HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0226 -----.-.- -- -- --. - --~ 20fi L.__ - - ( elike upon thl heirs, parsonel ~.pre8entative8 and aasigne of the pa~ty at the .eoond part, .ho bl --- eoo.ptanoe of tb18 de.d agree8 to ebldt by and pertorm l~ld restriotions. l1mU.Uoo. and oondltiona alone ot the expre8S oOll81deratlons ot theae presenta. No buUdlng shall be Clreote~ or oonett'llohd "n 8ald land ot a lea8 OOBt than tlfiOOO.OO end III rtaldenoe. in aai4 Sao Luole Pleaa shall be oonstruoted ot ooral root, oonorete, etuooo, oonorftt. blout, hollow tl1e, bl'iok or mlxed oonstruotlon, or veneered wlth ooral rook o? briok, or frame yeneered wlth stuooo, and 8hall be along Spanisb, Uoorlsh, Venetlan, Ihltoh, or 8imUa, harmonioul types at arohUeoture, and the ~tore8aid amount shall be aot- usl1, expended on construotion and ereotioo ot suoh bul1dlng and not tee8 In oonnection the1'8.1th. Bo building Ihall be oon&truoted or ereoted on an, ot said land until atter the plane, speoifloatlOQI and looation ot the 88me shall have been approved by the party ot the tlrst part, I'. 8uooee8or8, repro.entatiye& or aselgne. BO building other than one residenoe building and one private garage shall be ereoted 00 en, reeldentlal lot, wlthout th8 written oonsent ot party ot the tlrst part and no build- ing Ihal1 be ereoted at a leSI d18taooe than 26 tee' trom the tront llne ot eny lot, ~ - .. leu 11".&811 'liaR 86 feet <<~a Ul8 tlost 11uI of au, 1" , or at a less d18tanoe then 3 teet trom the Bide Ilna ot any lot, or at a les& di.tanoe tbaD 6 teet tram the real' 11ne. That DO unla.tul or Immoral uae ehall be made ot the prem18e. hereby oonveyed, nor f '-. eh.ll the same DOl' aoy ~rt thereot, nor aoy Interest therein, be aold, lease4 or other.lse oonye,ed to any penon other theo the Cauoaslall raoe, proTlde4 that nothlng hercln oontaln- ed ah.ll prevent the keeplng end maintaining ot servants on the sald property tor reason- able tam1lJ U81. DO oateldt tol1et shall be permltted in Gny part ot said .~bdlvlelon but there ahall b. oon,traoted by 8814 seoond party ln oonneotlon wlth any resldenoe on any of 8a14 land, a 8eptlo tank ln aooordanoe wlth sp,olfioatlona approved by the party ot the tiret part In wrltlDS. No slgo. or blllboards ot any klnd or oharaoter shall be exhlbited, dlsp18yed, oon- struoted or malntalne4 In laid aubdiT1810D .lthout the .rltten oonsent of the party ot the tlrn part. Bo lot or lotI 1n said eub41yl110D shall be subdlTlded or re-subdlvided wlthout the wrlt'80 oonsent and approyal ot party ot the tlrst part. fhot the part, ot the tlrst part, Ita suooeseor. or a8sign8, shall have the rlght, trom tlme to time, \0 releaae aDY ot the aboye or toregoing restriotlon8, oondltlons, or limltatlooa -, aeal.d lnstrUMent duly ...outed In aooordanoe .ith the law. ot the state ot Ilor14e tor the oonTe18no. ot real estate. Thla d_e& 1a glven 8ubJeot to any agreement made b, the Vendor w1th .leotrio 11gbt- :1 [j lng, geB, .ater, transportation, or othe~ publlo aerYloe ooruoratlone, aDd the Vendor re- ..rye. to itselt, and Its a8818Oo, the right to eoter upon the property tor the purpole ot oon.truotlDg, ereot1ng and maintalolng along the real' Ilne ot said property OYer a atrlp Dot more than 'iY. (5) tee' .14e, pole., wlree, underground oondults or pipe., nen.8e.ry to tr'Dsmlt or furnish to .a14 lot, or any oth.r 10' 10 aaid ~ubdiT1810n, e180trlo ourr'Dt, tel.phooe .eryio.. water aud ....r~s. plpe., and to repalr, remoye or replooe aald pole., .lr.., oond.1te, plpee, eto., .nd the Vendor turther reeerTes the right, prlor to aotual 0001l,.n01 ot aDY lot, to enter 'thOI'OD aDd at Ua own expei1.e to out gratia, re..oye ..ed., oultlTete flo.er. .nd Ihruba th.reon. -.' ~~)J~t;~t~~?B~1;~74~!.ttF*i!11f ".