HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0228 __ _.".__......-=-_..4. .~ --:--~-l----_. ----.-......-...............~-. J i a.-.. - .._..".~~.-.;~ -- [ I I !) TO HAVE AND TO BOLD the aame unto sald part~ of the 8800nd part, and to the proper uee, .blnetli and behoof toreY~r ot 8ald party ot the seoond part, SQbJeot '0 1927 t8Z'~. Thla 4.04 11 slyeu l~bJeot to the followlog expreS8 oonditiona, reatrlotlona and limitaUons, whloh QClnditlon8, restrlotlona and llmltatlons are intended to be and shall be .ooepted as ooYen~ot. runnlng wlth the laod hereln oonTeyed and whloh shall be blndiog aUk8 ~pon t.he helre. personal repre8entatlyes and 8eslgns ot the party ot the 8eoon4 p8rt, who by --- ao~.ptHnoe ot thla deed agrees to ablde by and pertorm 881d re8triotiona. limlta- tiona aDd oon4itlona aa on. ot the .xpres8 Gonaider8tlon~ot these present8: NO buildiog shall be .r80~ed or oon8truot8d on 8aid land ot a leso 008t th8n $2600.00. .nd all resldenoea In said ~an Luoie Pla3a shall be oonetruoted of 001'81 rook, oonorete, atuooo, oonorete blook. hollow tile, bl"lolt or mixed oonstrllotion, or yeneered with ooral rook or brlok. or tra.. Tenoered wlth 8tuooO, and shall be along Spanleh, Uoorish. Yenetlon, Dutoh. or simllsr harmonlous types ot arohlteot~re, and the atore88id amount shall be aot- aall~ expended on oODstrllotion and ereotloo ot 8uoh bulldlng and not tee8 In oonneotion therewl the Ho bul1dlng 8hall be oonatruoted or .reoted on any ot 8ald land untll after the plan8. 8peo~tioation8 and location ~t the a.me 8hall have been approved by the party of the tlrst part, its suooessors. representutiye8 or aoslgns. [ NO building other tban one resldenoe bul1dlng and one priTate garage 8hall be ereoted on aoy residential lot. without the writt.,n oonsent of party ot the firot part and no bulld- 10& shall be ereoted at 8 le8s dlstonoe than 26 teet trom the front line of any lot, or at a les& dietanoe than 3 teet fro~ the slde line ot ony lot, or at 8 leso distanoe than 6 feet trom the real' lln~. That no UD1B.r~ or Immoral U8e shall be made ot the precisee hereby oonveyed, nor shall the same nor an~ pert thereot, nor any Intere8t thereln. be sold. leooed or otherwise oonyeyed to any per80n other than the Cauoasion raoe. proYlded that nothing hereln oontained 8hall preTent the keeping and malntainlng ot serTants on the 8Rid property tor reasonable famll)' uae. Ho outside tol1et shall be permitted in any part of Bald 8ubdlvielon b~t there shall -be 00D8tr~oted by sald 8eoo04 party 10 oODneotion with any re81denoe on any ot 8aid land. . s.ptlo tank in aooortanoQ wlth apeoltloation8 approTed b, the Pa~ty ot the fir8t part In Wl'1ting. ~ Ho slg08 or blllboards of any Itlnd or oharaoter ehall be exhiblted, d18played, 08D- .trllot.e4 or melntalne4 10 said 8;.lbdhieLon wUhout tha written oon8811t ot the party ot the tlrat part. DO lot or 10\sln.88id 9\.lbdlvls10n 8hall be subdlTlded or fe-subtlvided wlthout the " wrltten 00D8ent sod approyal ot party ot the tlr8t part, Thet the party ot the tlrat part, Its 8~ooe8sor8 or aselgn8, shall have the right, trolli tlm8 to t1ma, to release any of the above or for.Bolog reatrlotlona, oonditlone. or Ilmltetlona b7 s8a1ed inatr~ent dul~ exeouted 10 naoordanoe wlth the Iowa ot the State ot 'lorlda for the oonyeyanc8 ot rear estate. fbis d~.4 1a slyen subJeot to aOl agreement made by the Vendor with eleotrlo 11ght- lng, ga., water, trensportatlon, or other p~bllu eervloe oorporotlonS,an4 the Vendor reSerye8 to It..lf, 8n4 1ts a..igne, the r1ght to eoter upon the property tor the p'urpo.. fo oonatruot- In., ereotl~ and malntalolns aloog the rear 1101 of aaid property OTer a strlp not more - . i~ .- thaD tiY. (6) tee' wlde, pol.., wln_, undl"..rt'oun4 oouduU. or plpea. oe08888ry to tran.mU '. . . . .;:~:-t~;'Jt~t~1~:i1VY.t~:A~f;~%~~;: : n \._ - - .... -.:: ~:~:_~'~'~:<)i\l~mAtW#