HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0238 . -'.._._....~-.-. --._-~-.._-...,_... ...----.-.....-- - _. -.--.-..--__-_____._._.._ a._. 217 -" - .- ( STAT. 0' 'LOBIDA COUBTY or ST. LUCI.) I KIRKBY CBBTlrY, That on thle 28th da, ot April A. D. 19~8, betore me peraonal1, ftppeared Carl B. la, and D. 0, ~oDougald, reep80t~Y81l Presideot and CaBbler ot ~ort Plero. Bank & Trult Compan" a oorporatlon under the lawl ot the St.te ot 'lorlda, to me kno~l to b, the 'p.r.one d~8Qrlb.d 10 and who exeouted the toregolog oonv81anoe to H. R. Culbert80o, 6313 Karohand St., Pl~t.bu?Bh. PD. .nd Beyerally aoknowledged the exeoutlon thereot to be their tree aot and deed ae 8uoh ottioers, tor the uees aud p~rpoaaa thereln mentioned; and that they aftlxed thereto the oftioial 8eal ot aald oorporat1on, aud the a81d lrJ3trument le the aot aod 'd.ed ot Slid oorporatlon. WITNBSS _..Ilgnature and ottloial 8eal at I'ort Pieroe, In the Countl of St. Luoie Plorlda~he dal and lear last atoreaaid. ~ J, S, . Jaokson (Seal) (.B.P. seal...).' Dotary Publ10 tor' the at&te ot l1'lorIda at Large Uy Commlselon Explre8 3ept. 4, 1928 ~11ed and r~.~. 8 day ot Ual 1928, at 11:18 A. U. (".c...eal) . J ...~~l..................................~........ and p, C, Bldred, Clerk Cirouit Court Rf"cor.d Verilie/jY ~ ~ D. C, POBT PIERCB BANK AlID TRUST COUPAUY, TRUSTEE TO mulEST G. & EIOII S. GOODWIll [ TR\JSTD'S DEED THIS INDENTURB, U8dl tbis 26th day of April, 1928 1I8tW880 PORT PIEReR BAnK AIID TRUST COUPAIY, a oorporation o~ I'lorida, aa trustee undar the pro'181ona of a deed or deeds In trust duly reoorded and delivered to sall oompany and in pursuanoe of a trust agreement dated the 7th day ot Ootober~ 1926, and known aa ~ru8t Hum~Br ~wenty, party of the illst part, aod Ernelt G. " EcDu8 S. Qoodwin ot AlIIIira, 11. Y. party ot the '.oood part. WITNESSETH, That 8ald party ot the t1ret part in oonelderation of the eum ot ~en 8nd nollOO Dollars, and other good Bnd Y81uable oOl1eideratlone In band psid, doe8 hereby grant, ael1 and oonyey unto said party of the seoond part the tollowlng de80rlbed real es\ate, situ- ate4 In st. Luole County, Plorlda, to-wit: Lot thirteen (13), bloo' tort,-three (43), Unit oue (1), San Luole Plaza, aooording to Plat reoor4ed In Plat Boot 6, Page 5~, 3t. Luoie Couoty, ~lorida reoorda. together w1th all the tenements and app~rteuanoee thereunto belonglng. " v .-, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the 8ame unto Bald party ot the second part, and to the proper uee, beneflt and behoot forever of aald party ot the 8eoond part. SUbJeot to lye? taxe.. Tbla deed 1. glyen 8ubJeot to the tollowing expres. oondltlona, reetr10tions aod lim- ltatlonl, wh10h 00ndltlo08, reetrlotloDS and 11mltatlona ~re Intended to be and shall be aooept- ed a. oovenants runnlng wlth the land herein oonveled and whioh shall be blndlng alike upon the heirs, persoDDl repre.entat1ves and aS81gn8 of the party ot the 8eoond part, who b,--- . 800ep'80oe of thle deed agrees to abide by and pertorm ..1d ~eatriotloDa, 11oitationa and oon- dlt1008 .. onl ot the exprea. oODt14eratlona 0' thes. preoents: BO bulldlng shall be ereoted or oOlJstruot~ on 181d lend ot a le8s ooet than e6000.00 , and ..11 residencel In 8ald SaD Laoi' .~lal. shall be oooltruoted of oor.l root, oonoret., 8tuooO, oonorete blose, hollow tlle, briol ~ mlxed oonatruotlon, or yene.red wlth ooral root or brlok or fr.ml Ten..red wlth .\11000, aod shall be along ~~nl.h, Koorlsh, Venetlin~ Dutoh, or 8imilar " h.rmonlou8 t,pee ~t erohlt.otufe, 8nd the 8toresold 8mO~Jt shall be .otu81ly expended on oODstruction aDd ereotloD of suoh building ao4 not tees in oonneotloD therewith. ~ ~l~~j~~~-: :;~';:-=: ~~~~~~..-:.~~~), J:~~.! :;:-~.f~~~- :j..,- -",..\~.. t.~':...; 1.:ci~"1;;,H~'I~-.. ...~"-J,..~~~"~J. '6~'I",~4J <.:~ ~~~. -.c."::r ;i\~/;; .~J?{!<.i'J .',~~~~!.::=-!c~t~~:~[f.r~~ ~ ~----.. .' ~ ., "" <: ..:'~;'.}~>>~~~.:~~~~~~~.