~. ' /~ /c, /~ 'ile, aD~. reo01ed thl. 8 day ot Ma, 1928. at 10s06 A, U, K(Ct:C\.~eal) P. C. ~dred, Clerk Clrouit .\. I h'...-' \, '-. tJu n' VA_ \ ./ ',I (In.. ,'I~!::;I'(t By ~ I~ '1::...", .:/ ~, , ~ ................................................... Court D. C. o. O. STnBIIB, SPBCUI. KASTER . 10 W.STXB'S DDD 'HIS IBDEHTURB. Ma4. the 6th 4a, ot Aprll, 1928 betw.en O. O. Summer, a8 SP!CLlL RICHAR]) S. WALTOU r t UlSTER II CBAHCBBY, ot the tlrst part, and Rlohard S. ~ltOD. ot the 8eoood part: IB!BE1S, ~he Clroult Court ot the 21at ~101al Clrolllt,of the State of 'lorlda. In . and for the Count7 ot a.int Luole. In Chanoer1. on the thlr4 da1 of Januar1, 1928, .mong other th1ngs ordered, adjudged and deoreed, In a oertaln oaUBe then pending 10 the sald Court. between Palll K. Xlnbal1, et al., oompla1nant8 aud Rus8el >>. Pomerol, et al. defen4anta, that the mortlage' premisea mentloned ln sald deoree, and hereinatter partioularll deaorlbed, be 'old bl said Ma8ter, at publio auotion, the 0014 Haster first giv~~twenty-elght dale' notloe ot the tim. and plaoe ot aale, In a newspaper publlshe4 10 Saint Luole Count" 1n the said State, ~ jDD WB!BIAS, the 881d Speolal u.ster, O. O. Summer aud party ot the first part to tbe8e presents, in pursuanoe ot the sa14 order 804 deoree ot the 88i4 Court 10 Chauoerl. dld, OD the 81xtb day ot 'ebruary, 1928, sell at publlo auotion the 801d mortgaged premises, here- loatter p;?tloularly 4e60ribed, hsYlng flrst giyen prevloUB notioe ot the time and plaoe ot .ale, wlth a deetrlptlon ot the aald prem18ea, agreeable to the order utore8ald; at whloh sale the 8ald mortgaged pre.ises, here1natter partloularly desor1bed, were aold to the aald party ot the 8eoon4 part tor the sum ot Two tboU88nd tlve hundred (~260~) 8Dd Do/IOO dOllar8, that 'elng the hlghest sum b14den tor the same. An4 th~ lald O. O. Sw.aAr, Speolal Kaater, haYlng repor~ed 8814 aale to the Judge o~ s81d oourt, aDd the eald Judge baYIng approved and 00Dtlr~4 881d 881e and the report of the Speolal Kaster aDd .u~horl.ld and 41reoted the Speolal uaster to dellyer deed of Inid property to 881d purohas.r: JOW, TRlRBPORB, THIS INDENTURE WITN~S1!H: That the 8a14 Bpeol.l uaster~ 1n order to oarr1 Into etteot tbe 8814 88~ so made a. ~toresQld, in p~rauanoe ot the 8814 4eoree ot the s.ld COllrt ot Chanolr" 10 oonelderatloo ot the promi8ea, and ot the 8914 sua of Two thou8aDd tlye hundred dollar., pald at the tl.. ot the exeoutlou hereot, b, th6 ..14 party 01 the seooo4 pert to the sald speoial Ha8~.r. the reoe~p' wherlot he '0.8 hereby aoknow1e4ge. ~~'~zi~~;~t~fi~~~rtA1J;~~!~~~~~1~~Wt~ " :-":" (:;'~~~?~~~!~I%~i