HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0220 -----""" 199 [ '.... That DO uDlewtlll or l.aorsl U.e ahall be mad. ot the premlle. hereb, oonye,ed, Dor ahall the ea.. nor aDl part thereot, nor aD, loterea' th.rlln, be lold, leased ~r otherwl.e' oODye,.4 to an, perIOD other than ot the cauoas1an raoe, proT14e4 that nothlng her.ln oon- taln.a ehall preyeDt the keeping and maintainlng ot serysntl on the Bald propertl tor re8- 80nabll f..l1, use. 10 out.lie tOile' ahall b. plrmltted in an7 part of sa14 subdlT1810n but there ahall be oonatruote4 'y 8814 8eoond pert, 1ft oonneotloD wlth any r~81denoe on sny ot e.ld land 8 septio tank In aooordaDoe wIth apeoltloatlone approTed by the party ot the tirst part 10 wrlUng. r No 8180a or ~111boarda otany tlnd or oharaoter shall be exhlbi..I, dlaplayed, oon- .truoted or malntaloe' in .ald lubdlYlsloo without the wrltten oonsent ot the part, ot the tlrst part. Ho lot or Iota In said lu_dlTl.lo~ shall be 8ubdivi4ed or re-subdIvlded wlthout the writtln oonseot aDd approTal of party ot the flrst part. Tha' the party ot the tlrst psrt, Its s~oolssora or assigns, ahall have the right. trom tlme to time, to releaae allY ot the aboTI or foregoing reatrlotlona, oondltions. or Ilml\atlon8 by se81.d lnatrwment dUly exeouted In 8ooordanoe wlth the laws ot the state ot llorlda for the oonTeyanoe of real estate. This oontraot is made lubJeot to any agreement made by the Vendor with eleotrlo lightlng, gas. water, transportatlon, or other publlo servloe oorporation., and the Vendor reseryes to Itlelt, aod it. ssslRns. the right to enter upon the property for the purpose ot oooatructiQl, ereotlng and maintalnlng along the rear Ilne ot eald property oyer a atrlp not more then fiTe (6) te~t wida, polea. .lrel, underground oonduita or plpe., neoessar, to tranamlt or turoiah to said lot, or any other lot 10 sald aubdiTlsloD. eleotrlo oarrent, tellphone serTloe. water and aeweragl plpel, and to repalr, remove or re>>laoe laid. poles, wlre8, ooodults, pIp.I, eto., and the vendor farther reserves the rlght, ptior to aotual oooupanoy ot any lot, to enter thereon and 8t Ita own expense to out gras8. remove weedl. oultiYste tlowers and shrubs thereof. Th18 d.,d ls ex.outed purauant to and in the exerolse ot the power and a~thorlty gr8nted to end yested 1n saId truoteo by the terma of said deed Of deeds in trust deliTered to the s81d trustee and in pursuanoe ot the tr~8t agroement above aentloned. Thls d6ed is mad. 8~~Jeot to the 11en ot every trU8\ deed or m~tg8ge (It 801 there b~) of reoord In aaid - oo~nt~ glTen to 8eo~re the payment ot money, and remalnlng unrelesse4 at the date ot the d.llTery hlreof. IN WITNESS WHEBEOP. Baid party of the tiret part he& caused Its oorporate seal to be ~eretr. attlxld, and has oa~sed Its name to be slgned to theae p.eser.ts by lts President aad atte.ted by Its Caahler, the day snd year tirst oboy. wrltten. 1"0RT PIERCB BAllY. A!ID TR'lST COUPADY, " By C.~l H. ,ay Preeldent. l (Corp .Seal) , \_~ Slsned, Sealed and dellTered In the prl8.Doe ot: ~ .. ,. Ba\l1tt J. S, Jeotson Attlst: D, o. UoDougalt Cashier !F STATIO. PLOBIDA COUNTY OP S1'. LUCII) I BERJ8Y CIRTIlY, That 00 thle 4th 4.y of May A, D. 1928, be~ore mo p.rlon.lly .ppear- .d Carl H. ,., 004 D. O. KoDo~.ld, respeo"y'17 presldent and Cashler ot 'ort Pieroe Bont & ~ fr~t Co.peny, a oorporation'under the 1a.. ot the State ot 'lorid~. to m8 tnoWD to be tb. p.none de.orlbt4 10 snd who ueollted the toregoing OOUy.,8uoe to 'tint G., end )Mable B. ClllDt ~~~~~}1~~Y;~~;:~~~~~~1j{!.r~~~~11~1~ /. . .. ..:' .:-J:-'i~!i!l~~f~~~~:.