HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0224 ~. - .-- ..---..... .... ft I - [ [ {'" i . i ~ I j . .203~ .......i a04 III rl014.no.. In Bald SID Luoi. Pla.. .hall be oonltruote4 of ooral rook, oonore~., .'aooo, oonoritl blook, hollo. tile, briok or mixed oonltruotion, or veneered wlth oor.l root or briok, or; tram. Tenler.' wlth e\uooo. Bud eh.l1 be Ilong Spaoi8h, Uoorish, Ven.tian, Dutah, or Ilml1ar!harmonloue t7PI8 ot arohiteotur., and the aforeeaid aaount ehall b. a"R" al17 .ipende4 9o'00n8truotloD and ereotlon ot 8uoh building snd not tees In oono80tion there- wUh. Ho bul1ding ahall be oooltruoted or ereoted on any of Baid land untl1 atter the plaol, Ipeol'loatloD and 100atlOD of the .ame shall hSTe been approved by the party ot th. - tiret part, it. Buooe.sor., representatlvea or aaalgoa. No blllldlng other than one relidenoe building and onl ~lYate garoge Bhall b. ereoted on 10Y relldential lot, without the wrltten oonsent ot part, ot the tlr8t part and no bulld- In, ahall be ereotld at a les8 dlatanoe than 26 f..' trom the front 11ne ot aoy lot, or at a les8 dlet.no. thaD 3 teet trom the aide l1uo ot any lot, or at . lees dletanoe than 6 feet troa the rear Ilne. That no uolawful or Immoral UBe shall be made ot the premlae. hereby oonveyed, nor shall the. lame nor any part thereot, oor aoy Interes' therelD, be 801d, laaaed or otherwls. oooyo,eA to any perBon other than the CauoaalaD raoe, provlded that n~thing herein oont810ed lhall prevent the keeping and malntalnlog ot aeryants on the laid ~ropo~ty tor reasonable fully 118.. No outslde tol10t ahall be permItte~ in any psrt of sald 8ubdlvIelon but there Shall _e con8truoted by 881d .eoond party In oonneotloo wIth any re8Idenoe on any ot 8ald land. I .eptlo tant In aooordanoe wIth 8peoltloatioos approTed by the party of the tir8t part 10 wrUlng. DO algoa or bl11board8 ot any klnd or~oh8raoter shall be eXhiblted, dlsplayed, OOD- atruoted or maIntained In aold 8ubdlYlalo>n wlthout the wrltten oonaent ot the party ot the fiut part. . . . _. DO lot or lols In s81d aubdlYl&lon ahall be eubdlvlded or re-subdlvided wi\hout the written uon8ent an4 approval ot party of the tlrst part. That the party of t~e tlret part, 1\8 saooesaors or 8ssigos, shall haye the right. fro. time to tIme, to relea8e any ot the above or foregolng reotriotloD8, oondition8, or llmltations by 8eale4 lu8trwaeut d~11 exeOl1ted In aooordanoe wlth the law. ot the ~t8te ot 'lorida for the oonyeyanoe ot real estate. b1 ~hl. deed 18 glyen aUbJeot to aoy &greemont made/the Vendor with eleotrlc 11ghtlng. ,ai, water, tran8portatlon, or other publl' .erYloe oorporatlon., and the Vendor re8eryea to It.elt, and Its asslgne, the right to enter upon the propert1 tor the purp08e ot OODstruot- in" .reoting and celntalDlng along the reDr Ilne of lald property oyer D etrlp nor core tbao tlTe (5) teet w14e, polea, wlre8, underground oondulta or plpea, neoessary to transmlt or turnlsb to Bald lot, or any othlr lot 10 sald 8ubdlylaion, eleGtrio ourrent, telephone BerTi.., water aud aewerase plpes, anA to repalr, remove Of rlplaoe sald pole8. wlres, oon- Auita, plpel, eto.. and the Vendor turther .eservea the right, prior to aotual oooupauoy of aDY lot, to enter thereon and at Ita own expenle to out 'r..., remoye weel*. oultlTate flowGra and 8hrllbs thor.on. Th18 de" 18 exeouted pUl'8uan\ to a04 111 the exerolse ot the power aad suthorU, .rante. to Iud ye.ted In .ald trustee b1 the terms of 8814 d.ed or deedl in truat dellyeret to the .a14 trustle .nd In pursuanae of tb. tru8t agree.eut aboye ..ntlone4. rh18 deed is ..4e IU~J'Qt .. the lien of eTery trust deed or mortgag.'(it any there b.) of reoor4 ID la'. Gount, ,iTID to ..our. tb. p&faent ot mODe" and r...1D'" unrel.a.ed at the 4at. ot th. dlllYer1 ber.ot. . . . .: <~. \ -.~..; ":;:/~fff~~~~f}g~W