HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0247 :/226- ~-~. - - . - -. .-.. ~,~ ---.-.-------~ 1 -:- ---.... rORT J>JJlRCK BA1fK & TRUST CO.. TRUSTD TO G~OROK A. AlID :'ULU II. BOYCz 'fRUSTKI'S DEED TUl:; nU>JUfTURB, 1&848 th18 4th dal ot lIa" 1928 be'tweeo PORT PIBReE BAlIK AND TRUST COMPANY, a oorporatloD ot ~lorida, as trustee under the proTi81ons of . deed or deeds In trust dull reoorded aod deliYe~ed to sald oampanl aod 10 purauenoe of a trust agreomeot '.tlt the 7th dal ot Ootober, 1911, aud known aa Trust Dumber Twenty, party ot the ti rat pert. and GGorae A. eod LUlu II, Boyoe o~ B1mlra, H. Y. part, of the .eoond pert. WITBBSSETB, That .ald part, of the tlrat pert In oonaider8tlor. ot the sum ot Ten ])Ollars and other valuable oonelderatlona aud other good arid Y81uable oouelderat1ons Ip hand pald, does hereby grant. sell end oonve, unto 8aid party of the aeoond part, the tollowlog desorlbed real estate, situated in St. Luoie County, florida, to-wlt: Lot 11, Bloat...., UoU 1, S80 Luo1e PlaIa, aooording to Plat reoorded In plat Boot 6, page 67. st. Luoie County reoords. together with all the tenements and appurte0800ee thereunto belonging. TO HAVE AlID TO HOLD the 8ame WltO 8aid perty of the seoond part, and to the proper use. b_netlt and behoot tor ever ot eaid part, of the seoond part. SUbJeot to 19f7 taxe8 Thl. deed i. giY80 sUbJeot to the tollowlng express oondltioDS. restriotions aud l1mUatloos, whioh oondltlona, restrlotlooa and llmltations ere inten4sd to be 80d shall be aooepted a. oOTenants runnlng with the land herein oonveyed a11d whioh 8hall be blnding alike upon the helrs, personal representatlTea and aS81gn8 of the party ot the second part. wbo by--- aooept.noe of thls 4eed agrees to abld. by and perform 8ald restriot10n8. llmlt- atiooa and oondltlona as one of the expre8s oonslderation. ot theae present8: no building 8hall be ereoted or oonatruoted on sald laud of a les8 oost thau $1600.00. and all ;re8ic1eoo.a 1n Bald San Loloie Ple:18 shall be oon8truoted of ooral root, oonorete, 8tuOOO. oonorete bloot, hollow tUe, briot or mlxed oonatruotlon. or veneered with ooral lJ . . ~ ,- ) " root or brlot, or tram. veoeered with stuooo, and shell be along Spe.!11sh, }.foor18h, VenetieD, >>~toh, or eimilar harmoolou8 typee ot 8ro~iteoture, aod the atoresald amount shell be ~ot- ually expended on oODstruotlon and ereotion of 8uoh building end not feea ill oonueotion <- there"Uh. DO bul1dlng 8hall be 0003truoted or ereoted 9D any of 881d land until atter the plan8, epeoitloatlons 80d 1008tloD~ot the same 8hall have been approved by the party ot the tlra~ part, Ita suooes80re, repre8entatives or asalgn8. -" Do bul1dlng other than ooe re8idenoe building and ooe pr1yote garage shall be ereot- ed 00 aoy r.aideotlal lot. without the written oo08ent ot party ot the tlrst port aod no build iog sbal1 b. 8l'eoted at a le88 distanoe than 26 teet froD the tront Ilne ot any lot. or et a le8s dlst8noe than 3 teet from the Bid. Iln8 ot any lot, or at 8 leas dlstanoe than 6 teet trom the rear lioe. That no uolawtu.1. or 1111110ral U8. IIhall be made ot the premisee hereby oonveyed, nor aball the 88me nor 811Y part thereof, nor aoy laterest thereln, lie 8014. leased or otherwlse oony.yed to aoy.perBon other than the Cauo8s1ao raoe, provided that nothlng herein oOlltolned .hall prevent the keeping and _intain10g of serv80ts on the 8ald property tor real10nable . fl tall 117 .\lBI. NO outsid. tol..t 8hall be permltt" io aoy port.ot said BubdiT18ion bat there 8hall be oooltruot.d by 181d aeoond party in oonneotton wlth any re81denoe on aoy ot 8&1d land, 8 .Iptlu taok In .aoord.noe wlth Bpeolfloations 8pproTed by the party of the tirst part'ln . wrU1ng. '. j ." \ - '~'... ~:::~:J~~:{~:~fft~.~~7i;;;j~1~~tf0i:r1~~; ., I. -' - \' '. :~: :; ~~:~~~~\\~1t~~}!;i